The document explains the structure and format of diamante poems. It consists of 7 lines that follow a specific pattern of nouns, adjectives, and words ending in "ing". Line 1 is a noun, lines 2 and 3 contain descriptive words, line 4 lists related nouns, and the remaining lines mirror the top with reversed subjects. Examples are provided of diamante poems about pencils, vacations, and seasons. The author also shares some of their own diamante poems and one by another poet about soccer.
6. Structure
There are 7 lines
Can rhyme
May look like a diamond
Needs adjectives, nouns and words that end with ing
Comma after each word (except first and last)
7. Lines
Line 1: A subject or noun (one word)
Line 2: Two adjectives (describing line 1)
Line 3: Three words that end with ing (describing line 1)
Line 4: Four nouns (first two - related to line 1, last two related to line 7)
Line 5: Three words that end with ing (describing line 7)
Line 6: Two adjectives (describing line 7)
Line 7: A noun for the subject (one word)
8. Examples
Pencil ny,
Sh arp,Sk ng, erasing,
ri Pupp
answe k, plastic Cute y,
riting, lead, in g Licki
W ,
Wood smudging, le, leakin Playf ng, chew , soft,
ul, cu
rawing le, comforta
Eatin ddly, ing, poun
Durab Pen g, lov growing, cing,
ing, f c
eyed, ollow anine,
frien ing
Vacation Dog dly,
Happy, fun
Sleeping, dancing, traveling,
Liberty, car, beach, night
Exciting, interesting, moving
Unhappy, boring
9. My Poems
is, lar,
or u
B sc ng, ,
ki ul
u , wor yf
ll, m ying , pla
Ta la
g, p grow jo ing gging
gin un,
og , f g, ,
Winter J
ht ng, lo spo vin rty
Damp ai
Skating, r, cold, B rig yi rt, ty
sledding Pl a ho ris
Wind, ic
Swimmi e, beach, park,
, skiing, S K
ng, surfi
Bright, h , jogging,
10. Other diamante poems by other
Tim C larke:
Ba sketbal
Fu n, Tirin scoring,
sh ooting, rass,
Ru nning, e, court, g
l ,
Ba ll, peop ping, jogging
Kicki ng, stop citing,
G ood, Ex