39. Reduction in drop-out rate
Increase in direct referrals from pre-boarders
NPS surveys
40. How likely would you be to recommend working at
ACME Co. to a friend or ex-colleague?
How happy are you with the onboarding experience
so far since signing your contract?
#12: The Engagement dead zone = the period between contract signing and day 1, when the person is in the grey area between candidate and employee.
#16: engaging stories
- no need for licenses for a new tool
-no additional admin overheads
-can hide employee details from certain users
-permission driven content
-analytics will identify those not accessing
-pulse surveys allow you to check engagement
#19: An initial blocker is typically the existing new starter process. In at least half the cases Ive worked on, that company email address you require already exists early on. If it doesnt, what is the business risk in creating one earlier? If it is purely a process challenge, tackle it.
You will hear fears of what if somebody accesses? Set a permission group to pre-boarding to restrict what pre-boarders do see, this has a benefit both to data security but also the pre-boarder experience.
#20: Internal Comms and Digital Teams need to challenge the norm and become involved before day 1. Conversely they should welcome Talent further into the employee life cycle to learn some of their techniques (as well discuss later)
#21: This is ultimately nothing new, here is a project with Monarch from 2015, providing a pre-boarding experience to their Summertime only cabin crew hires.
#25: Belonging is the critical benefit your intranet can bring over the various alternatives
#26: Digital alone cant change this, make it easy for Managers to play their part too.
#27: Staff were skeptical about another system
The two-minute launch video is designed to inform and inspire Equinox employees about EQX Connect, the new digital hub for the latest in Equinox news and happenings. Spirited, engaging, and informative, this short film weaves together pre-existing footage with originally shot vignettes featuring carefully cast Equinox employees.
These stylized vignettes are fun and touching, conveying the ethos of the Equinox employee community while underscoring how EQX Connect will take that community digital, making it even stronger and more unified.
#28: Assigning a buddy can be a simple way to increase the feeling of belonging. Ensure those buddies are more than just a job title with a thought out bio
#29: Encourage your new starters to write a blog or vlog introducing their background and interests. Take away fear barriers, if someone isnt a confident writer, vlogging could be quicker and easier. Tools such as Bigvu make it easy to have a script appear on screen as you record.
#45: Job advert testing tools identify gender bias in text and positive language against negative terms. This could be a lesson for us in comms and digital workplaces.