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DesktopDirect Competitive Analysis and Value Proposition

In the past couple of years we have seen a steady increase in the need for Remote Access. There are
several factors behind that increase:

       Planning for Business Continuity events in which most (or all) employees cannot get into the
        office. These events can range from extreme (such as an H1N1 outbreak) to day-to-day (such as
        a snow storm).
       Improved Productivity - allowing people to get more work done by allowing them additional
        flexible working hours. Examples for this use include working on the occasional evening (or
        weekend day) or being able to work while waiting at home for a contractor.
       Reduce overall costs by allowing employees to work remotely and saving on the costs associated
        with their daily stay in the office (space, utilities, etc).

A multitude of solutions are available on the market today that help companies create remote access
solutions for their user communities. However with the number of users growing exponentially these
solutions fall short in several key fronts:

       Inability to scale in a cost effective way.
        Security risks (due to overexposed networks) are increased exponentially as well.
       Administration complexity
       Significantly higher training costs
       Increased bandwidth needs

In our opinion, Remote Desktop Computing solutions offer the best all around methodology. When a
user connects to the internal PC that they are used to working on everyday from a remote location, their
applications and icons are the same, the mapped drives for file sharing and saving are the same and the
same drive letter and most importantly they are familiar with their desktop look and feel. These
desktops can be physical or virtual pcs depending on the companies infrastructure and type of user that
needs access. All communications are fully encrypted with the best commercial encryption available
(including 256 bits of AES). In addition, one of our appliances can support up to 10,000 simultaneous
remote desktop sessions. Traditional VPN remote access, usually involves training the users about
another method of doing their job. With remote desktop computing you are able to work seamlessly
even when you cannot get to the office.

Our hardened security appliance offers a fully managed and secure remote desktop computing solution
that is completely under the corporations control. No third party software or services are involved.
You simply install our appliance inside the companys firewall, build the database of who has access to
internal physical or virtual desktops from a remote location and browse the internet to connect and


There are two types of DesktopDirect alternative solutions: managed service providers who offer
remote desktop access (such as GoToMyPC and LogMeIn) and using RDP (or VNC) over traditional VPN

GoToMyPC and LogMeIn are built on the concept of proprietary software installs, subscription services
and hosted solutions. The security concern of using these consumer based remote desktop solutions is
paramount. Authentication, Accounting and Authorization is done by a third party and that alone poses
a significant challenge to those responsible for security. The DesktopDirect appliance is fully hardened
and remote desktop access is provided using Microsofts RDP allowing your organization to build your
own service which you own and manage yourself.

VPN connectivity is the oldest and most mature of the remote access solutions and it has its place. For
mobile employees, VPN access is definitely the ideal solution. However, for those users who have a
desk or are semi mobile employees expected to take laptops home it usually falls short. Providing
desktop access with VPN defeats the purpose of remote desktop access. This method of remote
access should ease management and administration time and eventually cut costs. But by utilizing VPN
access to accomplish this it does just the opposite. These VPN users need to have a laptop which adds
cost to the equation and these laptops need to be scanned prior to entering the network. Therefore, for
the people trying to work from out of the office either without their laptop or from home or a non
corporate asset it makes being productive next to impossible.
Remote Desktop Computing Comparisons
                 DesktopDirect            GoToMyPC             LogMeIn              VPN Appliances

