The document describes a Devotee Management System (DMS) that is designed to manage all aspects of operations for ashrams and temples. DMS maintains detailed records on devotees and donors, allows for communication through email and SMS, manages events and registrations, tracks donations, and provides reporting functionality. It consists of modules for devotees, settings, audit logs, and enables ashrams to efficiently oversee all operations and engage with devotees.
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Devotee Management System (For Ashrams, Temples)
1. Devotee Management System
We are here to see you grow.
We are here to change you to adopt the best business practices.
We are here to change you to be the most efficient and productive.
We are here to stretch you to the limits.
2. Devotee Management
Devotee Management System is ERP Solution for Ashram or Temples. It is designed
to cater complete management requirements and automation of Temples and
Ashrams. It simplifies the task of handling and maintaining of large amount of
devotees data. It maintains devotees and donors personal details.
DMSERP Solution is ideal for small & big temples/ ashrams having large number
of devotees, large number of events, and huge sum of donations to manage.
DMS is developed on Latest version of OpenERP i.e. v7
3. Main Features of DMS
It maintains devotees personal details.
It enables devotees to be in touch through SMS, mails,
It keeps devotees updated about upcoming event and
other information through mass messaging and
It enables to maintain the details of donors.
Create templates for Emails.
Maintaining Email and messaging logs.
Provide different reports which are as follows:
Pracharak wise report, Place wise report, Prominent
Devotees, Message report, Devotees report.
Many language supporters.
Create Users and manage their access rights.
4. Main Modules of DMS
Devotee Management System consist of three main modules:
5. Devotees
A strong believer in a particular religion or god: "devotees thronged the temple".
This module is used to maintain the personal details of devotees and donors. Also
keep the check of amount donated by Donors, connect with devotees through mass
SMS and Email services, managing events in JKP, creating email and messaging
server and email templates etc.
6. Manage Devotees Details By DMS
1. Devotees Personal Details :- This is a database where you can manage
devotees personal information such as Form no. , Name, DOB, Mobile no. , Address,
Mother tongue etc. Here you can view the existing devotees list and can add new
devotee to the database. Following is the screen shot of form view of devotees under
menu Devotees Personal Details.
7. Donation Management Through DMS
2. Donation Receipts :- This is database used to view or add the details of
donation at JKP. Here you can add the basic details required to mention for
donor. Such as cheque number, Pan Number, Donation date, Amount etc.
Following is the screen shot of form view of donation receipts :-
8. Entry Card Management for Events By DMS
3. Registration Card :- This is used to create a registration card for devotees
for a particular event as a entry card. Following is the form view where you can
check the list to whom you issued a registration or entry card for particular events.
9. Devotees Birthday Reminder & Schedule
Wishing Email By DMS
4. Birthday :- Here in this you can to know the birthday of your devotees.
Here you select the date, Month and click on get birthday list. This wizard shows
you the list of all devotees birthday on that particular date.
10. Dormant Devotees Management
5. Dormant Devotees :- This is the database of all dormant devotees. Dormant
are those Devotees which slowed down or decreased their number of visit to very
low. This show the list of all those devotees which are marked as dormant in their
devotee profiles which was created under devotees personal details.
11. Easy Import & Export of Data
Anytime Through DMS
6. Import / Export :- Import and Export is the wizard used to import the data
from xls file to ERP system and export file from ERP into xls sheet.
Import Wizard
Export Wizard
12. Email Functionality
You can Email to your devotees and donors anytime from any where through email functionality of DMS
and also apply timer to your email i.e. set a sending time or date to your email.
7. Email :- Email is used to send the email to devotees, connect with devotees and
send updates about events in Ashram/ Temple to devotees and to see the history of
email sent in total, Configure email server, create email templates.
Email Logs
Outgoing Mail Server
13. Mass Messaging Functionality
Through Message functionality of DMS , you can send messages to your devotees and donors anytime
from any where by access DMS and update them about any change in events and of upcoming events
8. Messaging :- Messaging is used to send the messages to devotees on their
mobile number, to connect with devotees and send updates about events in
Ashrams/Temples to devotees and to see the history of messages sent in total.
14. Manage Your Events Through DMS
9. Events :-This is the calendar view. In this you can see and create all the events
to be held in Ashram and review it at any point of view from EventsCalendar.
Form View
15. Generate Reports for Ashram
through DMS
10. Reports :- Here you can generate various types of reports which needed as
per requirement of the situation.
ReportsPracharak Wise Devotees: - Here you can print of save the report of
devotees pracharak wise when ever needed in a pdf form.
ReportsPlace Wise Report: - Here you can get the report of devotees according
to their place i.e. place wise in pdf form.
Reports Prominent Devotees: - This generates the report of all prominent
ReportDevotees: - From here you can get the list of whole devotees in a pdf
form for manual references.
More Reports can be adding according to user requirements.
16. Manage your all users steps through
Audit Logs Functionality of DMS
Audit Logs
This module is designed especially for audit prospective. Here you can define
audit rules on all or particular users and review the audit logs. This module also
have the history of all deleted devotee and have feature to restore any of them
at any point of view.
Here you can create
audit Rules :-
17. Here you can have a look on audit logs with the username and object
Here is the list of
deleted devotees
with the option of
18. Manage Users and their Access Rights
This module is used to create users for the system who can access the system
according to their access rights, create groups and assign users to the particular
groups. Here in users, you can create a new user with it username and password
credentials to access its account. Here you can manage access rights of users too.
Access rights means who must data is accessible to the particular user i.e.
limitations of accessing data on users. So that no unauthorized person can access
the confidential data of the system.
19. Here you can create groups of user according to their access rights and designation
in organization.
20. Happy Client
Wonderful job done by OpenERP4You . They believe
in customer satisfaction -- JKP
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