This document is a design verification plan and report for a supplier part. It outlines tests to verify the part meets specifications, including test descriptions, acceptance criteria, test stage, target requirements, and actual results. Test stages include engineering development, design verification, and production validation. Sample types include prototypes, production tools, and production parts. The supplier authorizes the use of design verification testing results.
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Supplier Name Part Number Revision Part Description
Specification & Method Test Description Acceptance Criteria Test Stage Target Requirements Sample Type Sample Level Actual Results Additional Notes
Specification Provide a brief desription Specify test targets and/or ED = Engineering Devel't Testing State required probability Describe the A = Prototype (Handmade) List results in terms Describe or
governing test of each test. pass/not pass criteria. DV = Design Verification or reliability and confidence sample to be B = Prototype (Tooled) of reliability or elaborate on
& test method used Include SC/CC/KPC Symbol e.g. cycles, miles, volts, PV = Production Validation of meeting acceptance tested (see C = Production Tool (Not Process) probability as appropriate sub-phases
(if applicable). List the Customer or minimum value, no CCT = Continued Compliance Testincriteria, e.g. R90 C90, or sample level) D = Production Tool and Process
designated symbol breakage, etc. All must pass.
if applic., e.g. KPC
Test Report
Test Specification Acceptance Test Target Test Timing Est. Sample Timing Sample Pass/ Actual Additional
ID & Test Method Criteria Stage Requirements Responsibility Start Comp. Qty Type Act. Comp. No Level Not Pass Results Notes
I affirm that the samples used for verification testing are representative of our parts, and I authorize the use of the desi
Verification Report Authorization
Test Description
Test Plan
Supplier Authorized Signature Title
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