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digipak analysis
The front cover of the
digipak. It has a medium
close up of Florence and
the machine, she is
looking straight out so
will make eye contact
with the buyers of her
The image is slightly see
through making the
artist seem natural and
earthy due to the forrest
The iconic hand written
style font that spells out
Florence and the
machine is also on the
front this font is part of
the artists image .
This panel is fro special
mentions. Florence and the
machine is a solo artist so
this si where she mentions
the people who did all the
backing music fro her
songs. Also the other
people who produced and
photographed so this
digipak would be possible.
At the top is the record
company. This is all in teh
same font as florence put
her own name at the on
the front cover, shiwing
that it is a group effot
making this digipak so
these people arent being
excluded but they are part
of flroence and the
This is the back panel, this is
where the songs are written
again in the same font,
keeping the house style the
same. To reinforce the house
style the forest seting is also
continued. However this
forrest is darker than the one
on the front cover, this is
because its on the back
which connotes darkness and
shadowed because its not
the front which would
naturally get the light.
This is another inside panel
just depicting another image
of Florence. This panel keeps
with the house theme with a
very similar picture that is
on the front cover, if I were
designing this I would put
some information about
Florence and the machine
because I feel that this panel
is just a bit of a waste it
doesnt have a great

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digipak analysis

  • 2. The front cover of the digipak. It has a medium close up of Florence and the machine, she is looking straight out so will make eye contact with the buyers of her digipak. The image is slightly see through making the artist seem natural and earthy due to the forrest setting. The iconic hand written style font that spells out Florence and the machine is also on the front this font is part of the artists image .
  • 3. This panel is fro special mentions. Florence and the machine is a solo artist so this si where she mentions the people who did all the backing music fro her songs. Also the other people who produced and photographed so this digipak would be possible. At the top is the record company. This is all in teh same font as florence put her own name at the on the front cover, shiwing that it is a group effot making this digipak so these people arent being excluded but they are part of flroence and the machine.
  • 4. This is the back panel, this is where the songs are written again in the same font, keeping the house style the same. To reinforce the house style the forest seting is also continued. However this forrest is darker than the one on the front cover, this is because its on the back which connotes darkness and shadowed because its not the front which would naturally get the light.
  • 5. This is another inside panel just depicting another image of Florence. This panel keeps with the house theme with a very similar picture that is on the front cover, if I were designing this I would put some information about Florence and the machine because I feel that this panel is just a bit of a waste it doesnt have a great purpose.