
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
1. Philip Banseylla
2. Jimmy Campbell
3. Ruth Cooper
4. Steve Dobson
5. Anna Finn
6. Margery Gretton
7. Claire Hills
8. Hannah Johnston
9. Danny Kuperberg
10.Maeveen Maenpaa
11.Nigel Martin
12.Wendy Oswin
13.Jal Patel
14.Christine Phillips
15.Lucy Ridgway
16.Niki Savva
17.Mary Sell
18.Cressida Tweed
19.Pete Weitz
20.Chris Wickham
Helen & Vasy
Today we will think about differentiation..
9.00  9.20: Some examples of differentiation
activities shared by the ASTs
9.20  11.20: Time in departments
11.20  12.00: Feedback in this room
 We will ask you in departments to come up with :
(1) an example of how you could use one of the ideas
(2) more differentiation ideas of your own to share
What is Differentiation?
 Simply stated, differentiation is modified
 that helps students with diverse academic
 and learning styles master the same
challenging academic content.
What is
How Can We Differentiate?
Vary Materials
Vary Process
Vary Assessment
Vary Materials
 Changing the materials used in the classroom
can be an effective way to differentiate
 For example.........
 Snowball activity
 Change the materials each student is given
Snowball Activity
 Create 3 differentiated sources of
 Eg: with diagrams, simple text, complex
 Each source has different information (so
they must work as a group to get an
overview of the topic)
 Using different levels of thinking...
Snowball Activity
 Working in groups of 3
 As Individuals: Students read their source
material and highlight relevant points
 As a Group: They feedback information to
each other to create an overview
 Group constructs a concept map
 As a class: compare and feedback on each
others concept maps
Vasy & Helen
Concept Maps
How do I?
Secondary School
Staff Room
A Concept Map about Secondary School
Secondary School
Staff Room
A Concept Map about Secondary School
Join up
Secondary School
Staff Room
has angelic
always do their
has fantabulous
plot secretly in
has a
A Concept Map about Secondary School
Add 1 or
2 words
You can pick your
own keywords &
1. List the 3 components of a nucleotide
2. Describe how these 3 components of a nucleotide
are added together (ie what type of reaction is
3. Draw the structre of a nucleotide
4. Write out the name for all 4 DNA bases (ie not
just the 4 letters!)
5. Explain which of the 4 DNA bases pair together
Extension knowledge:
1. Explain how each of these DNA base pairs are
held together in a DNA molecule
Vary Process
 Changing the instructions of activities will
allow all students to learn the same concepts
and skills
 But with varied levels of support, challenge,
or complexity
 For example.........
In Chemistry
 We can set a problem:
 In aqueous ammonia, cobalt(II) ions are oxidised to cobalt(III)
ions by hydrogen peroxide. The H2O2 is reduced to hydroxide
ions. Calculate the minimum volume of 5.00 mol dm3 H2O2
solution required to oxidise the Co2+ ions in 9.87 g of
 And leave it totally unstructured
Or make it partially structured
Q1. In aqueous ammonia, cobalt(II) ions are oxidised to
cobalt(III) ions by hydrogen peroxide. Write and
equation to show this
Q2. The H2O2 is reduced to hydroxide ions. Calculate the
minimum volume of 5.00 mol dm3 H2O2 solution required
to oxidise the Co2+ ions in 9.87 g of CoSO4.7H2O
Or make it totally structured
Q1.In aqueous ammonia, cobalt(II) ions are oxidised to cobalt(III) ions by hydrogen
peroxide. Write an equation to illustrate this.
Q2. The H2O2 is reduced to hydroxide ions. Calculate the minimum volume of 5.00 mol dm3
H2O2 solution required to oxidise the Co2+ ions in 9.87 g of CoSO4.7H2O using the
following steps to help you.
Calculate the number of mole of CoSO4.7H2O in 9.87g
Using the ratio in your equation calculate the of mole of H2O2 solution required to
oxidise the Co2+
Using the formula Mole=Concentration x Volume calculate the volume of H2O2 solution
 When students have finished they have the option of
changing the level of structure in the question they
 By either:
(1) attempting a similar level of question
(2) attempting a more difficult question
Vary Assessment
 Vary methods of assessment, giving
students options when it comes to
demonstrating their understanding of
the topic
 This allows for another form of
differentiation for example...............
