
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
Smokoko S.A.: Art engineering
Smokoko S.A.: Art engineering
30+ 丐
丿 丐乘
丿 丐乘
丿 丐乘
丱 弌 + 亅丐乘 亅丿

7 丐丐
16   丶
豫丐弌亊 弌亅乘  乘 丐丐乘
丐, 丱 弌
弌丐豫乂 弌弌  丿丕 丕丶豫
亂 亊 丐
丼亊   丐 (~10 弍)

弌丐亂 丐 弌亂亊 丐
1. 亅丐

弌 个弌
2. 亅丐

丐弌  丐丶亊

- /亅弌
- 丐丶亊 丐
丐丶亊 丐
个丐 丱亊 丐乘丱 乘丱  个丿

<Edge strokeStyle="1" edges="!-1449 0S4|1450 0"/>
<Edge cubics="!-1449 0(;-1449,0 1450,0 1450,0q-1449 0
1450 0);"/>

1 196 弍舒亶

<Edge strokeStyle="1" edges="!-1449 433S4[1 -1299
1450 433"/>
<Edge cubics="!-1449 433(;-482,-722 484,-722
1450,433q-1449 433Q1 -1299q1450 433);"/>

1 228 弍舒亶
丐丶亊 丐
个丐 丱亊 丐乘丱 乘丱  个丿

<Edge fillStyle1="1" edges="!1503 -41S2[1519 -33 1519 -2!1519 -2[1519 30 1502 41!1502 41[1499 43 1469 50!1469 50|-1468 50!-1468 50[1490 43 -1504 23!-1504 23[-1518 3 -1518 -20!-1518 -20[-1510 -28 -1487 -39!-1487 -39[-1468 -48 -1468 -50!-1468 -50|1469 -50!1469 -50
[1482 -45 1503 -41"/>
<Edge cubics="!-1468 -50(-1468,-50;-1468,-50 1469,-50 1469,-50q-1468 -50p1469 -50);"/>
<Edge cubics="!1469 -50(;1494,-40 1519,-52 1519,-2q1469 -50Q1482 -45q1503 -41Q1519 -33q1519 -2);"/>
<Edge cubics="!1519 -2(;1519,48 1489,45 1469,50q1519 -2Q1519 30q1502 41Q1499 43q1469 50);"/>
<Edge cubics="!1469 50(;1469,50 -1468,50 -1468,50q1469 50 -1468 50);"/>
<Edge cubics="!-1468 50(;-1498,40 -1518,10 -1518,-20q-1468 50Q-1490 43q-1504 23Q-1518 3q-1518 -20);"/>
<Edge cubics="!-1518 -20(-1518,-20;-1503,-35 -1468,-45 -1468,-50q-1518 -20Q-1510 -28q-1487 -39Q-1468 -48q-1468 -50);"/>

11 876 弍舒亶
丐丶亊 丐
个丐 丱亊 丐乘丱 乘丱  个丿

2 322 弍舒亶

1 696 弍舒亶
1 614 弍舒亶
丐丶亊 丐
束亊乘損 丐

57 503 弍舒亶
丐丶亊 丐
束亂亊損 丐丶亊

63 129 弍舒亶
丼弌 丐弌丐丕
束丕損  丕
丐丶亊 丐
束亂亊損 丐丶亊

49 011 弍舒亶
丐丶亊 丐
个亂亊 丐丶亊

57 503 弍舒亶 -> 24 312 弍舒亶
丐丶亊 丐

丐丶亊 丐
3. 亅丐

弌丐丕丐丕亊 丐丶亊

- 弌弌
3. 亅丐

弌丐丕丐丕亊 丐丶亊

- 弌弌
3. 亅丐

弌丐丕丐丕亊 丐丶亊

- 弌弌
- 弌丐丕丐丕丶亊
4. 亅丐

亊 弌
4. 亅丐

亊 弌

11 仄舒亳仆 16 舒仂于 舒弍仂

3 仄舒亳仆 12 舒仂于 舒弍仂

2 864 856 弍舒亶

4 308 785 弍舒亶

8 仄舒亳仆, 5 仍仂从舒亳亶

9 弍

22 仄舒亳仆, 62 仍仂从舒亳亳

7 弍

亅亊   35%
5. 亅丐

亅亊   50%
丼 亅丐 丕!?
丼 亅丐 丕!?
丼 亅丐 丕!?
丼 亅丐 丕!?
丼 亅丐 丕!?
丼 亅丐 丕!?
弌乘 弌丐亂?

