This document discusses an action research project that aimed to determine college students' knowledge of and difficulties with Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. It identified problems like low initial knowledge of the programs and difficulties using specific features. The researcher implemented peer tutoring interventions over multiple sessions to familiarize students with Word and PowerPoint parts, functions, and hands-on practice activities. Rubrics assessed students' skills before and after, finding improved knowledge and abilities in using the programs. The researcher concluded peer tutoring was effective for hands-on learning and addressing students' needs.
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Difficulties in microsoft word and power point presentation
2. Top Tech Skills, Circa 2005, from T.H.E.
Journals 2005 article Top 20 skills every
educator should have the first skill that
an educator should have is the word
processing skill.
word-processing program is used by
perhaps 95% of all writers (Naughton,
2012) which tells us that in this 21st
century era
4. III. Statement of the Problem:
What are the initial knowledge of the
respondent about Microsoft word and Power
point presentation?
What are the difficulties encountered by the
respondents in Microsoft word and Power
point presentation?
What intervention can be design to have
better understanding about the concept and
application of the said program (Microsoft
word and power point presentation)?
5. Objective: this action research is
intended to;
Determine the knowledge and difficulties
of the respondent before and after
implementing of the said intervention if
there is any improvement.
Familiarize the parts and the uses of
Microsoft Word and Power Point
Apply what they learn in each session.
6. Score
Category 4 3 2 1
Knows the parts of Microsoft word
Knows how to use font formats
Master and knows how to use/insert t picture,
clipart, videos, sounds, shapes, smartart, charts.
Knows how to use and functions of ribbon tabs in
Knows the parts of power point presentation.
際際滷 Creation: use of tools in a creative way.
際際滷 Transitions: can use transition appropriate to
the presentation
Knows how to use animation
Knows how to use Fonts, colors, backgrounds, etc.
are effective, consistent and appropriate to the topic.
Knows how to organize Content and information is
presented in a logical order.
10. September 21 ,2016 Making of part 1,2,3 Finished and ready for
September 22, 2016 Making of Plan of
Activities and
Scheduling of
Finished and waiting for
the confirmation of the
September 22, 2016 Making of rubrics
which will be given
before the first
intervention to
determine the
knowledge of the
respondents with
regards to the Microsoft
Word and Power Point
I encounter difficulty in
formulating the
categories. I was able to
come with four
categories in Microsoft
Word and six categories
in Power point
11. September 22, 2016 Answering of rubric
First intervention.
Understanding peer
tutoring. Discussion
the purpose and
importance of peer
The respondents
shows low knowledge
about the parts and
uses of MS and PPT
Handouts was given
and it was clearly
discussed. Practical
advantage peer
tutoring was also
discussed to the
September 23, 2016 Discussion on Parts of
Microsoft word and
Power point
They were able to
familiarize the parts of
MS word and Power
point and their
12. September 24, 2016 Demonstration how to create new file, save, open file, and where to
locate the saved file.
Discussion/demonstration, about the content of menu bar Home and
some important tools like Bold, Italic, underline, font color, font
style, font size, how to use bullet, numbering.
Hands-on and practice
After the discussion and demonstration; I let them to practice what they
have learned and the result is good because they were able to use the
tools Ive explained earlier.
September 25, 2016 Practice what we discussed yesterday
Demonstration on how insert picture, object, clipart smartart, charts.
Hands-on and practice
At the end of the session, they already know how to insert picture, etc.
Hands-on and practice
How to set margin
How to set columns
Familiarize and modify page set up
After the session, they were able to modify margin and familiarize the
components and use of page set up
September 26, 2016
13. September 27, 2016 Hands-on and
They practiced what
they had learned
during the past days.
September 28, 2016 Demonstration:
Alignment of text,
how to use sort,
insert table and
how to add
columns, rows,
delete rows and
After the demonstration,
I let them to customize
their own tables. They
were able to do so.
September 29, 2016 Hands-on and
I observed that they still
have difficulties in
controlling the mouse
14. September
Discussion and pointing out similarities of PPT
and MS word.
How to make new slide, design, animation
They were able to use some of the tools they encounter
in MS word.
They have difficulties in locating the tools. The tutor
demonstrated the procedure several time until the
tutee familiarize the procedure.
This time, they explore the Power point presentation.
They discover some of the necessary tools like how to
use design.
October 1, 2016
15. October 2, 2016 8:00-9:30pm use of transitions,
Use of font Fonts,
font colors,
They were able to
apply some of the tools
they had used in
Microsoft word.
They also try some of
the transition and
animation available in
the options.
October 3, 2016 8:00-8:15 Answering of
The result of peer
tutoring is successful as
what the rubric tells
about the development
of the respondents.
16. Category
t Basic)
Marissa Altohan Analyn Pagobo Etang
Before After Before After
1. 2 3 2 4
2. 1 4 2 4
3. 1 4 1 4
4. 1 2 1 2
1. 2 3 2 3
2. 1 3 1 3
3. 1 3 1 3
4. 1 4 1 4
5. 1 4 1 4
6. 1 2 1 2
17. Conclusion/reflection:
Peer tutoring is very effective especially in
hands-on activities. During the intervention, the
tutor concluded that the tutee will know and
understand the topic better if there is someone
who is directly giving instruction and correcting
the tutee on the spot. At the same time the
questions of the tutee will be addressed
immediately and proper communication between
the tutor and students helps the learner to
immediately cater the needs of the students.