This document contains summaries of four articles from the journal "Recherche et Applications en Marketing":
1. The first article explores brand extension evaluation based on typicality judgments and how perceptions of typicality can differ between a brand category and product category.
2. The second presents a new scale for measuring innovativeness with two dimensions of hedonistic and social innovativeness.
3. The third proposes a definition of sponsorship by identifying its distinguishing attributes like investment in an independent socio-cultural event and deliberate association in marketing communication.
4. The fourth describes methods for measuring the validity and reliability of recall data, evaluates them, and analyzes factors that affect recall reliability based on various studies
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Dex 1994
28. Recherche et Applications en Marketing, Vol 9, n°2/1994
Typicality Judgement in Brand Extension Evaluation
This paper explores brand extension evaluation, based on typicality judgment. This empirical
study establishes that perceived typicality of the extension in the brand category is not the
same as perceived typicality in the product category used in extension. The difference
between these two judgments varies according to the structure of the brand and the structure
of the product category used in the extension.
Hedonistic and Social Innovativeness: Proposition of a Scale Measurement
This article suggests that the construct of innovativeness could be the expression of two basic
needs: the need for stimulation and the need for uniqueness. Based on this theoretical
framework, a new innovativeness scale has been created with two dimensions. The article
presents the results of the validation process used in developing this scale. The results confirm
the validity of the approach.
Christian DERBAIX, Philippe GERARD, Thierry LARDINOIT
An Attempt to Conceptualize a Very Practical Communication Activity: Sponsorship
This article proposes a definition pinpointing the conceptual frontiers of sponsorship from its
discriminating attributes. After justifying the interest of such a proposition, the authors
systematically isolate the elements (presence of an independent socio-cultural event, direct
investment in the event, and deliberate mediatization of the association and marketing
communication objectives) leading to deriving the very nature of sponsorship by means of a
critical evaluation of the definitions published in the last 20 years. Many examples illustrate
the presentation.
Shirley DEX
The Reliability of Recall Data: a Literature Review
This article describes five alternative methods for the measurement of validity and reliability
of recall data. An evaluation of these methods is performed, followed by a classification
according to the errors taken into account in the independent records. An analysis of various
studies focusing on recall data allows the identification of several factors which affect recall