弌 丐
弌 弌弌  
亊丐 丼!

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Vasiliy Shapovalov
弌舒亢亳仂于从舒 2016-07-14 02 于亞亠仆亳亳 丐舒舒亠仆从仂. JavaScript
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弌舒亢亳仂于从舒 2016-07-14 02 于亞亠仆亳亳 丐舒舒亠仆从仂. JavaScript
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Yegor Bugayenko
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亳仂仆 于 仄舒仍亳仆亠
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Mail.ru Group
VDS: 仂弍仆舒亢亠仆亳亠, 于磦仍亠仆亳亠 仗亳亳仆 亳 舒仆亠仆亳亠 仗仂弍仍亠仄仆 亳舒亳亶. 亳舒亞仆仂...
VDS: 仂弍仆舒亢亠仆亳亠, 于磦仍亠仆亳亠 仗亳亳仆 亳 舒仆亠仆亳亠 仗仂弍仍亠仄仆 亳舒亳亶.  亳舒亞仆仂...VDS: 仂弍仆舒亢亠仆亳亠, 于磦仍亠仆亳亠 仗亳亳仆 亳 舒仆亠仆亳亠 仗仂弍仍亠仄仆 亳舒亳亶.  亳舒亞仆仂...
VDS: 仂弍仆舒亢亠仆亳亠, 于磦仍亠仆亳亠 仗亳亳仆 亳 舒仆亠仆亳亠 仗仂弍仍亠仄仆 亳舒亳亶. 亳舒亞仆仂...
Oleg Lipin
仂仆亠亠仆亳 Highload++ 2014, "从舒亰仂仂亶亳于亶 仄亳从仂从仍舒亠 于仂亳仄亳 从舒仄亳", "...
仂仆亠亠仆亳 Highload++ 2014, "从舒亰仂仂亶亳于亶 仄亳从仂从仍舒亠 于仂亳仄亳 从舒仄亳", "...仂仆亠亠仆亳 Highload++ 2014, "从舒亰仂仂亶亳于亶 仄亳从仂从仍舒亠 于仂亳仄亳 从舒仄亳", "...
仂仆亠亠仆亳 Highload++ 2014, "从舒亰仂仂亶亳于亶 仄亳从仂从仍舒亠 于仂亳仄亳 从舒仄亳", "...
丱舒仍磦舒, Please!
丱舒仍磦舒, Please!丱舒仍磦舒, Please!
丱舒仍磦舒, Please!
Sergey Melekhin

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How Audio Objects Improve Spatial Accuracy / Mads Maretty S淡nderup (Audiokine...
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Why indie developers should consider hyper-casual right now / Igor Gurenyov (...Why indie developers should consider hyper-casual right now / Igor Gurenyov (...
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Strategies and case studies to grow LTV in 2023 / Julia Iljuk (Balancy)
Strategies and case studies to grow LTV in 2023 / Julia Iljuk (Balancy)Strategies and case studies to grow LTV in 2023 / Julia Iljuk (Balancy)
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Why is ASO not working in 2023 and how to change it? / Olena Vedmedenko (Keya...
Why is ASO not working in 2023 and how to change it? / Olena Vedmedenko (Keya...Why is ASO not working in 2023 and how to change it? / Olena Vedmedenko (Keya...
Why is ASO not working in 2023 and how to change it? / Olena Vedmedenko (Keya...
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How to increase wishlists & game sales from China? Growth marketing tactics &...
How to increase wishlists & game sales from China? Growth marketing tactics &...How to increase wishlists & game sales from China? Growth marketing tactics &...
How to increase wishlists & game sales from China? Growth marketing tactics &...
DevGAMM Conference
Turkish Gaming Industry and HR Insights / Mustafa Mert EFE (Zindhu)
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Turkish Gaming Industry and HR Insights / Mustafa Mert EFE (Zindhu)
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Building an Awesome Creative Team from Scratch, Capable of Scaling Up / Sasha...
Building an Awesome Creative Team from Scratch, Capable of Scaling Up / Sasha...Building an Awesome Creative Team from Scratch, Capable of Scaling Up / Sasha...
Building an Awesome Creative Team from Scratch, Capable of Scaling Up / Sasha...
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Seven Reasons Why Your LiveOps Is Not Performing / Alexander Devyaterikov (Be...
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Seven Reasons Why Your LiveOps Is Not Performing / Alexander Devyaterikov (Be...
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The Power of Game and Music Collaborations: Reaching and Engaging the Masses ...
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