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Name : DHEERAJ KUMAR Nationality : Indian
Education : B.Tech. Date of Birth : July 20, 1992
E-Mail : dheerajk809@gmail.com Mobile No. : +91-9782117479
Permanent Address
B-85 Shyam Nagar Colony Near Sanganer Airport, Jaipur
To acquire a position as a developer which demands the best of my professional ability in
terms of technical and analytical skills and helps me in broadening and enhancing my current
skill and knowledge.
CURRENT WORKING(20 April 2015  Till Now)
Organization Name : Wedig TechSolutions Private ltd. .
PREVIOUS WORKING(1 April 2015  10 April 2015)
Organization Name : Pericent Technology S/W private ltd.
Training from DHS IT Solutions Jaipur.
Training Project: TaskBar
Taskbar is a basic application which is used for store the task for informing the user in future.
Database:- Sqlite
Company Projects Details 
Project:- iFlit
Project Url :-
Description:- What's the scene?
Say goodbyes to bouncing around places that do not suit your mood. Join
the community of "Flitters" and become a Flitter to start Flitting-in and
earn "Flit Coins" that will get you Rewards from the nicest Places in your
city. At iFlit App we want you to connect with the Places directly.
You can ask a Place things like :
1) What's the special of the day?
2) We are two friends, you have seating for us?
3) What's the cake of the day ?
4) Show me the ambiance and music that's going on now.
5) What's the waiting like ?
On the iFlit App we are building a community to share "Live
Scenes" from the Places that are active on the Platform. You will
also be rewarded for spreading the word and getting more of your
friends on-board
Role:- Android Developer
Technology :- Volley Library,Material Theme
Team Size:- 1
Server Side:- Node.Js
IDE:- Android Studio
Database Used:- MySQL
Project Duration: 3 Months
Project:- Duplay
Project Url :-
Description:- DuPlay is the fun way to connect with not-yet-connected and interesting
people around you and make a perfect bond, new relationships and link
ups. Making a new match, a new connection is now simpler, cooler and
digital: you like somebody, and if they like you back, its a match. Start
chatting with a match or instantly snap a photo to share all your special
moments with all your matches at once. Its fun, friendly and a new way to
express you and share with all your friends and matches. Install DuPlay
now and join the fun!
Role:- Android Developer
Team Size:- 1
Server Side:- PHP
IDE:- Eclipse
Database Used:- MySQL
Project Duration: 4 Months
Project:- CabSharing
Project Url :-
Description:- Start saving on your city travel or city to city travel. Cab Sharing connects
people looking for a ride with drivers who have empty seats so they can
share their travel costs.Cab Sharing makes ride-sharing safe and
convenient by ensuring you know your fellow travelers before you make
the trip! With Cab Sharing, booking and offer a carpooling is much safer,
since you know who are travelling with you due to security filters
Role:- Android Developer
Team Size:- 1
Server Side:- PHP
IDE:- Android Studio
Database Used:- MySQL
Project Duration: 1 Month
Project:- Carnal
Project Url :-
Description:- Carnal is a global app which takes the simple concept of finding like
minded people around the globe but executes it the way you wish others
had in the app dating world. Not only can you swipe to find other couples,
unicorns (single females and gentlemen lovers, if you happen to swipe the
wrong way you get a do over.
Role:- Android Developer
Team Size:- 1
Server Side:- PHP
IDE:- Eclipse
Database Used:- MySQL
Project Duration: 2 Months
Project:- Monk
Description:- Monk is a social app which is used as a private bank.user can create a
group (named as MoneyPool and Social Landing),send request to app
user according to friend.(all facebook or google friend are imported into
app).Balanced Api is used for payment from the group user.
Role:- Android Developer
Team Size:- 1
Server Side:- PHP
IDE:- Eclipse
Database Used:- MySQL
Project Duration: 2 Months
Project:- We-Talk
Description:- Wetalk is a social app which provide the functionality of single
text chat,audio chat and video chat and group text chat ,group audio
chat and group video chat.For text chat jabber server is used.And
for video and audio chat third party library(ooVoo SDK) is used.
Role:- Android Developer
Server Side:- PHP
IDE:- Eclipse
Database Used:- MySQL
Project Duration: 4 Months.
Project Name:- StarMaker
Description :- StarMaker is app like YouTube.User will record his talent for 30
seconds and upload the videos to vimeo server.Admin can see the
videos and will approve the videos.All app user can see the approved
videos,My videos,Featured videos,Latest videos.user can like a video
and report a video.User can share video on whatsapp,google,facebook
and by messaging.
