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 18-36 Month Development

What to Expect
Typical and abnormal development

Activities and strategies to support development

Teacher and adult roles in supporting development

Cultural, ethnic, socioeconomic and environmental factors
Social Development
       Normal Development                         Abnormal Development
   Copies others                              Doesnt point to show someone
   Plays close to and sometimes with other     something
   Shows interest in pretend play             Doesnt make eye contact with
    (example playing with a doll)              others
   Points to show others things
                                               Doesnt play pretend
   Notices emotions of other people
                                               Doesnt copy others actions
   Usually does not like to share
   Excited to see familiar people             Doesnt show interest in playing
   Begins to make friends or favor people      with others
Activities and Strategies                                        Teacher and Adult Roles
      to Support Social Development                                   in Supporting Social Development

   Dramatic Play Area                                               Teachers help children explore how we are alike and
                                                                      different and honor all families.
        Children learn about themselves and what they
         like by trying new activities.
                                                                     Encourage child to play pretend and be creative.
        For example, children can try on new roles and
         perspective of other people in their lives or in their      Give child props and dress-up clothes.
                                                                     Help your child resolve conflicts or problems in a
   Turn taking activities
                                                                      healthy way.
        Pushing cars back & forth, putting shapes into a
         shape sorter or blowing bubbles.                            Provide guidance and initiate sharing and turn taking.

   Eating/Pretend to eat                                            Be understanding that toddlers are less willing to be
                                                                      complaint when they are tired or not feeling well.
   Classroom Chores
        Teaches team work
                                                                     Model positive social and sharing behaviors in your
                                                                      everyday interactions with children and parents.
        Encourage and model conversation to help them
         accomplish their task
Emotional Development
      Normal Development                    Abnormal Development
 Has temper tantrums or shows            Shows little to no emotion (example
  defiant behavior                         happy, sad, excited or anger)

 Shows fear or is nervous around         Does not realize when unknown
  strangers                                people are present

 Shows affection towards others          Fails to make eye contact or frequently
                                           look at the primary caregiver
 Shows concern for others                Does not show any signs of affection
                                           toward others (example another
 Understands the idea of mine and       child crying)
                                          Lacks emotion when a toys is taken by
 Begins to show signs of guilt or         another child
Activities and Strategies                     Teacher and Adult Roles
    to Support Emotional Development             in Supporting Emotional Development

   Looking at pictures of emotions                 Help your child understand and name
   Read/look books about feelings and
    emotions                                        Just being there and listening to them.

   Have pictures of different emotions and         Show interest, empathy and understanding of
                                                     how they are feeling.
    what they are around the classroom
    where the children can see.                     Respond to childs emotional and physical
   Have a quite place in your room where a
    child can go to if they are feeling angry,      Express feelings and emotions in a safe and
    sad, or upset and just need a moment to          appropriate ways.
    calm down.
                                                    Allow them to show their anger in a way that
                                                     is okay and what is not okay.
Physical Development
        Normal Development                         Abnormal Development
   Walk and run                                Doesnt walk steadily
   Change speed and direction
                                                Is unable to throw or kick a ball
   Climb onto a steady chair
   Throw and kick balls
                                                Cannot copy a straight line or
   Dances to music
   Begin to climb stairs                       Is unable to climb on or off
   Able to balance with minimal effort
   Helps dress and undress him or herself      Has difficulties balancing and
                                                 frequently falls
   Is able to use eating utensils (example
    spoon, fork and cup)
Activities and Strategies                              Teacher and Adult Roles
    to Support Physical Development                       in Supporting Physical Development

   Play ball/bean bags                                   Have activities that promote balance within your classroom.

        Roll the ball, kick, throw, etc                 Give child opportunities to run, throw, jump, climb, walk

                                                          Provide your child with push and pull toys.
   Dance/Freeze dance
                                                          Encourage your children to be active inside and outside
        Learns to control body & movements                daily.

   Climbing up & down stairs                             Give child opportunities to use crayons, markers,

   Set up obstacle course                                Give child opportunities to use toys with parts to take apart
                                                           and put together.
   Riding toys with peddles                              Provide opportunities to use fingers to pick up small items,
                                                           and do finger plays.
        Helps them learn to use to push their feet
                                                          Dance and sing songs with actions, and play movement
                                                           games together.
   Painting with fingers/brushes
                                                          Provide opportunities to move in variety of spaces such as
   Playing with play dough                                under, through, between; use furniture or playground
   Stringing beads onto a string
Cognitive Development
       Normal Development                        Abnormal Development
   Uses common items appropriately           Doesnt know how to use or is
    (example spoon, phone, toy hammer)        unable to name common items
   Line up and stack blocks
                                              Does not frequently gain new
   Shows eye-hand coordination                words
   Grasps items with pointer finger and      Lacks eye-hand coordination
   Asks for help when needed                 Loses skills he or she once had
   Begins counting and Identifying shapes    Is unable to follow simple
   Begins solving problems (example
    blows on hot food)
                                              Does not gain knowledge of body
                                               parts, shapes or numbers
Activities and Strategies                                              Teacher and Adult Roles
    to Support Cognitive Development                                      in Supporting Cognitive Development

