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The Design to Sustain Programrttyrty
The Design
to Sustain
Booklet of Experience
July to September
Booklet of Experience 15 WEEK MODULE
Program Brief
Today the way Modern
India buildings are
designed in cities are
completely oblivious to the
Indian climate and is often
a sporadic response to the
growing demand. Given
this, the architects carry a
huge responsibility to
envisage the future of the
architecture in cities and
endeavor towards making
the cities more sustainable.
There is a dire need to
integrate green design
principles inherently into
architecture education.
Like other stakeholders,
educational institutes play a
pivotal role in endorsing
and mainstreaming
sustainability approaches
in architecture discipline.
The technical competence
of an architectural student
is seen to be driven by heavy
reliance on technology
adoption with less
awareness on basics of
environment sciences,
energy efficiency and
Sustainable design.
As a significant step towards this,
Government of India is in the
process of formulating proposals to
incorporate energy efficiency related
module as part of education today.
The Design to Sustain Program
developed and implemented by The
Energy and Resources Institute
(TERI) enabled the students to re-
evaluate their own conventional
approaches towards architectural
The 15 week long training module
encompassed various facets
including, but not limiting to, solar
passive and active design
techniques, sustainable
technologies, materials, climate
analysis, site planning and so on.
The training module was designed
in a manner such that the students
were encouraged to deconstruct
their own designs and reconstruct
the same ideas to comprehend
innovation and sustainability.
The program concluded with a
motivational session, introducing
the students to a new horizon of
To deconstruct and reconstruct the individual designs to
be able to integrate the green design principles into the
design process.
Reminiscing our culture
Traditional Architecture in Thar Desert of Western
Rajasthan, depicting the existence of profound traditional
knowledge reflecting the culture and context.
The Energy and Resources
Institute (TERI)
With a mission to create Innovative
Solutions for a Sustainable Future,
TERI, established in 1974, is by far
the largest developing-country
institution working towards
All activities in TERI, move from
formulating local- and national-
level strategies to shaping global
solutions to critical issues. TERI is a
dynamic and flexible organization
having an active national as well as
international presence.
With over 1200 employees today in
TERI, the organisation still
continues to gain momentum and
spans itself in various areas to
address issues pertaining to
sustainability in the society.
Pillai College of Architecture
With a vision to impart comprehensive architectural
education, Mahatma Education Societys , Pillai
College of Architecture (PiCA), New Panvel, is one
of the pioneering architectural institutes that
exists today.
The Energy and Resources
Pillai College of
Established in 1992, PiCA has successfully contributed to the careers
of over 800 graduates till date. Apart from the architectural
education that pertains to both global as well as grass root level
needs, PiCA also undertakes research and offer consultancy services
for design and environmentally appropriate built environment.
GRIHA- Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment
Developed by TERI and adopted and endorsed by Ministry
of New and Renewable Energy Recourse (MNRE),
GRIHA- Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment, is
the only national rating system for green buildings in India.
With 34 criteria to its account, GRIHA is a comprehensive
tool used to measure the greenness of any building. Visit
www.grihaindia.org for more details.
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Resource Persons
Aditi Phansalkar Principle Investigator
Research Associate and Area Convenor, TERI WRC
Aditi is an Architect by profession & has completed her M.Tech in Climate Change and
Sustainable from CEPT University, Ahmedabad. With TERI, she has been engaged in research,
consultancy and outreach projects pertaining to the fields of climate change and green buildings.
She has worked on several research projects pertaining to climate change adaptation in
Maharashtra and other states. Given her interest and passion towards her work, she has been
instrumental establishing a green building cell at TERI WRC.
Some of her key projects included preparing the state action plans on climate change, contribution
to the environmental status reports at regional level, GRIHA consultancy projects and so on. She
has actively contributed in drafting and implementing several outreach programs in collaboration
with national and state government authorities.
With several publications and papers to her credit, she has also presented her research work in
national and international conferences.
