Globalization has connected people across borders but also deepened divisions. Cultural policy can help strengthen civil society by smoothing the transition to a global community and promoting inclusion, participation, and pluralism. By funding arts programs and networks that empower diverse voices and facilitate cooperation, cultural policy fosters social trust and civic responsibility, which are integral to civil society.
This document discusses evaluating the performance of Indian mutual funds. It outlines objectives to compare fund returns to a benchmark index, the BSE Sensex, and analyze risk-adjusted returns. Thirteen mutual fund schemes from Birla, ICICI, and HDFC were selected for analysis using weekly net asset values from 2010-2011. Standard deviation, beta, Sharpe ratio, and relative performance index are identified as measures to evaluate the funds and determine if returns were from market movement or individual performance.
This certificate was presented to Adinarayana Bhajanthri for achieving Process Level 300 competency in IQ Professional - T300 Certification on August 21, 2013 with a score of 60%. The certificate was signed by Srinath Batni as a member of the board.
La Revoluci坦n Rusa de 1917 derroc坦 al zar Nicol叩s II debido al descontento p炭blico por la guerra. En febrero, manifestaciones masivas llevaron a la abdicaci坦n del zar y al establecimiento de un gobierno provisional, mientras los bolcheviques ganaban influencia entre los s坦viets. Para el verano, el gobierno provisional estaba desacreditado por las derrotas en la guerra, allanando el camino para que los bolcheviques tomaran el poder en octubre.
This certificate was presented to Adinarayana Bhajanthri for achieving Project Management Level 100 competency in PM Elite Lite - T100 Certification on May 12, 2008 with a score of 83%. The certificate was signed by Pramod Prakash Panda, Assistant Vice President and Head of Education, Training and Assessment.
The document discusses Java benchmarking and proper benchmarking techniques. It introduces the Java Microbenchmarking Harness (JMH) tool for conducting benchmarks. Some key points made include:
1) Benchmarks are needed to understand a system's performance model and identify optimization opportunities rather than just obtaining numbers.
2) Naive benchmarks can miss important factors like compiler optimizations, JVM warmup effects, and threading.
3) JMH is an open source tool that accounts for these factors and allows scientific benchmarking approaches.
4) Common optimizations like dead code elimination, inlining, and loop unrolling can significantly impact performance benchmarks. These must be considered.
This curriculum vitae summarizes the qualifications of Monica Fields. She received a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Campbell University in 2016, with research experience in electroencephalography and visual saliency. Her areas of interest include neuroscience and neurodegenerative diseases. She has worked as a lead toddler teacher, intern, peer tutor, and held various leadership roles in honor societies and clubs at her university.
Palestra "A Geometria Escondida" apresentada pelo Prof. Jos辿 Nat叩rio, no Instituto Superior T辿cnico no dia 14 de Fevereiro de 2011 no 但mbito da 4捉 edi巽達o da atividade Descoberta das Rotas Matem叩ticas da UTL.
La educaci坦n virtual es una forma de aprendizaje flexible que se adapta al horario del estudiante y se facilita a trav辿s de las tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n, proporcionando herramientas de aprendizaje m叩s motivadoras que las clases tradicionales. Un ejemplo es un curso en l鱈nea de Investigaci坦n en Marketing, que ense単a t辿cnicas de investigaci坦n de mercado a estudiantes y profesionales para que puedan aplicarlos en situaciones empresariales reales que requieran un estudio de mercado.
Este documento lista os membros do novo governo de Cabo Verde, incluindo o primeiro-ministro Ulisses Correia e Silva e os ministros respons叩veis por diferentes pastas como Finan巽as, Justi巽a, Cultura, Neg坦cios Estrangeiros e Educa巽達o.
The document discusses different tener expressions in Spanish to describe emotions and needs. It provides examples of how to say "when I am cold, hungry, thirsty, wrong, jealous" in Spanish and the corresponding actions or feelings that result. It also gives specific examples of how Lynde runs when in a hurry and how Allison is sad because autumn has defeated her.