   Reading books
                                                                          Allow them to try & figure out problems and
         Encourage vocabulary building and verbal development.
                                                                           suggest possible solutions to them.
   Playing with blocks
         Learn balancing concepts                                        Provide different shapes, colors or sizes, of
   Puzzles & shape sorters
         Allows them to problem-solve, increases memorization,
          understand the relationship between objects as they match       Help them sort from smallest to largest, or
          shapes and figure out how things fit.
                                                                           longest to shortest, or by color.
   Sensory table
         Sense of touch to learn                                         Describe what your child is doing during this
   Identify noise

   Give them choices to choose from                                      Explore outdoors with your child, and look for
   Sing/practice the ABCs                                                patterns, size, number and shapes in nature and
                                                                           in the community.
   Counting everything/anything

   Point out shapes & colors                                             Use numerical concepts in everyday routines.
Language Development
       Normal Development                       Abnormal Development
   Incorporate plurals on simple words       Doesnt copy others words
   Recognizes things or pictures when
    they are named                            Does not speak in sentences
   Repeats words                             Produces an unusual amount of
   Can say first name and age
   Follows instructions                      Speech is unclear
   Shows interest in reading and writing     Doesnt understand simple
   Creates sounds while playing with toys     instructions
    (example animal noises)
                                              Does not communicate feelings
Activities and Strategies                             Teacher and Adult Roles
    to Support Language Development                      in Supporting Language Development

   Listening to music, doing things with music,         Encourage your child to use sounds and actions to communicate
                                                          with you.
    singing songs, playing with instruments
                                                         Talk together
   Learning about rhymes
                                                         Pay attention when your child talks
   Going to the grocery store/library/field trip       Make stories & books part of your everyday routine

   Talking about food/outside/what you are doing        Adapt schedules and activities to meet needs of a certain child

   Learning how to use a book                           Labels & objects with print and pictures

                                                         Speak in complete sentences
   Discovery print
                                                         respond with the correct pronunciation when your child
   Learning my name                                      mispronounces something.

                                                         Use props, such as puppets or dolls, with the stories.

                                                         Give your child the chance to communicate with other children.
Opportunity to learn about others
                                             Cultural and
                                             Ethnic Factors



                                              Parents Approach

                                    Indian    Values






Opportunity to help others
                                            Socioeconomic and
                                           Environmental Factors

                                                Family Stability
                                                Mental and
                                               Physical Health
                                                Quality of Schools
                                                Living Conditions
                                                Parenting Style
                                                Parental Involvement
                                                Opportunity to
                                                Childs Readiness for
                                                Social Interaction
      Middle Class
                             Upper Class
 Center for Disease Control and Prevention Learn the Signs Act Early

 Washington State Early Learning and Development Guidelines

 Washington State Department of Early Learning Growth and Development

 National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families Behavior and Development


