This document discusses evaluating font styles through a questionnaire. The author listed various fonts and had people score which ones they liked most to understand what fonts people found appealing and conventional. This helped the author find out which fonts would be suitable for their target audience. Once the preferred fonts were identified, ancillary products could be devised. Taking the time to understand the target audience's preferences for font styles through the questionnaire was beneficial as it allowed the author to know which font styles to use.
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Different fonts
1. Evaluationtofontstyles
In orderto findoutmy fontstylesIgave out a questionnaire,Ilistedall thesefontsonapage then
askedvariouspeople toscore whichfonttheylikedthe most.Thishelpedme understandwhat
font’speople foundappealingandconventional.Thishelped me findoutwhatfontsare
conventional andsuitable formytargetaudience.Once Ifoundoutthe fontsI couldthendevise my
ancillaryproducts.Takingthe time tofindoutwhat mytarget audience thoughtaboutthe fontstyles
was beneficial because InowknowwhatfontstylesIam goingto use.