Namrata Mahal Co-Principle Investigator
Associate Fellow at TERI WRC and Program Associate at GRIHA COUNCIL
Namrata Kaur Mahal, an architect by profession, is presently pursuing her masters in
Construction Management from Mumbai University. She has been instrumental in promoting
adoption of GRIHA in Western India. Given her interest in green buildings and urban
sustainability she was one of the key members to establish a green building cell in TERIs western
regional center to provide consultancy services for integrating green building principles and
facilitating the GRIHA certification process.
Furthermore, she has contributed significantly to the development of comprehensive action plan
to make Navi Mumbai an Eco City and is presently working on mainstreaming green buildings in
the urban development spectrum of the city.
She is one of the key team members working on research related to sustainable habitats and has a
good experience of working with government as well as private institutions on several
multidisciplinary projects like wetland conservation, environmental status reporting and so on.
Rahul Shrikhande
Research Associate and GRIHA Evaluator and Trainer, TERI, New Delhi
Rahul Shrikhande is an Architect by profession & has done his Masters in Sustainable Architecture
from Pune University. With over 7 years of experience in the field of Green Buildings, he has
specialization in solar passive architecture which includes Architecture design optimization,
integration of day lighting, shading design, passive heating and cooling system, low energy and high
performance building materials and construction technology.
He is also involved in several capacity building programs on Green buildings, where he has imparted
training to several government and private organization officials across India.
He is passionate to interact with young professionals and motivate them to work towards the green
building sector. He is currently associated with M.tech and B.Arch students of TERI University and
Pillais College of architecture, Navi Mumbai.
Gaurav Shorey
Founder 5waraj, Partner PSi Energy.
Gaurav Shorey has a degree in Architecture (B.Arch. School of Planning and Architecture, New
Delhi) with a post-graduate diploma in advanced construction management (D.A.C.M  National
Institute for Construction Management and Research, Pune). He has ten years of experience in the
green building industry and sustainability related education and awareness.
Gaurav is a founder member of '5waraj' which is an NGO working in schools and colleges across
India and overseas ,sensitizing children and adults towards local, traditional knowledge systems
and their value in the current context of sustainable development and climate change. He is also a
partner in - Psi Energy - A "green building" consultancy service based in New Delhi, committed to
working with architects and engineers towards energy efficient and green buildings.
Gaurav is also a visiting faculty at School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi, conducting
electives and working with fourth and fifth year students under the research-based seminar and
dissertation programs.
The Orientation session introduced the
students to:
 Basic concept of a green building
 Traditional building science and
climate responsive aspects.
 National rating system for green
buildings in India- GRIHA
The session also included a brief
encounter with the National Building
Code (NBC) and Energy Conservation
Building Codes (ECBC).
Sessions & Experiences
Orientation Session
Knowing and conserving your
Session I: Knowing and Conserving your Site, introduced the
students about the significance of integrating context into the
design. Facets like preservation of the site features like
topography, mature trees, natural water body and its
importance in maintaining the micro climate of the site was
discussed in depth.
Construction and post construction practices to minimize the
environmental impacts were presented through live case
study examples.
Fundamental concepts like water conservation during
construction and reapplication of collected water within the
site was discussed. It was further strengthened through
hands on exercises like calculating and designing on site
sedimentation tank for peak monsoons.
Sustainable Design and
Session II: Sustainable Design and
Materials primarily covered the
 Science behind traditional
 Solar passive architecture
techniques and building physics.
 Optimizing daylight in building
 Urban Heat Island effect and
role of architects in mitigating
the same.
 Optimization of building
 ECBC and NBC.
The session further included innovative
hands on activities to understand sun
path & wind rose diagram and micro
climate phenomena.
Following hands on techniques were demonstrated through an
intensive four hour studio session;
 Sun path and shadow analysis on architectural models
 Sundial techniques
 Micro climate analysis
 Detail session on understanding the bioclimatic and
psychometric charts.