Teracue: Its All IP- AV Signal Distribution and Control over IPrAVe [PUBS]
Presentations from the Teracue education session at COMM-TEC's S14 Solutions Day 2015 in Uhingen, Germany.
Este documento describe las ventajas de aplicar un enfoque al cliente. Al centrarse en comprender y satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes, una organizaci坦n puede aumentar sus ingresos, mejorar la eficiencia de sus recursos, y fomentar la lealtad de los clientes. Esto conduce a una mayor satisfacci坦n del cliente y relaciones comerciales sostenidas que impulsan el 辿xito a largo plazo de la organizaci坦n.
El documento lista los ganadores de las categor鱈as de solista canto, d炭os/tr鱈os canto, baile grupo, solistas canto, d炭os-tr鱈os canto, baile, solistas instrumental y bandas de una competencia primaria y secundaria. En la primaria, Gabriel Vargas gan坦 el primer puesto en solista canto y en la secundaria Pablo Paredes gan坦 el primer puesto en solista canto.
Presentatie Panamaconferentie 2023 Gerard Dummer - Programmeren van apparatenGerard Dummer
Presentatie voor de Panamaconferentie 2023 door Gerard Dummer over programmeren, computational thinking, wiskundig denken in een technisch geprogrammeerde wereld.
Presentatie gegeven door de VELON themagroep ICT en de lerarenopleider. Wat verstaan we over feedback? Hoe kun je dat organiseren? Welke ICT-middelen zet je hiervoor in?
La Revoluci坦n Rusa de 1917 derroc坦 al zar Nicol叩s II debido al descontento p炭blico por la guerra. En febrero, manifestaciones masivas llevaron a la abdicaci坦n del zar y al establecimiento de un gobierno provisional, mientras los bolcheviques ganaban influencia entre los s坦viets. Para el verano, el gobierno provisional estaba desacreditado por las derrotas en la guerra, allanando el camino para que los bolcheviques tomaran el poder en octubre.
This certificate was presented to Adinarayana Bhajanthri for achieving Project Management Level 100 competency in PM Elite Lite - T100 Certification on May 12, 2008 with a score of 83%. The certificate was signed by Pramod Prakash Panda, Assistant Vice President and Head of Education, Training and Assessment.
The document discusses Java benchmarking and proper benchmarking techniques. It introduces the Java Microbenchmarking Harness (JMH) tool for conducting benchmarks. Some key points made include:
1) Benchmarks are needed to understand a system's performance model and identify optimization opportunities rather than just obtaining numbers.
2) Naive benchmarks can miss important factors like compiler optimizations, JVM warmup effects, and threading.
3) JMH is an open source tool that accounts for these factors and allows scientific benchmarking approaches.
4) Common optimizations like dead code elimination, inlining, and loop unrolling can significantly impact performance benchmarks. These must be considered.
This curriculum vitae summarizes the qualifications of Monica Fields. She received a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from Campbell University in 2016, with research experience in electroencephalography and visual saliency. Her areas of interest include neuroscience and neurodegenerative diseases. She has worked as a lead toddler teacher, intern, peer tutor, and held various leadership roles in honor societies and clubs at her university.
Palestra "A Geometria Escondida" apresentada pelo Prof. Jos辿 Nat叩rio, no Instituto Superior T辿cnico no dia 14 de Fevereiro de 2011 no 但mbito da 4捉 edi巽達o da atividade Descoberta das Rotas Matem叩ticas da UTL.
La educaci坦n virtual es una forma de aprendizaje flexible que se adapta al horario del estudiante y se facilita a trav辿s de las tecnolog鱈as de la informaci坦n, proporcionando herramientas de aprendizaje m叩s motivadoras que las clases tradicionales. Un ejemplo es un curso en l鱈nea de Investigaci坦n en Marketing, que ense単a t辿cnicas de investigaci坦n de mercado a estudiantes y profesionales para que puedan aplicarlos en situaciones empresariales reales que requieran un estudio de mercado.
