Changing to compact fluorescent light bulbs which use 50-75% less energy and last 10 times longer than incandescent bulbs can help reduce lighting costs which account for over 10% of electric bills. Washing full loads of clothes and dishes, keeping appliances clean like dryer vents, and air drying dishes when possible along with using ENERGY STAR products can help lower energy use. Lowering water heating costs which make up 13% of bills involves using low-flow fixtures, fixing leaks, lowering thermostat settings, and insulating water heaters.
3. Right Ideas Lighting accounts for more than 10 percent of electric bill Change to compact florescent lights (CFLs)Use 50-75 percent less energyLast up to ten times longer than conventional bulbs
4. Keep it CleanWash only full loads of clothes and dishes Keep dryer vents cleanAir dry dishes when possible Use ENERGY STAR products
5. Stay Out of Hot Water Heating water accounts for 13 percent of energy billUse low-flow fixtures Repair leaks Lower thermostatInsulated heater