This document discusses Test Driven Development (TDD) and provides examples of how to implement TDD. It introduces the basic TDD process of 1) write a test, 2) see it fail, 3) write code to pass the test, 4) refactor code. It also provides an example TDD implementation of the FizzBuzz problem and discusses refactoring code once it passes tests. Lastly, it mentions some TDD techniques like fake it, triangulation, and obvious implementation.
15. Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for
multiples of three print ^Fizz ̄ instead of the number and for the
multiples of ?ve print ^Buzz ̄. For numbers which are multiples of
both three and ?ve print ^FizzBuzz ̄.
1 100
3 Fizz 5
Buzz 3 5 FizzBuzz