Diana Cook was awarded the Civic Recognition Award for acts of compassion and kindness in her community. The award recognizes individuals who help others and improve their communities, inspired by ten values including compassion, kindness, generosity and service. Cook joins other award recipients from Texas who are praised as role models and whose good deeds motivate others in the community.
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Diana Cook recipient of Civic Recognition Award
1. Diana Cook recipient of Civic Recognition Award
Houston awardee recognized for acts of compassion and kindness
By Award Committee
Diana Hill Cook was named a recipient of the Civic Recognition Award on Monday. Cook joins
the ranks of others from Texas who have received this honor.
The purpose of the Civic Recognition Award is to inspire people to help others and improve their
communities. Recipients come from all walks of life and all 50 states. Under certain
circumstances, the award can be issued posthumously.
It is hoped the Civic Recognition Award will encourage people in Houston and across Texas to
live their lives around ten values than enhance the wellbeing of individuals, families and
communities. Those ten values are compassion, courage, forgiveness, generosity, humility,
inclusiveness, integrity, kindness, respect and service.
Cook is among a select number of individuals recognized in Houston. Many individuals never
receive a civic award despite years of community involvement. While formal recognition should
never be one's motive for acts of kindness, receiving an award is an affirmation of the positive
impact one's actions can have.
It should be a proud moment for Cook's family and friends, and an opportunity to share inspiring
stories. If fact, by discussing the award, the inspiration provided by Cook's good deeds is
multiplied. Discussion of the award can also help spread the word about the ten values embodied
by the award. It is a fact that many individuals feel motivated to do more after hearing about the
good deeds of others. Award recipients themselves can feel encouraged or inspired by the
recognition to help more.
The positive impact of Civic Recognition Award winners like Cook on their community cannot
be measured. These winners were often the first to help people in need and the first to welcome a
new neighbor. The existence of community non-profit organizations, such as Lupus, cancer, and
of all kinds is a lasting testimony to the good works of involved individuals who, like Cook,
stepped forward to make a difference.
The lives of Civic Recognition Award winners like Cook are also often examples to children.
Children look up to role models to help shape how they behave in school, relationships or when
facing challenging situations. When children emulate positive role models, they respond to
situations in healthy ways that can contribute to individual and community well-being. Positive
role models are essential to every child's well-being.The Civic Recognition Award is one of the
highest recognitions possible for individuals. Residents of Houston and all of Texas can feel
proud that one of the own, Diana Cook, has been recognized with this high distinction.