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2011 Album release of
   Fortune‘s Fool


by Peter & The Wolf
Front cover
? polaroid of Peter&The Wolf wearing a wolf
  hat + a red lollipop
? a table backround
? items like keys, pen, something more
  innovative, etc....
More props to add...
? We wanted to keep the digipak setting quite
  realistic, in a everyday life environment and not
  too ?out of this world‘, to show that our artist is
  very much about his music and that that is all
  what means to him. It also hints on the
  imagination/reality theme we have going on in
  the Foreground video.
? We make reference to the purple color element
  in foreground, which is his first Single!
? The wolfhat picks on his artist name referring to
  the childrens‘ fairytale, escaping from real world.
? The pen hints on the scribbling when you open
  the CD package.
? white background
? black pen writing/scribbling and sketching

? The artist was asked to write his thank you‘s etc.
  in the booklet, but couldn‘t be bothered (he‘s
  young, boyish, just wants to do his music)
? Just wrote down some names, mom, and some
  wolf sketches...

Bjaf ........  Fdsfdsvc
     ....fdsafadsa                               Jbykcbljlkjkgzufafhiehnckj..........aef

Safdsfasdasfsafs                     jlhjgz    wsdajdkabkdjnSNDKDLKakdN<KJBDH
        jfdjhsscsacasc                         BSAnlkjsncfjkadbkjasjksndkjnasklndlka
sacascascacsdca sacac                                        nslkdnla


                                  ..or something like that.....
The disc
? a lollipop
? underneath more scribbling / a sketch of
  himself(or the ballerina?)

Back cover
? Table background again + lollipop wrapping
? song titles (taken of original Grizzly Bear
  'Veckatimest' album) No. Title Length
                        1. "Southern Point"   5:02
                        2. "Lollipop”         3:18
                        3. "All We Ask"       5:21
                        4. "Fine for Now"     5:31
                        5. "Cheerleader"      4:54
                        6. "Dory"             4:26
                        7. "Ready, Able" 4:17
                        8. "About Face"       3:21
                        9. "Hold Still"       2:24
                        10. "I Live with You" 4:57
                        11. "Foreground" 2:35

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  • 1. 2011 Album release of Fortune‘s Fool Digipak by Peter & The Wolf
  • 2. Front cover ? polaroid of Peter&The Wolf wearing a wolf hat + a red lollipop ? a table backround ? items like keys, pen, something more innovative, etc....
  • 3. More props to add...
  • 4. Meanings ? We wanted to keep the digipak setting quite realistic, in a everyday life environment and not too ?out of this world‘, to show that our artist is very much about his music and that that is all what means to him. It also hints on the imagination/reality theme we have going on in the Foreground video. ? We make reference to the purple color element in foreground, which is his first Single! ? The wolfhat picks on his artist name referring to the childrens‘ fairytale, escaping from real world. ? The pen hints on the scribbling when you open the CD package.
  • 5. Inside ? white background ? black pen writing/scribbling and sketching Meaning ? The artist was asked to write his thank you‘s etc. in the booklet, but couldn‘t be bothered (he‘s young, boyish, just wants to do his music) ? Just wrote down some names, mom, and some wolf sketches...
  • 6. Jdjksbdhbja...f.sdf.wetredfvsedf.c.. Kjsbfjksabjawsddfabdfb Fcdsfefvsdyzgkjhbchkykjanlknal Bjaf ........ Fdsfdsvc Dfsadsadfgdhsgjhfshgffd-.....---- ....fdsafadsa Jbykcbljlkjkgzufafhiehnckj..........aef Safdsfasdasfsafs jlhjgz wsdajdkabkdjnSNDKDLKakdN<KJBDH jfdjhsscsacasc BSAnlkjsncfjkadbkjasjksndkjnasklndlka sacascascacsdca sacac nslkdnla kheukhfadksyb ..or something like that.....
  • 7. The disc ? a lollipop ? underneath more scribbling / a sketch of himself(or the ballerina?) Meaning
  • 8. Back cover ? Table background again + lollipop wrapping paper ? song titles (taken of original Grizzly Bear 'Veckatimest' album) No. Title Length 1. "Southern Point" 5:02 2. "Lollipop” 3:18 3. "All We Ask" 5:21 4. "Fine for Now" 5:31 5. "Cheerleader" 4:54 6. "Dory" 4:26 7. "Ready, Able" 4:17 8. "About Face" 3:21 9. "Hold Still" 2:24 10. "I Live with You" 4:57 11. "Foreground" 2:35