Este documento lista os membros do novo governo de Cabo Verde, incluindo o primeiro-ministro Ulisses Correia e Silva e os ministros respons叩veis por diferentes pastas como Finan巽as, Justi巽a, Cultura, Neg坦cios Estrangeiros e Educa巽達o.
The document discusses different tener expressions in Spanish to describe emotions and needs. It provides examples of how to say "when I am cold, hungry, thirsty, wrong, jealous" in Spanish and the corresponding actions or feelings that result. It also gives specific examples of how Lynde runs when in a hurry and how Allison is sad because autumn has defeated her.
Teracue: Its All IP- AV Signal Distribution and Control over IPrAVe [PUBS]
Presentations from the Teracue education session at COMM-TEC's S14 Solutions Day 2015 in Uhingen, Germany.
Este documento describe las ventajas de aplicar un enfoque al cliente. Al centrarse en comprender y satisfacer las necesidades de los clientes, una organizaci坦n puede aumentar sus ingresos, mejorar la eficiencia de sus recursos, y fomentar la lealtad de los clientes. Esto conduce a una mayor satisfacci坦n del cliente y relaciones comerciales sostenidas que impulsan el 辿xito a largo plazo de la organizaci坦n.
El documento lista los ganadores de las categor鱈as de solista canto, d炭os/tr鱈os canto, baile grupo, solistas canto, d炭os-tr鱈os canto, baile, solistas instrumental y bandas de una competencia primaria y secundaria. En la primaria, Gabriel Vargas gan坦 el primer puesto en solista canto y en la secundaria Pablo Paredes gan坦 el primer puesto en solista canto.
Presentatie Panamaconferentie 2023 Gerard Dummer - Programmeren van apparatenGerard Dummer
Presentatie voor de Panamaconferentie 2023 door Gerard Dummer over programmeren, computational thinking, wiskundig denken in een technisch geprogrammeerde wereld.
Presentatie gegeven door de VELON themagroep ICT en de lerarenopleider. Wat verstaan we over feedback? Hoe kun je dat organiseren? Welke ICT-middelen zet je hiervoor in?
Een gechargeerd gesprek tussen een Pabo-student die onderzoek moet doen en een directeur van een basisschool. Vooral bedoeld om te wijzen op veel voorkomende valkuilen. Zoals het op deze basisschool gaat, gaat het bij jullie natuurlijk niet!
Ben jij een ster honourspresentatie studentenGerard Dummer
Presentatie voor Pabo-studenten over het honeursprogramma van de Hogeschool Utrecht. Welke excellentiemogelijkheden heb je als Pabo-student op Pabo Amersfoort?
WikiKids is an online encyclopedia created for and edited by children. It was started in 2001 by Gerard Dummer from the University of Applied Sciences Utrecht as a wiki where children could collaborate on creating and editing educational articles. Over the years it has grown to include over 13,000 articles contributed by its 196,000 registered members. The most important part of WikiKids are the children who write and improve the articles, and enjoy helping others learn by answering their questions.
Presentatie voor het hoorcollege voor derdejaars studenten van de Pabo in Amersfoort. Inhoud: ICT en leervragen, digitaal pesten en visie op ICT en onderwijs. Uitleg TPACK- model. Mogelijkheden van beginnende geletterdheid en ICT. Serious games bij kleuters. Het digibord bij de kleuters. ICT startpagina's.
2. Programma 9.30 Opening preconference 9.40 Het implementeren en een onderwijsvernieuwing 10.30 De Net generation komt met hun eigen tools pauze 10 11.30 Doorlopende leerlijnen en uitwisseling van gegevens 12.20 Afronding
3. Sprekers Marcel Kemper Hogeschool INHOLLAND Misja Hoebe Christelijke Hogeschool Nederland Paul Siepman Hogeschool Arnhem Nijmegen Joost van Eck Kennisnet Jan Bartling ROC Aventus Voorzitter: Marij Veugelers Universiteit van Amsterdam
4. NL Portfolio Website Presentaties komen online te staan Word lid voor de nieuwsbrief