The document discusses the D.E.W. (Drop Everything and Write) strategy used to improve writing fluency and test scores. Data from T.L. Handy Middle School showed proficiency rates on MEAP writing tests increased after implementing daily 10 minute D.E.W. sessions for three weeks before testing. The number of empty essays also dramatically decreased, indicating growing student confidence and stamina in writing. Reflection on D.E.W. sessions helped students identify aspects that improved their writing.
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1. D.E.W. Drop Everything & Write 10 minutes a day to writing fluency VanSumeren/Young/McCulloch BCPS 2010
2. Data drives the D.E.W. Data Diva/Dude Data Dabbler Data Dud VanSumeren/Young/McCulloch BCPS 2010
3. MEAP Writing Data Get Your Highlighters! Multiple Choice Pink 0-44% Yellow 45-69% Green 70-100% Constructed Response #1 Pink 1 -2 Yellow 3 Green 4-6 VanSumeren/Young/McCulloch BCPS 2010
4. MEAP Writing Data Item Analysis Report Condition Codes A-Off topic B-Written in a Language other than English/illegible C-Blank/Refused to respond D-No connection to the question E-No reference to Either selection VanSumeren/Young/McCulloch BCPS 2010
5. MEAP Writing Data Item Analysis Report Comment Codes 1. Lacks focus on one central idea 2. Demonstrates limited control over sentence structure 3. Needs details & examples to adequately develop the ideas and content 4. Lacks coherent organization and/or connections between ideas and content 5. Needs richer details & examples to get a higher score 6. Needs tighter control over organization and/or the connections among ideas to get a higher score. Needs greater precision and maturity of language use to get a higher score. Earned the highest score point of 6. VanSumeren/Young/McCulloch BCPS 2010
6. Houstonwe have a problem Try ONE Research Based Strategy: D.E.W. Drop Everything & Write!! VanSumeren/Young/McCulloch BCPS 2010
10. Prompt ideas Free Write Friday-Authority List School Improvement team Prompt Writing Committee PLCs Staff meetings Student submissions PPT., Calendar, lists, etc. VanSumeren/Young/McCulloch BCPS 2010
11. Dew Data Dear Coaches, Here is the compiled data that you requested from Handy in regards to the power of DEW time. Handy started on the first day of school in 2006. We had three weeks to DEW before the MEAP window. Our DEW MISSION was to build writing stamina and confidence as a writer. The time was created to teach students to write better; longer. Our MEAP writing results blew us away. VanSumeren/Young/McCulloch BCPS 2010
12. Writing MEAP Scores 06-07 6TH: 59% proficient, 21% became proficient that were not, 23% moved up a level from previous year. 7TH: 49% proficient, 6% became proficient that were not, 7% moved up a level from previous year. 8TH: 43% proficient, 20% became proficient that were not, 26% moved up a level from previous year. EMPTY ESSAYS: (No response)- 152 in Winter of 2005, 34 in Fall of 2006. (118 fewer) Confidence in writing has dramatically grown just based on the number of fewer empty essays. Hopefully this supports how powerful DEW time can be. Becca :) VanSumeren/Young/McCulloch BCPS 2010
13. I gotta feelin REFLECTION Please set up your paper for Type II. Reflect upon and write about our DEW session today. items that spoke to you. VanSumeren/Young/McCulloch BCPS 2010 Circle 3
14. D.E.W. Creators & Contributors Deb VanSumeren -Principal @ Linsday Elementary School (Creator) Rebecca Young- T.L. Handy Middle School Curriculum Coach (Presenter) Kari McCulloch- T.L. Handy Middle School RTI Coordinator/Curriculum Coach (Presenter) Amy Lupcke, Tamara Smith, Lynn Kidwell, Lori France, Pam Stahl, Jennifer Gourd, Laurel Triebel, Brenda Lee , Wendy Legner, Joan Anderson , Jennifer Piotrowski , Mary Rose Davis & the dedicated staff @ all of our buildings. VanSumeren/Young/McCulloch BCPS 2010
15. Do the D.E.W.!! Rebecca S. Young T.L. Handy Middle School Curriculum Coach [email_address] Kari L. McCulloch T.L. Handy Middle School RTI Coordinator/Curriculum Coach [email_address] VanSumeren/Young/McCulloch BCPS 2010
Editor's Notes
#2: RSYoung & KLMcCulloch DEW Drop Everything & Write
#7: RSYoung & KLMcCulloch DEW Drop Everything & Write