This presentation was created as a part of our Digital SIgnal Processing II course. The presentation is about designing a uniform filter bank using multirate concept. The presentation contains the main algorithm and subsequent MATLAB plots for for creating a uniform filter bank from a single filter prototype using multirate signal processing technique
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Designing a uniform filter bank using multirate concept
2. Digital Filter Bank
A digital Filter Bank is a set of digital bandpass filters
either a common input or summed output.
The figure shows an M-band analysis filter bank with
Hk(z) as the analysis filter and Hk(z) decomposes the
input signal into M-subband signals.
Figure 01: Digital Filter Bank
Analysis filter bank Synthesis filter bank
3. Uniform Filter Bank
The uniform filter bank is composed of M filters which are
uniformly shifted versions of the basic prototype filter.
According to the definetion a uniform filter bank,
Hk(ejw) = Ho(ej(w-2k/M)) ; 0 k (M-1)
Where Ho(ejw) is the basic prototype filter.
Figure 02: Unifomly Shifted Filter Bank
4. Uniform Filter Bank using Multirate
Polyphase Implementation of Uniform Filter Bank
M-band polyphase decomposition of Hk(z),
Figure 03: Polyphase implementation of a uniform DFT analysis
filter bank
5. For k= 0,1,2. M-1,
Figure 04: Uniform DFT analysis filter bank
12. FFT of an input
comprising of
sinusoids with
different magnitudes
20. Few major applications of uniform digital
filter bank are:
Digital Audio Systems
Sub-band Coding of Speech and Image
Analog Voice Privacy Systems
21. The prototype filter was chosen to be FIR filter for
the ease of calculation and polyphase
Commutation operation was implemented by
reshaping the prototype impulse response which
also formed the banks.
All the outputs, e.g. magnitude response of the
impulse response of the filters, magnitude
response of the input and output of each bank
and reconstruction observed in frequency domain,
since, only frequency domain gives the perfect
visualization of the signal.