Session III: Sustainable Technologies
Session discussed various technologies
available in the market today; both the
challenges as well as opportunities
pertaining to the use of the technologies
were discussed.
Policies, incentives and acts encouraging
the implementation of such technologies
were also discussed. Role of an architect
to promote such technologies while
making a resource efficient building was
specifically highlighted.
Sustainable Technologies
Resource Optimization
Session IV: Resource Optimization
Session primarily focused on water,
wastewater and solid waste. Various
water conservation measures, like Rain
water harvesting and recharging, design
measures, contribution of building level
water conservation techniques in
mitigating urban flooding were discussed
in detail. The session was further coupled
with the hands on studio exercises.
Wastewater and solid waste
With the increasing construction activities, the session
emphasized on understanding the waste generation and waste
disposal measures confronted during and post construction
Thus various alternatives, challenges and opportunities pertaining
to both waste reduction as well as waste recovery were discussed
in detail.
Efficient, simple as well as cost effective technologies for waste
water treatment were also introduced.
Session V: Energy Efficiency in Building
Session introduced the students to
various fundamentals of energy
conservation like, thermal and visual
comfort, lighting power density, energy
performance index, heat gain in a
building, use of low energy high
performance materials and many more.
The session was made interactive by
engaging students on some hands-on
calculations, which helped the students
assess their own designs.
Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Session VI: Safeguarding Human Resource Session was
designed to discuss the significance of Humans as an
important resource in construction industry. Students were
introduced to existing laws and policies drafted by state and
national governments, which safeguard the rights and life of
the construction workers.
Various mechanisms to be adopted on site during an ongoing
work and existing frameworks articulated in the National
Building Code, were introduced to the students. The session
urged on internalizing this aspect in their future
Safeguarding Human Resources
The Design to Sustain Studio was a
culminating activity of 15 weeks. The
studio encouraged the students to
reassess their own design critically.
They were also introduced with a tool,
which helped them rate their own
designs. A comparative analysis exercise
was undertaken, where the students
rated their designs before and after
integration of the green design
principles learnt in the program.
Most of the students realized a
profound potential for improvements in
their own designs after the evaluation.
Design to Sustain Studio
Beginning to Design to
Sustain- Motivational
As the saying goes, One needs to
know more to achieve more. Our
knowledge is often based on our
inclination for learning. Thus,
while designing the program it was
deduced that, the program should
conclude by realizing that its just
a beginning to think right and
there is much more to the
dimension of architecture, which
can ensure sustainable approaches
in the young minds.
Therefore the approach behind the
motivational session was to inspire
the students to become more
conscious and responsible towards
their craft, while making their
designs more and more responsive
to the surrounding environment.
The program involved
reminiscing various
traditional folklores,
costumes, food and many
indigenous aspects, which
forms the foundation of
sustainability especially in
Experiences from the Program
exercise undertaken by
the student to respond
to the context and
develop climate
strategies and
Ms Anisha More
Architectural design
exercise of the student
to incorporate site
features like the
stream, wind direction,
trees on site into the
Site Management Plan was formulated by the
students to understand multiple on site activities and
its management in terms of
 Unloading, loading and storage of material.
 Vehicular & labor movement.
 Wheel washing facility & covering of dusty
materials to reduce air pollution.
 And other innovative measures to minimize
disruption to the non-construction area.
