This document discusses integrating Internet of Things (IoT) devices and cognitive services into IBM Connections Cloud. It provides examples of connecting an Arduino device to IBM Watson IoT Platform using MQTT protocol. It then connects the IoT data to IBM Connections using Node-RED for processing and writing the data to activity streams, blogs, etc. It demonstrates setting up Alexa voice commands to retrieve IoT updates from Connections. The document outlines plans to add more cognitive capabilities using IBM Watson services and security considerations for the integrated solution.
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Dev1602: Serving up Watson, IoT and cognitive services into IBM Connections Cloud
1. David Simpson, AppFusions
Jan Valdman, Whitesoft
Serving up Watson, IoT
and cognitive services
into IBM Connections
3. What is the IoT?
QR codes
Computational power
Raspberry Pi
Philips Hue
Smart Car
Smart Building
Smart City
Amazon Dash Button
4. Buzzwords in the World Today
World of IoT
World of humans
tasks, questions,
API economy
Enterprise 4.0
Big data
5. These worlds are not separated
Let us join everything together
At the beginning or end of each IoT scenario, there is an
interaction with a human being
18. Mediation
This is a function node with few lines of
Javascript. Here we can make a
decision based of the data from MQTT
and prepare new payload for further
19. Write to Connections
Using a (modified) Connections node we can
write the payload into activity stream, blog,
activity etc.
24. Alexa
Sample Utterances
SayHello to say hello
AvailableCommands for available commands
ATmeSLASHATallSLASHATall get updates
35. More sessions
1575A Developing Enterprise Collaboration in the Cognitive Era
Stefano Pogliani & Van Staub
Today, 14:00 - 14:45, Room 2003
Combining Bluemix, NodeJS, Node Red with Connections, Watson Work Services and Box
1716A - Using Node Red to Drive Collaboration Flows
Heath W McCarthy & Stefano Pogliani
Tomorrow, 10:00 12:00, Room 2004
Registration required
#10: On the right, we have our collaborative systems
IBM Connections
Watson Workspace
This is where we are pushing information to or pulling it from
#14: Our red button box uses wifi to connect with Watson IoT platform via MQTT
MQTT is Message Queue Telemetry Transport an ISO standard publish-subscribe-based "lightweight" messaging protocol for use on top of the TCP/IP protocol.
Watson IoT Platform connects to Node Red, which in turn POSTs an API call to Connections
#31: For further examples of where cognitive can be taken with IBM Connections
We saw the Watson Workspace bot from the technical ODS which queried IBM Connections forum content
Using NodeJS, Watson Rank and Retrieve, Solr and more
Van Staub from IBM did a great walk through on how this was built in session 1044A & 1044B yesterday
#32: He also showed a way to get a Watson Recommends community app by
- Adding your interests as labels in Profiles
Crawling the content of a Connections Community
Classifying the content using Watson Natural Language Classifier
Displaying relevant recommended content back in the community overview page