2. 2
Main Conference Room
09:30 Welcome to the Editorial Days 2019
09:45 Meinolf Ellers (dpa/nma)
The physics of stories
10:15 Samuli Leivonniemi (hs.fi)
How Helsingin Sanomat turned
subscriptions into growth
10:45 Prof. Christoph Moss (Mediamoss)
How the newsroom enables loyalty
11:15 Coffee break
11:30 Vincent Joye (Axa)
Towards a customer centric communication
12:00 Thomas Kaspar (Ippen / Frankfurter R.)
Reach builds loyalty: How editorial teams
find new audiences and bind them
12:30 Next Media Accelerator - Startup Pitches
13:00 Lunch
Breakout Room
11:30 Desk-Net Clinics: Best Practice
Workshop (I)
3. 3
Main Conference Room
13:45 Christopher Pramstaller (S端ddeutsche Ztg.)
From occasional reader to subscriber
14:15 Panel discussion
Loyal users: What role will technology play
in this?
14:40 Matthias Kretschmer (Desk-Net)
Content planning for repeat users how
will Desk-Net support this?
15:05 Coffee break
15:20 Karsten Ellehauge-Haag
Loyalty requires cultural focus
15:50 Matthias Kretschmer
Desk-Net Roadmap (I)
16:05 Benno H辰fliger (Forward Publishing)
New publishing suite for publishers
16:20 Matthias Kretschmer
Desk-Net Roadmap (II)
17:00 End of the Editorial Days 2019
Breakout Room
14:15 Desk-Net Clinics: Best Practice
Workshop (II)
4. 4
Main Conference Room
09:30 Welcome to the Editorial Days 2019
09:45 Meinolf Ellers (dpa/nma)
The physics of stories
10:15 Samuli Leivonniemi (hs.fi)
How Helsingin Sanomat turned
subscriptions into growth
10:45 Prof. Christoph Moss (Mediamoss)
How the newsroom enables loyalty
11:15 Coffee break
11:30 Vincent Joye (Axa)
Towards a customer centric communication
12:00 Thomas Kaspar (Ippen / Frankfurter R.)
Reach builds loyalty: How editorial teams
find new audiences and bind them
12:30 Next Media Accelerator - Startup Pitches
13:00 Lunch
Breakout Room
11:30 Desk-Net Clinics: Best Practice
Workshop (I)
5. 5
Main Conference Room
13:45 Christopher Pramstaller (S端ddeutsche Ztg.)
From occasional reader to subscriber
14:15 Panel discussion
Loyal users: What role will technology play
in this?
14:40 Matthias Kretschmer (Desk-Net)
Content planning for repeat users how
will Desk-Net support this?
15:05 Coffee break
15:20 Karsten Ellehauge-Haag
Loyalty requires cultural focus
15:50 Matthias Kretschmer
Desk-Net Roadmap (I)
16:05 Benno H辰fliger (Forward Publishing)
New publishing suite for publishers
16:20 Matthias Kretschmer
Desk-Net Roadmap (II)
17:00 End of the Editorial Days 2019
Breakout Room
14:15 Desk-Net Clinics: Best Practice
Workshop (II)
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Panel discussion
Loyal users: What role will technology play in this?
David Guardado (Prensa Iberica)
Samuli Leivonniemi (Helsingin Sanomat)
Christopher Pramstaller (S端ddeutsche Zeitung)
16. 16
Minimum list of field types we will make available:
_ Single-select
_ Multi-select
_ Text
17. 17
Implementation will start in late Summer/Fall 2019 and will happen step
by step
Make available on
Detailed Entry
and in emails &
calendar files
List filtering
Make available
in the API
18. 18
So you are planning the right content.
Are you sure?
How do you know?
27. 27
We will expand the functionality of the Excel file download for statistics
_ Expand to more pages
_ Include data of custom fields
_ Minor update coming in the next few weeks
_ Aggregated data per story, not multiple lines per assigned publication
28. 28
Main Conference Room
13:45 Christopher Pramstaller (S端ddeutsche Ztg.)
From occasional reader to subscriber
14:15 Panel discussion
Loyal users: What role will technology play
in this?
14:40 Matthias Kretschmer (Desk-Net)
Content planning for repeat users how
will Desk-Net support this?
15:05 Coffee break
15:20 Karsten Ellehauge-Haag
Loyalty requires cultural focus
15:50 Matthias Kretschmer
Desk-Net Roadmap (I)
16:05 Benno H辰fliger (Forward Publishing)
New publishing suite for publishers
16:20 Matthias Kretschmer
Desk-Net Roadmap (II)
17:00 End of the Editorial Days 2019
Breakout Room
14:15 Desk-Net Clinics: Best Practice
Workshop (II)
39. 39
Story lists sorted by time slot can be viewed across platforms. Time slots
with the same end time will be merged.
Morning A
Noon A
Morning B
Noon B
Morning A & B
Noon A & B