The Design to
Sustain Program
The Energy and Resources Institute
Western Regional Centre
318 Raheja Arcade, Sector 11
CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai 400614
Office: +91 22 27580021
Fax: +91 22 27580022 www.teriin.org

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Design to sustain proceedings

  • 1. THE DESIGN TO SUSTAIN PROGRAM BOOKLET OF EXPERIENCE The Design to Sustain Programrttyrty The Design to Sustain Program Booklet of Experience July to September 2015 Booklet of Experience 15 WEEK MODULE
  • 2. THE DESIGN TO SUSTAIN PROGRAM BOOKLET OF EXPERIENCE Program Brief Today the way Modern India buildings are designed in cities are completely oblivious to the Indian climate and is often a sporadic response to the growing demand. Given this, the architects carry a huge responsibility to envisage the future of the architecture in cities and endeavor towards making the cities more sustainable. There is a dire need to integrate green design principles inherently into architecture education. Like other stakeholders, educational institutes play a pivotal role in endorsing and mainstreaming sustainability approaches in architecture discipline. The technical competence of an architectural student is seen to be driven by heavy reliance on technology adoption with less awareness on basics of environment sciences, energy efficiency and Sustainable design. As a significant step towards this, Government of India is in the process of formulating proposals to incorporate energy efficiency related module as part of education today. The Design to Sustain Program developed and implemented by The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) enabled the students to re- evaluate their own conventional approaches towards architectural designs. The 15 week long training module encompassed various facets including, but not limiting to, solar passive and active design techniques, sustainable technologies, materials, climate analysis, site planning and so on. The training module was designed in a manner such that the students were encouraged to deconstruct their own designs and reconstruct the same ideas to comprehend innovation and sustainability. The program concluded with a motivational session, introducing the students to a new horizon of thinking. Approach To deconstruct and reconstruct the individual designs to be able to integrate the green design principles into the design process. Reminiscing our culture Traditional Architecture in Thar Desert of Western Rajasthan, depicting the existence of profound traditional knowledge reflecting the culture and context. 1
  • 3. THE DESIGN TO SUSTAIN PROGRAM BOOKLET OF EXPERIENCE The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) With a mission to create Innovative Solutions for a Sustainable Future, TERI, established in 1974, is by far the largest developing-country institution working towards sustainability. All activities in TERI, move from formulating local- and national- level strategies to shaping global solutions to critical issues. TERI is a dynamic and flexible organization having an active national as well as international presence. With over 1200 employees today in TERI, the organisation still continues to gain momentum and spans itself in various areas to address issues pertaining to sustainability in the society. Pillai College of Architecture With a vision to impart comprehensive architectural education, Mahatma Education Societys , Pillai College of Architecture (PiCA), New Panvel, is one of the pioneering architectural institutes that exists today. The Energy and Resources Institute Pillai College of Architecture Established in 1992, PiCA has successfully contributed to the careers of over 800 graduates till date. Apart from the architectural education that pertains to both global as well as grass root level needs, PiCA also undertakes research and offer consultancy services for design and environmentally appropriate built environment. GRIHA- Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment Developed by TERI and adopted and endorsed by Ministry of New and Renewable Energy Recourse (MNRE), GRIHA- Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment, is the only national rating system for green buildings in India. With 34 criteria to its account, GRIHA is a comprehensive tool used to measure the greenness of any building. Visit www.grihaindia.org for more details. 51 60 61 70 71 80 81- 90 91- 100 2
  • 4. THE DESIGN TO SUSTAIN PROGRAM BOOKLET OF EXPERIENCE Resource Persons Aditi Phansalkar Principle Investigator Research Associate and Area Convenor, TERI WRC Aditi is an Architect by profession & has completed her M.Tech in Climate Change and Sustainable from CEPT University, Ahmedabad. With TERI, she has been engaged in research, consultancy and outreach projects pertaining to the fields of climate change and green buildings. She has worked on several research projects pertaining to climate change adaptation in Maharashtra and other states. Given her interest and passion towards her work, she has been instrumental establishing a green building cell at TERI WRC. Some of her key projects included preparing the state action plans on climate change, contribution to the environmental status reports at regional