Role:- Android Developer
Server Side:- PHP
IDE:- Eclipse
Database Used:- MySQL
Project Duration:- 1 Months
Project Name: PAT
Description: PAT app is like as Elance.This app has two parts one is client side
and another is PAT.client will upload it's requirement and pat will
do it.
Role:- Android Developer
Technology :- Navigation with Tab, Paypal integration(Future
Payment),Google , facebook,twitter login,geo-location api
Team Size :- 1
Server Side:- PHP
IDE:- Eclipse
Database Used:- MySQL
Project Duration:- 3 Months.
Skills :- Problem Solving,Team management,Self-Confidence,Leadership Quality
Programming Language:- Java, Xml, AndroidSdk, SQLite,
WebServices, JSON, Application
Year of passing Qualification University/Board Aggregate %
2009 Senior Secondary (XII) R.B.S.E 71.67%
2007 Secondary (X) R.B.S.E 75.40%
Technical Skills
 Languages Proficient :C,C++,Core java,J2EE(servlet,jsp)
 PhoneGap Technology
 Design :Html,Css,Javascript,Jquery,Ajax
 Operating Systems  Windows (XP/7)
Linux (Ubuntu, Red Hat)
 Applications:- Microsoft Office, Adobe
1. Won First Prize in Web Designing event at Kautilya Institute of Technology & Engineering
Sitapura, Jaipur.
2. Participated in National Level Project Exhibition organized by R&D cell of VIT campus.
3. Completed the PHPMYSQL Test conducted remotely from IIT Bombay. This
workshop offered by Spoken Tutorial project, IIT Bombay.
4. Won 2nd Prize in Technical Quiz event at Kautilya Institute of Technology & Engineering
Sitapura, Jaipur.
5. Had attended the national conference on Recent Advancement in Computer Engineering.
6. Participated in the national conference on Role of Green Chemistry for Risk Free
Environment. Presented a poster entitled Recycling of wastage material in the conference.
7. Membership of Indian Society for Technical Education.
8. Presented report on12th
Rastriya Bal Vigan Congress 2004
 Hobbies & Interests :Chess Playing
:Internet browsing
 Language Skills : Hindi and English

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  • 1. Name : DHEERAJ KUMAR Nationality : Indian Education : B.Tech. Date of Birth : July 20, 1992 E-Mail : dheerajk809@gmail.com Mobile No. : +91-9782117479 Permanent Address B-85 Shyam Nagar Colony Near Sanganer Airport, Jaipur OBJECTIVE To acquire a position as a developer which demands the best of my professional ability in terms of technical and analytical skills and helps me in broadening and enhancing my current skill and knowledge. CURRENT WORKING(20 April 2015 Till Now) Organization Name : Wedig TechSolutions Private ltd. . PREVIOUS WORKING(1 April 2015 10 April 2015) Organization Name : Pericent Technology S/W private ltd. TRAINING AND PROJECTS Training from DHS IT Solutions Jaipur. Training Project: TaskBar Taskbar is a basic application which is used for store the task for informing the user in future. Database:- Sqlite Company Projects Details Project:- iFlit Project Url :- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.iflitapp.iflit&hl=en Description:- What's the scene? Say goodbyes to bouncing around places that do not suit your mood. Join the community of "Flitters" and become a Flitter to start Flitting-in and earn "Flit Coins" that will get you Rewards from the nicest Places in your city. At iFlit App we want you to connect with the Places directly. You can ask a Place things like : 1) What's the special of the day? 2) We are two friends, you have seating for us? 3) What's the cake of the day ? 4) Show me the ambiance and music that's going on now. 5) What's the waiting like ? On the iFlit App we are building a community to share "Live Scenes" from the Places that are active on the Platform. You will also be rewarded for spreading the word and getting more of your
  • 2. friends on-board Role:- Android Developer Technology :- Volley Library,Material Theme Team Size:- 1 Server Side:- Node.Js IDE:- Android Studio Database Used:- MySQL Project Duration: 3 Months Project:- Duplay Project Url :- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.duplay&hl=en Description:- DuPlay is the fun way to connect with not-yet-connected and interesting people around you and make a perfect bond, new relationships and link ups. Making a new match, a new connection is now simpler, cooler and digital: you like somebody, and if they like you back, its a match. Start chatting with a match or instantly snap a photo to share all your special moments with all your matches at once. Its fun, friendly and a new way to express you and share with all your friends and matches. Install DuPlay now and join the fun! Role:- Android Developer Team Size:- 1 Server Side:- PHP IDE:- Eclipse