Hardware         Secure hardened           No hardware -       No hardware -        Secure hardened
                 appliance operates        Hosted and          Hosted and           appliance operates VPN
                 DesktopDirect solution    managed service     managed service      access
                                           by GoToMyPC         by LogMeIn
Software         Utilizes the built in RDP A proprietary       A proprietary        A proprietary client has to
                 software client that is   client has to be    client has to be     be installed on remote
                 installed in all versions installed on        installed on         machine. In addition,
                 of Windows XP Pro,        internal PC and a   internal PC and a    machine will most likely
                 Vista and Windows 7,      viewer also         viewer also needs    be a company owned
                 iPhone and iPad.          needs to be         to be downloaded     asset such as a laptop.
                                           downloaded on       on remote
                                           remote machine      machine
Licensing        Licensed on a             A software          A software license   Licensed on a concurrent
                 concurrent user basis     license has to be   has to be            basis
                                           purchased for       purchased for
                                           every PC that       every PC that
                                           could be            could be
                                           connected to        connected to
How is it used   User logs into Website User logs into         User logs into       User logs into Website
                 hosted on an appliance website hosted         website hosted at    hosted on an appliance
                 installed inside the      at GoToMyPC         LogMeIn and          installed inside the
                 companys firewall        and manages all     manages all          companys firewall.
                                           connections to      connections to       Remote computer needs
                                           internal PCs        internal PCs         to be scanned to
                                                                                    recognize corporate asset
                                                                                    and then VPN session is
                                                                                    created. RDP session can
                                                                                    then be initiated from
Authentication User name and              A user name and      A user name and      User name and password
               password is same as        password is          password in          is generally same as
               internal PC credentials    needed for           needed for           internal domain
               and single sign on can     GoToMyPC web         LogMeIn web          credentials.
               be turned on or off        login and an         login and an
                                          additional user      additional user
                                          name and             name and
                                          password is          password is
                                          needed for           needed for
                                          internal PC          internal PC
Training         User needs to              User needs to       User needs to         User needs to understand
                 understand how to          understand how      understand how        how VPN access works,
                 browse, log in and click   to install          to install LogMeIn    browse, log in, click a link,
                 a web link and one         GoToMyPC            software client on    open up an RDP session
                 user name and              software client     internal PC, the      and manage multiple
                 password                   on internal PC,     LogMeIn viewer        passwords
                                            the GoToMyPC        on the remote
                                            viewer on the       computer and
                                            remote              two user names
                                            computer and        and passwords
                                            two user names
                                            and passwords
Business         ABC 10 Day cost ABC        Additional          Additional            Additional licensing needs
Continuity       effective license can be   licensing needs     licensing needs to    to be purchased to
                 purchased as               to be purchased     be purchased for      prepare for a burst in the
                 insurance to burst the     for all PCs that   all PCs that would   amount of users. In
                 DesktopDirect              would need to be    need to be            addition, if a user cannot
                 appliance to a certain     connected to in     connected to in       get to the office they
                 number of users to         the event of a      the event of a BCP    must remember to take
                 prepare for a BCP          BCP event           event                 home their laptop. On
                 event                                                                top of this, if a user is not
                                                                                      a laptop user and needs a
                                                                                      corporate asset to
                                                                                      connect to VPN they will
                                                                                      be unable to work.

Value                   3 simple steps away from desktop
Proposition of          Hardware appliance managed by the organization
DesktopDirect           Single user name and password
                        Cross browser support
                        Concurrent licensing
                        No proprietary software clients
                        Full control over security attributes of RDP
                        Copy Paste, Print Redirection, Drive Redirection, USB, etc turned off by default
                        Proxied connection to desktop for added security
                        Automatic registration of Physical desktops tagging user name to host name to MAC
                        Built in Wake On LAN technology
                        Extremely scalable and mature platform
                        Integrates with Terminal Server for Desktop session publishing
                        Manual configuration of virtual desktops
                        Automatic configuration of VM View and Citrix Xen coming before end of the year
                        Cost effective platform for normal desktop access and planning for business

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Desktop direct competitive analysis and value proposition