level, GRIHA consultancy projects and so on. She has actively contributed in drafting and implementing several outreach programs in collaboration with national and state government authorities. With several publications and papers to her credit, she has also presented her research work in national and international conferences. Namrata Mahal Co-Principle Investigator Associate Fellow at TERI WRC and Program Associate at GRIHA COUNCIL Namrata Kaur Mahal, an architect by profession, is presently pursuing her masters in Construction Management from Mumbai University. She has been instrumental in promoting adoption of GRIHA in Western India. Given her interest in green buildings and urban sustainability she was one of the key members to establish a green building cell in TERIs western regional center to provide consultancy services for integrating green building principles and facilitating the GRIHA certification process. Furthermore, she has contributed significantly to the development of comprehensive action plan to make Navi Mumbai an Eco City and is presently working on mainstreaming green buildings in the urban development spectrum of the city. She is one of the key team members working on research related to sustainable habitats and has a good experience of working with government as well as private institutions on several multidisciplinary projects like wetland conservation, environmental status reporting and so on. 3
  • 5. THE DESIGN TO SUSTAIN PROGRAM BOOKLET OF EXPERIENCE Rahul Shrikhande Research Associate and GRIHA Evaluator and Trainer, TERI, New Delhi Rahul Shrikhande is an Architect by profession & has done his Masters in Sustainable Architecture from Pune University. With over 7 years of experience in the field of Green Buildings, he has specialization in solar passive architecture which includes Architecture design optimization, integration of day lighting, shading design, passive heating and cooling system, low energy and high performance building materials and construction technology. He is also involved in several capacity building programs on Green buildings, where he has imparted training to several government and private organization officials across India. He is passionate to interact with young professionals and motivate them to work towards the green building sector. He is currently associated with M.tech and B.Arch students of TERI University and Pillais College of architecture, Navi Mumbai. Gaurav Shorey Founder 5waraj, Partner PSi Energy. Gaurav Shorey has a degree in Architecture (B.Arch. School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi) with a post-graduate diploma in advanced construction management (D.A.C.M National Institute for Construction Management and Research, Pune). He has ten years of experience in the green building industry and sustainability related education and awareness. Gaurav is a founder member of '5waraj' which is an NGO working in schools and colleges across India and overseas ,sensitizing children and adults towards local, traditional knowledge systems and their value in the current context of sustainable development and climate change. He is also a partner in - Psi Energy - A "green building" consultancy service based in New Delhi, committed to working with architects and engineers towards energy efficient and green buildings. Gaurav is also a visiting faculty at School of Planning and Architecture, New Delhi, conducting electives and working with fourth and fifth year students under the research-based seminar and dissertation programs. 4
  • 6. THE DESIGN TO SUSTAIN PROGRAM BOOKLET OF EXPERIENCE The Orientation session introduced the students to: Basic concept of a green building Traditional building science and climate responsive aspects. National rating system for green buildings in India- GRIHA The session also included a brief encounter with the National Building Code (NBC) and Energy Conservation Building Codes (ECBC). Sessions & Experiences Orientation Session Knowing and conserving your Site Session I: Knowing and Conserving your Site, introduced the students about the significance of integrating context into the design. Facets like preservation of the site features like topography, mature trees, natural water body and its importance in maintaining the micro climate of the site was discussed in depth. Construction and post construction practices to minimize the environmental impacts were presented through live case study examples. Fundamental concepts like water conservation during construction and reapplication of collected water within the site was discussed. It was further strengthened through hands on exercises like calculating and designing on site sedimentation tank for peak monsoons. 5
  • 7. THE DESIGN TO SUSTAIN PROGRAM BOOKLET OF EXPERIENCE Sustainable Design and Materials Session II: Sustainable Design and Materials primarily covered the following; Science behind traditional architecture. Solar passive architecture techniques and building physics. Optimizing daylight in building design. Urban Heat Island effect and role of architects in mitigating the same. Optimization of building envelope. ECBC and NBC. The session further included innovative hands on activities to understand sun path & wind rose diagram and micro climate phenomena. Following hands on techniques were demonstrated through an intensive four hour studio session; Sun path and shadow analysis on architectural models Sundial techniques Micro climate analysis Detail session on understanding the bioclimatic and psychometric charts. Highlights 6
