Developing Creativity newsletter: * Programs for Authors and Writers * Introverts Holiday Survival Plan * Aspergers: Clearly Bright and Imaginative -- and much more.
2. Programs for Authors and Writers
Introverts Holiday Survival Plan
Aspergers: Clearly Bright and Imaginative
Robert Fritz on Believing vs. Creating
and much more
articles include :
3. The writer must be universal in sympathy and
an outcast by nature: only then can he see clearly.
Julian Barnes
4. Programs for Authors and Writer Entrepreneurs
You may be a published author or aspire to be one. Here
are several programs that can provide substantial guidance
and resources to enhance your success as a writer and
creative entrepreneur.
5. Create your own Introverts
Holiday Survival Plan
Tanja Gardner of Conscious Introvert
Success writes:
"As a raging introvert myself, I
totally get how stressful the
holidays can be...Now though? I
approach the coming holidays
on MY terms."
6. Aspergers: Clearly Bright and Imaginative
Mental health conditions such as autism and Aspergers Syndrome can be
challenging for many children and adults, and require treatment...But can
Aspergers also be part of what makes some people unusually creative?
One example: British mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst, and pioneering
computer scientist Alan Turing, portrayed by Benedict Cumberbatch in
"The Imitation Game."
7. Additional articles in this edition :
On Meaning: The Silver Lining of The Recession
Creative People: Robert Fritz on Believing vs. Creating
Jim Rohn on Emotion and Change
Resources on Creative People, Personality and Mental Health
Resources for Authors and Writer Entrepreneurs
Toxic Criticism and Developing Creativity
Getting Beyond Too Deferential
8. See the newsletter online for links
to articles - and to subscribe :
Developing Creativity
9. The Developing Creativity
newsletter is a publication of:
Douglas Eby, M.A./Psychology
writer, researcher and online
publisher on psychology, creativity
and personal growth.
Creator of the Talent Development Resources series of sites
10. The weekly newsletter
presents selected articles
and resources from the
TalentDevelop sites -
including related
Facebook pages and
other channels.
Find much more to inspire and fuel your creative mind at :