  • 1. DesktopDirect Competitive Analysis and Value Proposition Introduction In the past couple of years we have seen a steady increase in the need for Remote Access. There are several factors behind that increase: Planning for Business Continuity events in which most (or all) employees cannot get into the office. These events can range from extreme (such as an H1N1 outbreak) to day-to-day (such as a snow storm). Improved Productivity - allowing people to get more work done by allowing them additional flexible working hours. Examples for this use include working on the occasional evening (or weekend day) or being able to work while waiting at home for a contractor. Reduce overall costs by allowing employees to work remotely and saving on the costs associated with their daily stay in the office (space, utilities, etc). A multitude of solutions are available on the market today that help companies create remote access solutions for their user communities. However with the number of users growing exponentially these solutions fall short in several key fronts: Inability to scale in a cost effective way. Security risks (due to overexposed networks) are increased exponentially as well. Administration complexity Significantly higher training costs Increased bandwidth needs More In our opinion, Remote Desktop Computing solutions offer the best all around methodology. When a user connects to the internal PC that they are used to working on everyday from a remote location, their applications and icons are the same, the mapped drives for file sharing and saving are the same and the same drive letter and most importantly they are familiar with their desktop look and feel. These desktops can be physical or virtual pcs depending on the companies infrastructure and type of user that needs access. All communications are fully encrypted with the best commercial encryption available (including 256 bits of AES). In addition, one of our appliances can support up to 10,000 simultaneous remote desktop sessions. Traditional VPN remote access, usually involves training the users about another method of doing their job. With remote desktop computing you are able to work seamlessly even when you cannot get to the office.
  • 2. DesktopDirect Our hardened security appliance offers a fully managed and secure remote desktop computing solution that is completely under the corporations control. No third party software or services are involved. You simply install our appliance inside the companys firewall, build the database of who has access to internal physical or virtual desktops from a remote location and browse the internet to connect and work. Competition There are two types of DesktopDirect alternative solutions: managed service providers who offer remote desktop access (such as GoToMyPC and LogMeIn) and using RDP (or VNC) over traditional VPN connections. GoToMyPC and LogMeIn are built on the concept of proprietary software installs, subscription services and hosted solutions. The security concern of using these consumer based remote desktop solutions is paramount. Authentication, Accounting and Authorization is done by a third party and that alone poses a significant challenge to those responsible for security. The DesktopDirect appliance is fully hardened and remote desktop access is provided using Microsofts RDP allowing your organization to build your own service which you own and manage yourself. VPN connectivity is the oldest and most mature of the remote access solutions and it has its place. For mobile employees, VPN access is definitely the ideal solution. However, for those users who have a desk or are semi mobile employees expected to take laptops home it usually falls short. Providing desktop access with VPN defeats the purpose of remote desktop access. This method of remote access should ease management and administration time and eventually cut costs. But by utilizing VPN access to accomplish this it does just the opposite. These VPN users need to have a laptop which adds cost to the equation and these laptops need to be scanned prior to entering the network. Therefore, for the people trying to work from out of the office either without their laptop or from home or a non corporate asset it makes being productive next to impossible.
  • 3. Remote Desktop Computing Comparisons DesktopDirect GoToMyPC LogMeIn VPN Appliances Hardware Secure hardened No hardware - No hardware - Secure hardened appliance operates Hosted and Hosted and appliance operates VPN DesktopDirect solution managed service managed service access by GoToMyPC by LogMeIn Software Utilizes the built in RDP A proprietary A proprietary A proprietary client has to software client that is client has to be client has to be be installed on remote installed in all versions installed on installed on machine. In addition, of Windows XP Pro, internal PC and a internal PC and a machine will most likely Vista and Windows 7, viewer also viewer also needs be a company owned iPhone and iPad. needs to be to be downloaded asset such as a laptop. downloaded on on remote remote machine machine Licensing Licensed on a A software A software license Licensed on a concurrent concurrent user basis license has to be has to be basis purchased for purchased for every PC that every PC that could be could be connected to connected to How is it used User logs into Website User logs into User logs into User logs into Website hosted on an appliance website hosted website hosted at hosted on an appliance installed inside the at GoToMyPC LogMeIn and installed inside the companys firewall and manages all manages all companys firewall. connections to connections to Remote computer needs internal PCs internal PCs to be scanned to recognize corporate asset and then VPN session is created. RDP session can then be initiated from here. Authentication User name and A user name and A user name and User name and password password is same as password is password in is generally same as internal PC credentials needed for needed for internal domain and single sign on can GoToMyPC web LogMeIn web credentials. be turned on or off login and an login and an additional user additional user name and name and password is password is needed for needed for internal PC internal PC
  • 4. Training User needs to User needs to User needs to User needs to understand understand how to understand how understand how how VPN access works, browse, log in and click to install to install LogMeIn browse, log in, click a link, a web link and one GoToMyPC software client on open up an RDP session user name and software client internal PC, the and manage multiple password on internal PC, LogMeIn viewer passwords the GoToMyPC on the remote viewer on the computer and remote two user names computer and and passwords two user names and passwords Business ABC 10 Day cost ABC Additional Additional Additional licensing needs Continuity effective license can be licensing needs licensing needs to to be purchased to purchased as to be purchased be purchased for prepare for a burst in the insurance to burst the for all PCs that all PCs that would amount of users. In DesktopDirect would need to be need to be addition, if a user cannot appliance to a certain connected to in connected to in get to the office they number of users to the event of a the event of a BCP must remember to take prepare for a BCP BCP event event home their laptop. On event top of this, if a user is not a laptop user and needs a corporate asset to connect to VPN they will be unable to work. Value 3 simple steps away from desktop Proposition of Hardware appliance managed by the organization DesktopDirect Single user name and password Cross browser support Concurrent licensing No proprietary software clients Full control over security attributes of RDP Copy Paste, Print Redirection, Drive Redirection, USB, etc turned off by default Proxied connection to desktop for added security Automatic registration of Physical desktops tagging user name to host name to MAC address Built in Wake On LAN technology Extremely scalable and mature platform Integrates with Terminal Server for Desktop session publishing Manual configuration of virtual desktops Automatic configuration of VM View and Citrix Xen coming before end of the year Cost effective platform for normal desktop access and planning for business continuity