  • 8. THE DESIGN TO SUSTAIN PROGRAM BOOKLET OF EXPERIENCE Session III: Sustainable Technologies Session discussed various technologies available in the market today; both the challenges as well as opportunities pertaining to the use of the technologies were discussed. Policies, incentives and acts encouraging the implementation of such technologies were also discussed. Role of an architect to promote such technologies while making a resource efficient building was specifically highlighted. Sustainable Technologies Resource Optimization Session IV: Resource Optimization Session primarily focused on water, wastewater and solid waste. Various water conservation measures, like Rain water harvesting and recharging, design measures, contribution of building level water conservation techniques in mitigating urban flooding were discussed in detail. The session was further coupled with the hands on studio exercises. Wastewater and solid waste With the increasing construction activities, the session emphasized on understanding the waste generation and waste disposal measures confronted during and post construction process. Thus various alternatives, challenges and opportunities pertaining to both waste reduction as well as waste recovery were discussed in detail. Efficient, simple as well as cost effective technologies for waste water treatment were also introduced. 7
  • 9. THE DESIGN TO SUSTAIN PROGRAM BOOKLET OF EXPERIENCE Session V: Energy Efficiency in Building Session introduced the students to various fundamentals of energy conservation like, thermal and visual comfort, lighting power density, energy performance index, heat gain in a building, use of low energy high performance materials and many more. The session was made interactive by engaging students on some hands-on calculations, which helped the students assess their own designs. Energy Efficiency in Buildings Session VI: Safeguarding Human Resource Session was designed to discuss the significance of Humans as an important resource in construction industry. Students were introduced to existing laws and policies drafted by state and national governments, which safeguard the rights and life of the construction workers. Various mechanisms to be adopted on site during an ongoing work and existing frameworks articulated in the National Building Code, were introduced to the students. The session urged on internalizing this aspect in their future designs/projects. Safeguarding Human Resources 8
  • 10. THE DESIGN TO SUSTAIN PROGRAM BOOKLET OF EXPERIENCE The Design to Sustain Studio was a culminating activity of 15 weeks. The studio encouraged the students to reassess their own design critically. They were also introduced with a tool, which helped them rate their own designs. A comparative analysis exercise was undertaken, where the students rated their designs before and after integration of the green design principles learnt in the program. Most of the students realized a profound potential for improvements in their own designs after the evaluation. Design to Sustain Studio Beginning to Design to Sustain- Motivational Session As the saying goes, One needs to know more to achieve more. Our knowledge is often based on our inclination for learning. Thus, while designing the program it was deduced that, the program should conclude by realizing that its just a beginning to think right and there is much more to the dimension of architecture, which can ensure sustainable approaches in the young minds. Therefore the approach behind the motivational session was to inspire the students to become more conscious and responsible towards their craft, while making their designs more and more responsive to the surrounding environment. The program involved reminiscing various traditional folklores, costumes, food and many indigenous aspects, which forms the foundation of sustainability especially in India. 9
  • 11. THE DESIGN TO SUSTAIN PROGRAM BOOKLET OF EXPERIENCE Experiences from the Program Reorientation exercise undertaken by the student to respond to the context and develop climate responsive strategies and concepts. Ms Anisha More Architectural design exercise of the student to incorporate site features like the stream, wind direction, trees on site into the design. 10
  • 12. THE DESIGN TO SUSTAIN PROGRAM BOOKLET OF EXPERIENCE Site Management Plan was formulated by the students to understand multiple on site activities and its management in terms of Unloading, loading and storage of material. Vehicular & labor movement. Wheel washing facility & covering of dusty materials to reduce air pollution. And other innovative measures to minimize disruption to the non-construction area. 11
  • 13. THE DESIGN TO SUSTAIN PROGRAM BOOKLET OF EXPERIENCE The Design to Sustain Program Contact The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) Western Regional Centre 318 Raheja Arcade, Sector 11 CBD Belapur, Navi Mumbai 400614 Office: +91 22 27580021 Fax: +91 22 27580022 www.teriin.org