WordPress is the most widely used Content Management System because it's easy to use, easy to customize and it's free! What a lot of people don't realize is how powerful WordPress can be with the right tools. This presentation will show you how powerful WordPress can be with minimal knowledge of how to design or develop websites. We'll cover the themes and plugins you need to know about and hopefully do some things you didn't think WordPress could do.
This presentation is for everyone whether you are using WordPress already or not. Users, non-users and developers alike should all walk away having learned something new.
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1. Did WordPress Do That?
Prepared for Boston Tech Meetup on May, 02, 2012
Jon Bishop Web Developer 77 N. Washington St., 8th Floor, Boston MA 02114 617.837.8158
2. About AMP Agency
Independently-owned, integrated communications agency
Clients Include: Hasbro, Maybelline New York, Samsonite,
Intel, Princess Cruises, NFL PLAYERS and Ansell Healthcare
3. What Is WordPress?
WordPress is an open source content management system
(CMS) based on PHP and MySQL
Great software should work with little configuration and setup
Provide features that 80% or more of end users will actually use
Avoid putting the weight of technical choices on our end users
Every version of WordPress should be easier and more enjoyable to
use than the last
Three major versions a year
4. Some Facts
WordPress.com is run using the Multisite version of WordPress
and estimates are that more than 32 million sites are active on a
single installation of WordPress Multisite
25% of all websites are published with WordPress
63% of the top 10 million sites are using WordPress
Joomla = 11%
Drupal = 8%
5. The Community
19,183 plugins have been contributed to WordPress.org with
over 292,086,198 downloads1
1,546 themes have been contributed to WordPress.org with
over 292,086,198 downloads2
6. WordPress as a Multisite Network
Best Buy uses WordPress MU to Best Buy
power 1050 local store blogs
Best Buy aggregates important
store data and passed it back to
key enterprise applications via
custom web services
7. WordPress as a Shopping Cart
Seamless integration with existing WordPress sites
Lots of options
Variety of feature sets
Shopp plugin
Responsive storefront
8. WordPress as a Social Network
Extended Profiles - Messaging - Friends
Groups - Activity Streams - Personal Blogs
Cloud Development
9. WordPress as a Job Board
Sell job listings
Accept resumes
Tools for job seekers and employers
Uses JobRoller
10. WordPress in School
Manage Courses
Submit HW Online
Use Blog For HW
Uses MU for courses
Built KB Gradebook
11. WordPress to Managing Locations
Create a map with custom markers that link back to posts or
display HTML
Create multiple maps
Includes API
12. WordPress Your Way
Theme Development - The sky is the limit
13. WordPress as a Service
Using WordPress to develop applications
Built in user roles, custom post types and free plugins
Yoast SEO
15. WordPress as an E-Book
Use content from within WordPress or external feeds
Outline, order, and edit your work
Export as PDF, EPUB, RTF and TEI
16. Front End Editing in WordPress
Log in and edit content from the front end
Compatible with any theme
Edit posts, pages, custom post types, comments, widgets
Uses Aloha Editor so you see what you get in real time
17. WordPress On The Go
Responsive Themes/Frameworks
Mobile Plugins
Native Apps
o iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows Phone, Nokia and WebOS
18. ManageWP
Manage all of your sites from one dashboard
Upgrade WordPress, plugins and themes
Perform automatic backup
Clone and set up new sites in minutes
Edit content in bulk
19. Boston WordPress Meetup
We are currently the 2nd largest WordPress meetup in the
world with 1290+ members
We are growing every day and our current team can not
handle the workload
We are looking for 1 or 2 very energetic, knowledgeable
contributors to join our team
Please email Kurt (keng@bostonwp.org) and Jon
(jbishop@bostonwp.org) if interested
20. Boston WordCamp
July 14th and 15th
Boston University
Please apply if interested in:
21. Thanks!
Jon Bishop
Web Developer @ AMP Agency
WordPress Plugins:
HubSpot for WordPress
Website / JonBishop.com
Twitter / @JonDBishop