Database Used:- MySQL Project Duration: 4 Months Project:- CabSharing Project Url :- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cluebees.cabsharing&hl=en Description:- Start saving on your city travel or city to city travel. Cab Sharing connects people looking for a ride with drivers who have empty seats so they can share their travel costs.Cab Sharing makes ride-sharing safe and convenient by ensuring you know your fellow travelers before you make the trip! With Cab Sharing, booking and offer a carpooling is much safer, since you know who are travelling with you due to security filters Role:- Android Developer Team Size:- 1 Server Side:- PHP IDE:- Android Studio Database Used:- MySQL Project Duration: 1 Month Project:- Carnal Project Url :- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.carnal&hl=en Description:- Carnal is a global app which takes the simple concept of finding like minded people around the globe but executes it the way you wish others
  • 3. had in the app dating world. Not only can you swipe to find other couples, unicorns (single females and gentlemen lovers, if you happen to swipe the wrong way you get a do over. Role:- Android Developer Team Size:- 1 Server Side:- PHP IDE:- Eclipse Database Used:- MySQL Project Duration: 2 Months Project:- Monk Description:- Monk is a social app which is used as a private bank.user can create a group (named as MoneyPool and Social Landing),send request to app user according to friend.(all facebook or google friend are imported into app).Balanced Api is used for payment from the group user. Role:- Android Developer Team Size:- 1 Server Side:- PHP IDE:- Eclipse Database Used:- MySQL Project Duration: 2 Months Project:- We-Talk Description:- Wetalk is a social app which provide the functionality of single text chat,audio chat and video chat and group text chat ,group audio chat and group video chat.For text chat jabber server is used.And for video and audio chat third party library(ooVoo SDK) is used. Role:- Android Developer Server Side:- PHP IDE:- Eclipse Database Used:- MySQL Project Duration: 4 Months. Project Name:- StarMaker Description :- StarMaker is app like YouTube.User will record his talent for 30 seconds and upload the videos to vimeo server.Admin can see the videos and will approve the videos.All app user can see the approved videos,My videos,Featured videos,Latest videos.user can like a video and report a video.User can share video on whatsapp,google,facebook and by messaging. Role:- Android Developer Server Side:- PHP IDE:- Eclipse Database Used:- MySQL Project Duration:- 1 Months Project Name: PAT
  • 4. Description: PAT app is like as Elance.This app has two parts one is client side and another is PAT.client will upload it's requirement and pat will do it. Role:- Android Developer Technology :- Navigation with Tab, Paypal integration(Future Payment),Google , facebook,twitter login,geo-location api Team Size :- 1 Server Side:- PHP IDE:- Eclipse Database Used:- MySQL Project Duration:- 3 Months. Skills :- Problem Solving,Team management,Self-Confidence,Leadership Quality Programming Language:- Java, Xml, AndroidSdk, SQLite, WebServices, JSON, Application Development,REST EDUCATIONAL PROFILE Year of passing Qualification University/Board Aggregate % 2014 B.Tech. Computer science Rajasthan technical University 66.53% 2009 Senior Secondary (XII) R.B.S.E 71.67% 2007 Secondary (X) R.B.S.E 75.40% Technical Skills Languages Proficient :C,C++,Core java,J2EE(servlet,jsp) PhoneGap Technology Design :Html,Css,Javascript,Jquery,Ajax Mysql,DB2,Oracle COMPUTER SKILLS Operating Systems Windows (XP/7) Linux (Ubuntu, Red Hat) Applications:- Microsoft Office, Adobe ACHIEVEMENTS
  • 5. 1. Won First Prize in Web Designing event at Kautilya Institute of Technology & Engineering Sitapura, Jaipur. 2. Participated in National Level Project Exhibition organized by R&D cell of VIT campus. 3. Completed the PHPMYSQL Test conducted remotely from IIT Bombay. This workshop offered by Spoken Tutorial project, IIT Bombay. 4. Won 2nd Prize in Technical Quiz event at Kautilya Institute of Technology & Engineering Sitapura, Jaipur. 5. Had attended the national conference on Recent Advancement in Computer Engineering. 6. Participated in the national conference on Role of Green Chemistry for Risk Free Environment. Presented a poster entitled Recycling of wastage material in the conference. 7. Membership of Indian Society for Technical Education. 8. Presented report on12th Rastriya Bal Vigan Congress 2004 PERSONAL Hobbies & Interests :Chess Playing :Blogging :Internet browsing Language Skills : Hindi and English