Vary Assessment
 Display Blooms Taxonomy on IWB
 Challenge students to identify the
different ways of constructing
questions, to reflect the different
levels of thinking
 Ask them to write an exam question
that covers each of the levels of
thinking & markscheme
 Asking the class to try these questions
& feeding back
Different Order Questions
List, define, tell, recall, identify, label, collect, tabulate, quote, name,
who, when, where
Summarize, describe, interpret, contrast, associate, distinguish,
estimate, differentiate, discuss, extend
Apply, demonstrate, calculate, complete, illustrate, predict, show, solve,
examine, modify, relate, change, classify, experiment, discover, use
Analyze, separate, order, explain, connect, classify, arrange, divide,
compare, select, explain, infer, break down, differentiate
Combine, integrate, modify, rearrange, substitute, plan, create, design,
invent, what if?, compose, formulate, prepare, generalize, rewrite
Assess, evaluate, appraise, justify, defend, decide, rank, grade, test,
measure, recommend, convince, select, judge, discriminate, support,
conclude, compare, summarize
The Stuck Menu
Students choose 3 strategies from The Stuck Menu
before putting up their hand to ask for help...
1. Leave a question that you find difficult until
later, try an easier question first
2. Look back through your notes and previous
3. Use a text book/smart-phone
4. Ask someone else in your group
5. Use a dictionary to look up a word
The Lazy Teachers Handbook
Unlocking potential with language (Jim Smiths The Lazy
Teachers Handbook: developing an independent learning
What have you forgotten to do?
If you were not stuck, what would you do?
Try something different...
If I gave you a million pounds to be unstuck, what would
you do?
What could you do to help yourself?
9.20  11.20: Time in departments
1. Think of a way in which your department
could use at least one of the techniques we
have just shown you
2. Also discuss other differentiation activities so
that you have a new idea to feed back to use
at 11.20
3. Share your new questioning idea on the blog
11.20  12.00: Feedback in this room
Time to
Where can I get the information
from today?
 Shared area  Folder called AST.
 This folder has all the slides used for
today, including the other groups slides.
 Show students blooms question
 Construct a past paper question
 Using different levels of thinking
 Write a markscheme
 Swap and try each others questions
 Swap and mark
 Feedback to class, show example questions
and answers

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Vasy & Helen

  • 1. 1. Philip Banseylla 2. Jimmy Campbell 3. Ruth Cooper 4. Steve Dobson 5. Anna Finn 6. Margery Gretton 7. Claire Hills 8. Hannah Johnston 9. Danny Kuperberg 10.Maeveen Maenpaa 11.Nigel Martin 12.Wendy Oswin 13.Jal Patel 14.Christine Phillips 15.Lucy Ridgway 16.Niki Savva 17.Mary Sell 18.Cressida Tweed 19.Pete Weitz 20.Chris Wickham
  • 3. Differentiation Today we will think about differentiation.. 9.00 9.20: Some examples of differentiation activities shared by the ASTs 9.20 11.20: Time in departments 11.20 12.00: Feedback in this room We will ask you in departments to come up with : (1) an example of how you could use one of the ideas (2) more differentiation ideas of your own to share 03/06/2013Helen
  • 4. What is Differentiation? Simply stated, differentiation is modified instruction that helps students with diverse academic needs and learning styles master the same challenging academic content. 03/06/2013Helen What is Differentiation?
  • 5. How Can We Differentiate? 03/06/2013Helen Vary Materials Vary Process Vary Assessment
  • 6. Vary Materials Changing the materials used in the classroom can be an effective way to differentiate For example......... Snowball activity Change the materials each student is given 03/06/2013Vasy
  • 7. Snowball Activity PLANNING THE ACTIVITY Create 3 differentiated sources of information Eg: with diagrams, simple text, complex text Each source has different information (so they must work as a group to get an overview of the topic) Using different levels of thinking...
