The document outlines an agenda for a leadership meeting that will include self introductions, discussing experiences that helped participants grow, developing a leadership philosophy, working lunch, discussing challenges in life and ministry, and dismissing at 2:30pm. It also includes materials on understanding leadership values and establishing behavioral expectations for discussions.
2. Agenda 8:15 Arrival, breakfast and fellowship 9:00 Self Introduction, Koinonia Connection and Hand of the Lord Time 10:00 Developing a Leadership Philosophy 12:00 Working lunch 12:30 Discussion of KANI 2:30 Dismiss
3. Koinonia Connection Self Introduction Name Church How long in current position What initially drew you to come
4. Greg Williams Born in Buffalo Lead N-Weds Oldest of 5 Love-Snow Ski Father-Welsh Hate-Yard Work Mother-Swiss Food-Italian Married-Barbara Sport-Golf Live-Marietta, GA Car- Trailblazer 265K miles 1 Daughter; 2 Sons 5 Grandchildren Gordon College Foreign Language PK 2 brothers-in-law pastors
6. Koinonia Connection PAST Here is something about my past that would help you know me better DEFINING A difficult life experience which MOMENT helped me grow as a person was.. VALUES Heres what I stand for X Information + Feelings Information Only X
7. My Leadership Philosophy Philosophy - a set of values Values - the ideals, standards and beliefs you choose to live by 6
10. Roundtable Covenant This is our roundtable, as such, it will be essential that we establish a behavior covenant. What are some of the behavioral expectations that could be a part of this covenant? Confidentiality, Reliability,
11. Dealing with the KANIs of Life and Ministry Situation Problem Evidence Consequences Implications Future Fix Implications Constraints What are the Issues?
#5: This is the first level of the Koinonia Connection. This is an exercise where groups of 2, 3 or 4 are established. The intent of KC is to accelerate community. This first level is just an information dump. The idea is to communicate for 90 seconds, just sharing simple facts about yourself. Let them see the example you have up on the screen so that they have a bit of a template to follow.
#6: The Hand of the Lord time is a time where guys can share what the Lord has been doing, how has the lord shown up in your life and ministry? It is also a time where you can share where you need to feel the Lords touch in the near future about specific issues. Encourage the guys to track these prayer requests and to be proactive in praying for the guys in the roundtable
#7: This is the second level of Koinonia Connection. In this experience, keep the same groups, 2, 3 or 4. Have them share something from their past, a defining moment or a value that they stand for. Have them do this in 45 seconds or less and then to be quiet. The idea is for the others they are matched up with are then to ask questions, with the idea of peeling the onion. Empathic listening is the idea here with a view of getting to know more about their group.
#12: The Acronym Specifics is a useful tool to assist in the remembering of the process of diagnosing and then generating solutions to problems that draw our mind to them. This is unpacked further in discussion around the KANI worksheet, next