The document is a diary entry describing the author's research process for a project on the rock music genre. They found researching the history and progression of rock from its beginnings to present day initially challenging due to the large amount of information. Through researching, the author learned to select only necessary information and condense it. They developed skills in effective research within a reasonable timeframe.
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Diary entry 6
1. DIARY ENTRY 6.12.12
Today,I have developedmyskillswithinresearching.Because Iamdoingthe genre rock,I had to
researchthe historywithinthe genre andthe progressionfromwhenisbegantopresentday.At
first,I foundthisquite challengingbecause there wassomuchinformationtofind,collectand
condense intosmall bitsof information.However,throughoutresearchingIlearnthow toselect
informationthatwasnecessary.Fromthe screenshotsabove,Iseparatedthe differentsectionsinto
slidesonemaze.Overall,todayIdevelopedmyresearchskillsandhow to researcheffectivelyand
howto researchwithinareasonable time space.