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Development%20 powerpoint

  • 1. Toddlers 18-36 Month Development Social Emotional Physical Cognitive Language
  • 2. What to Expect Typical and abnormal development Activities and strategies to support development Teacher and adult roles in supporting development Cultural, ethnic, socioeconomic and environmental factors
  • 3. Social Development Normal Development Abnormal Development Copies others Doesnt point to show someone Plays close to and sometimes with other something children Shows interest in pretend play Doesnt make eye contact with (example playing with a doll) others Points to show others things Doesnt play pretend Notices emotions of other people Doesnt copy others actions Usually does not like to share Excited to see familiar people Doesnt show interest in playing Begins to make friends or favor people with others
  • 4. Activities and Strategies Teacher and Adult Roles to Support Social Development in Supporting Social Development Dramatic Play Area Teachers help children explore how we are alike and different and honor all families. Children learn about themselves and what they like by trying new activities. Encourage child to play pretend and be creative. For example, children can try on new roles and perspective of other people in their lives or in their Give child props and dress-up clothes. community. Help your child resolve conflicts or problems in a Turn taking activities healthy way. Pushing cars back & forth, putting shapes into a shape sorter or blowing bubbles. Provide guidance and initiate sharing and turn taking. Eating/Pretend to eat Be understanding that toddlers are less willing to be complaint when they are tired or not feeling well. Classroom Chores Teaches team work Model positive social and sharing behaviors in your everyday interactions with children and parents. Encourage and model conversation to help them accomplish their task
  • 5. Emotional Development Normal Development Abnormal Development Has temper tantrums or shows Shows little to no emotion (example defiant behavior happy, sad, excited or anger) Shows fear or is nervous around Does not realize when unknown strangers people are present Shows affection towards others Fails to make eye contact or frequently look at the primary caregiver Shows concern for others Does not show any signs of affection toward others (example another Understands the idea of mine and child crying) no Lacks emotion when a toys is taken by Begins to show signs of guilt or another child remorse
  • 6. Activities and Strategies Teacher and Adult Roles to Support Emotional Development in Supporting Emotional Development Looking at pictures of emotions Help your child understand and name feelings. Read/look books about feelings and emotions Just being there and listening to them. Have pictures of different emotions and Show interest, empathy and understanding of how they are feeling. what they are around the classroom where the children can see. Respond to childs emotional and physical needs. Have a quite place in your room where a child can go to if they are feeling angry, Express feelings and emotions in a safe and sad, or upset and just need a moment to appropriate ways. calm down. Allow them to show their anger in a way that is okay and what is not okay.
  • 7. Physical Development Normal Development Abnormal Development Walk and run Doesnt walk steadily Change speed and direction Is unable to throw or kick a ball Climb onto a steady chair Throw and kick balls Cannot copy a straight line or circle Dances to music Begin to climb stairs Is unable to climb on or off furniture Able to balance with minimal effort Helps dress and undress him or herself Has difficulties balancing and frequently falls Is able to use eating utensils (example spoon, fork and cup)
  • 8. Activities and Strategies Teacher and Adult Roles to Support Physical Development in Supporting Physical Development Play ball/bean bags Have activities that promote balance within your classroom. Roll the ball, kick, throw, etc Give child opportunities to run, throw, jump, climb, walk Provide your child with push and pull toys. Dance/Freeze dance Encourage your children to be active inside and outside Learns to control body & movements daily. Climbing up & down stairs Give child opportunities to use crayons, markers, paintbrushes. Set up obstacle course Give child opportunities to use toys with parts to take apart and put together. Riding toys with peddles Provide opportunities to use fingers to pick up small items, and do finger plays. Helps them learn to use to push their feet Dance and sing songs with actions, and play movement games together. Painting with fingers/brushes Provide opportunities to move in variety of spaces such as Playing with play dough under, through, between; use furniture or playground equipment. Stringing beads onto a string
  • 9. Cognitive Development Normal Development Abnormal Development Uses common items appropriately Doesnt know how to use or is (example spoon, phone, toy hammer) unable to name common items Line up and stack blocks Does not frequently gain new Shows eye-hand coordination words Grasps items with pointer finger and Lacks eye-hand coordination thumb Asks for help when needed Loses skills he or she once had Begins counting and Identifying shapes Is unable to follow simple instructions Begins solving problems (example blows on hot food) Does not gain knowledge of body parts, shapes or numbers
  • 10. Activities and Strategies Teacher and Adult Roles to Support Cognitive Development in Supporting Cognitive Development Reading books Allow them to try & figure out problems and Encourage vocabulary building and verbal development. suggest possible solutions to them. Playing with blocks Learn balancing concepts Provide different shapes, colors or sizes, of blocks. Puzzles & shape sorters Allows them to problem-solve, increases memorization, understand the relationship between objects as they match Help them sort from smallest to largest, or shapes and figure out how things fit. longest to shortest, or by color. Sensory table Sense of touch to learn Describe what your child is doing during this Identify noise process. Give them choices to choose from Explore outdoors with your child, and look for Sing/practice the ABCs patterns, size, number and shapes in nature and in the community. Counting everything/anything Point out shapes & colors Use numerical concepts in everyday routines.
  • 11. Language Development Normal Development Abnormal Development Incorporate plurals on simple words Doesnt copy others words Recognizes things or pictures when they are named Does not speak in sentences Repeats words Produces an unusual amount of drool Can say first name and age Follows instructions Speech is unclear Shows interest in reading and writing Doesnt understand simple Creates sounds while playing with toys instructions (example animal noises) Does not communicate feelings
  • 12. Activities and Strategies Teacher and Adult Roles to Support Language Development in Supporting Language Development Listening to music, doing things with music, Encourage your child to use sounds and actions to communicate with you. singing songs, playing with instruments Talk together Learning about rhymes Pay attention when your child talks Going to the grocery store/library/field trip Make stories & books part of your everyday routine Talking about food/outside/what you are doing Adapt schedules and activities to meet needs of a certain child Learning how to use a book Labels & objects with print and pictures Speak in complete sentences Discovery print respond with the correct pronunciation when your child Learning my name mispronounces something. Use props, such as puppets or dolls, with the stories. Give your child the chance to communicate with other children.
  • 13. Opportunity to learn about others Cultural and Ethnic Factors Language Diet Parents Approach Education Indian Values Beliefs Spirit Personality Religion Clothing Traditions Chinese Eskimo
  • 14. Opportunity to help others Socioeconomic and Environmental Factors Family Stability Nutrition Mental and Physical Health Quality of Schools Poverty Living Conditions Parenting Style Parental Involvement Opportunity to Succeed Childs Readiness for School Social Interaction Middle Class Upper Class
  • 15. Sources Center for Disease Control and Prevention Learn the Signs Act Early http://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/actearly/milestones/ Washington State Early Learning and Development Guidelines http://www.del.wa.gov/publications/development/docs/guidelines.pdf Washington State Department of Early Learning Growth and Development http://www.del.wa.gov/publications/esit/docs/PrescreenChart_English.pdf National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families Behavior and Development http://www.zerotothree.org/child-development/ http://www.zerotothree.org/about-us/areas-of-expertise/free-parent-brochures-and-guides/age-based- handouts.html