  • 8. Snowball Activity STUDENT ACTIVITY Working in groups of 3 As Individuals: Students read their source material and highlight relevant points As a Group: They feedback information to each other to create an overview Group constructs a concept map As a class: compare and feedback on each others concept maps
  • 11. Secondary School Students Exams Homework Teachers Staff Room Cool A Concept Map about Secondary School Arrange the keywords
  • 12. Secondary School Students Exams Homework Teachers Staff Room Cool A Concept Map about Secondary School Join up with arrows
  • 13. Secondary School Students Exams Homework Teachers Staff Room has angelic always do their love has fantabulous plot secretly in has a Cool are A Concept Map about Secondary School Add 1 or 2 words You can pick your own keywords & Use FLOW DIAGRAMS ETC BE Imaginative... Colourful.... Representative... .....unique
  • 14. QUESTIONS YOU ALL MUST ANSWER: 1. List the 3 components of a nucleotide 2. Describe how these 3 components of a nucleotide are added together (ie what type of reaction is used) 3. Draw the structre of a nucleotide 4. Write out the name for all 4 DNA bases (ie not just the 4 letters!) 5. Explain which of the 4 DNA bases pair together Extension knowledge: 1. Explain how each of these DNA base pairs are held together in a DNA molecule Instructions:
  • 15. Vary Process Changing the instructions of activities will allow all students to learn the same concepts and skills But with varied levels of support, challenge, or complexity For example......... 03/06/2013Helen
  • 16. In Chemistry We can set a problem: In aqueous ammonia, cobalt(II) ions are oxidised to cobalt(III) ions by hydrogen peroxide. The H2O2 is reduced to hydroxide ions. Calculate the minimum volume of 5.00 mol dm3 H2O2 solution required to oxidise the Co2+ ions in 9.87 g of CoSO4.7H2O And leave it totally unstructured
  • 17. Or make it partially structured Q1. In aqueous ammonia, cobalt(II) ions are oxidised to cobalt(III) ions by hydrogen peroxide. Write and equation to show this .......................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... Q2. The H2O2 is reduced to hydroxide ions. Calculate the minimum volume of 5.00 mol dm3 H2O2 solution required to oxidise the Co2+ ions in 9.87 g of CoSO4.7H2O .......................................................................................................... ..........................................................................................................
  • 18. Or make it totally structured Q1.In aqueous ammonia, cobalt(II) ions are oxidised to cobalt(III) ions by hydrogen peroxide. Write an equation to illustrate this. .............................................................................................. ........................................................................................ Q2. The H2O2 is reduced to hydroxide ions. Calculate the minimum volume of 5.00 mol dm3 H2O2 solution required to oxidise the Co2+ ions in 9.87 g of CoSO4.7H2O using the following steps to help you. .............................................................................................. ........................................................................................... Calculate the number of mole of CoSO4.7H2O in 9.87g ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................... Using the ratio in your equation calculate the of mole of H2O2 solution required to oxidise the Co2+ ........................................................................................... ........................................................................................... Using the formula Mole=Concentration x Volume calculate the volume of H2O2 solution required ........................................................................................... ...........................................................................................
  • 19. Extension When students have finished they have the option of changing the level of structure in the question they attempt By either: (1) attempting a similar level of question (2) attempting a more difficult question
  • 20. Vary Assessment Vary methods of assessment, giving students options when it comes to demonstrating their understanding of the topic This allows for another form of differentiation for example...............
  • 21. Vary Assessment Display Blooms Taxonomy on IWB Challenge students to identify the different ways of constructing questions, to reflect the different levels of thinking Ask them to write an exam question that covers each of the levels of thinking & markscheme Asking the class to try these questions & feeding back
  • 22. Different Order Questions Knowledge List, define, tell, recall, identify, label, collect, tabulate, quote, name, who, when, where Comprehension Summarize, describe, interpret, contrast, associate, distinguish, estimate, differentiate, discuss, extend Application Apply, demonstrate, calculate, complete, illustrate, predict, show, solve, examine, modify, relate, change, classify, experiment, discover, use Analysis Analyze, separate, order, explain, connect, classify, arrange, divide, compare, select, explain, infer, break down, differentiate Synthesis Combine, integrate, modify, rearrange, substitute, plan, create, design, invent, what if?, compose, formulate, prepare, generalize, rewrite Evaluation Assess, evaluate, appraise, justify, defend, decide, rank, grade, test, measure, recommend, convince, select, judge, discriminate, support, conclude, compare, summarize
  • 23. The Stuck Menu Students choose 3 strategies from The Stuck Menu before putting up their hand to ask for help... 1. Leave a question that you find difficult until later, try an easier question first 2. Look back through your notes and previous examples 3. Use a text book/smart-phone 4. Ask someone else in your group 5. Use a dictionary to look up a word Helen
  • 24. The Lazy Teachers Handbook Unlocking potential with language (Jim Smiths The Lazy Teachers Handbook: developing an independent learning structure) What have you forgotten to do? If you were not stuck, what would you do? Try something different... If I gave you a million pounds to be unstuck, what would you do? What could you do to help yourself? Helen
  • 25. Focus 9.20 11.20: Time in departments 1. Think of a way in which your department could use at least one of the techniques we have just shown you 2. Also discuss other differentiation activities so that you have a new idea to feed back to use at 11.20 3. Share your new questioning idea on the blog 11.20 12.00: Feedback in this room Vasy
  • 27. Where can I get the information from today? Shared area Folder called AST. This folder has all the slides used for today, including the other groups slides.
  • 28. Helen
  • 29. Differentiation Show students blooms question Construct a past paper question Using different levels of thinking Write a markscheme Swap and try each others questions Swap and mark Feedback to class, show example questions and answers