The document discusses various digital communication techniques including linear vs nonlinear PCM encoding, idle channel noise reduction methods, coding methods like level-at-a-time, digit-at-a-time and word-at-a-time. It also discusses analog companding using A-law and 亮-law, digital companding, vocoders, delta modulation, DPCM, intersymbol interference causes and eye patterns.
2. Linear vs. Nonlinear PCM Codes
- Early systems used linear codes
Linear Encoding
- The accuracy (resolution) for the higher-
amplitude analog signals is the same as for the
lower-amplitude signals, and the SQR for the
lower-amplitude signals is less than for the
higher-amplitude signals.
3. Nonlinear or nonuniform encoding
- If there were more codes for the lower
amplitudes, it would increase the accuracy
where the accuracy is needed. Then, there
would be fewer codes available for the higher
amplitudes, which would increase the
quantization error for the larger-amplitude
signals (decreasing the SQR).
- The step size increases with the amplitude of
the input signal.
5. Idle Channel Noise
The random thermal noise input to the PAM
sampler when there no analog input signal.
Converted to a PAM sample just as if it is a
Methods to reduce idle noise channel:
Midtread quantization the first quantization
interval is made larger in amplitude than the
rest of the steps.
6. Midrise Quantization the lowest-magnitude
positive and negative codes have the same
voltage range as all the other codes (+ or
one-half the resolution).
7. Idle channel noise
Uniform code with
midrise quantization
Uniform code with
midtread quantization
Decoded Noise No decoded Noise
8. Coding Methods
Coding methods used to quantize PAM signal into 2n levels.
Level-at-a-time coding
- Compares the PAM signal to a ramp waveform while a binary
counter is being advanced at a uniform rate.
- When a ramp waveform equals or exceeds the PAM sample,
the counter contains the PCM code.
- Requires a very fast clock if the number of bits in the PCM
code is large.
- Also requires the 2n sequential decisions be made for each
PCM code generated.
- Limited to low-speed applications.
- Nonuniform coding is achieved by using a nonlinear function
as the reference ramp
9. Digit-at-a-time coding
- Determines each digit of the PCM code
- Analogous to a balance where known reference
weights are used to determine an unknown
- Provide a compromise between speed and
- A common kind of digit-at-a-time coder called a
feedback coder, uses a successive approximation
register (SAR).
- the entire PCM code word is determined
10. Word-at-a-time coding
- Flash encoders and are more complex
- More suitable for high-speed applications
- Common type of this uses multiple threshold
- Logic circuits sense the highest threshold
circuit sensed by the PAM input signal and
produce the approximate PCM code.
- Impractical for large values of n.
11. - The process of compressing, then expanding.
- The higher-amplitude analog signals are
compressed (less than the lower-amplitude
signals) prior to transmission, then expanded
(more than the smaller-amplitude signals) at
the receiver.
12. 120 dB 120 dB
60 dB
Compression Expansion
input output
13. Analog Companding
Implemented using specially designed diodes
inserted in the analog signal path in the PCM
transmitter prior to the sample-and-hold
2 methods currently being used that closely
approximate a logarithmic function and are
often called log-PCM codes.
1. A- law
2. 亮-law
14. 亮 - law
Used in US and Japan
V max ln(1 Vin )
Vout V max
ln(1 )
Vmax = maximum uncompressed analog signals
Vin = amplitude of the input signal at a particular instant of time
亮 = parameter used to define the amount of compression
Vout = compressed output amplitude
15. Example
For a compression with 亮 = 255, determine
the gain for the value of Vin: Vmax, 0.75
Vmax, 0.5 Vmax and 0.25 Vmax.
16. A-law
Established by CCIT in Europe to approximate true logarithmic
AVin/ V max 1
Vout V max 0 Vin
1 ln A V max A
1 ln( AVin/ V max) 1 Vin
Vout V max 1
1 ln A A V max
17. Digital Companding
- Compression at the transmit end after the
input sample has been converted to a linear
PCM code and expansion at the receive end
prior to PCM decoding
18. Compressed
Analog PCM
Input PAM Linear
Bandpass Sample-and- AD PCM Digital
filter hold circuit converter Compressor
PCM Transmitter
Analog PAM Linear PCM
Bandpass DA Digital
hold circuit
filter converter Expander
PCM Receiver
20. Digital companding algorithm for 12-bit-
linear code to 8-bit-compressed code
The 8-bit compressed code is comprised of a
sign bit, a 3-bit segment identifier, and a 4-bit
magnitude code which identifies the
quantization interval within the specified
Sign bit 3-bit segment 4-bit quantization
identifier interval
1=+ 000 to 111 0000 to 1111
22. X- bit positions that are truncated during
compression are consequently lost.
A, B, C, D bits for quantization interval,
transmitted as is.
s sign bit which is also transmitted as is.
Compression process
1. The analog signal is sampled and converted to a
linear 12-bit sign-magnitude code.
2. The sign bit is transferred directly to the 8-bit
3. The segment is determined by counting the
number of leading 0s in the 11-bit magnitude
portion of the code beginning with the MSB.
23. 4. Subtract the number of leading 0s (not to
exceed 7) from 7. The result is the segment
5. The segment number is converted to a 3-bit
binary number and substituted into the 8-bit
code as the segment identifier.
6. The four magnitude bits (A, B, C, D) are the
quantization interval and are substituted into
the least significant bits of the 8-bit
compressed code.
24. Segments 2 to 7 are subdivided into smaller
subsegments. Each segment has 16
subsegments, which correspond the 16
conditions possible for the bits A, B, C, and D
In segment 2 there are two codes per
subsegment. In segment 3 there are four. The
number of codes per subsegment doubles
with each subsequent segment.
26. Vocoders
Special voice encoders/decoders
Used in digitizing speech signals only
Designed to reproduce only the short-term power
spectrum, and the decoded time waveforms
Cannot be used in applications where analog signals
other than voice are present such as output signals
from voice band data modems.
Typically produce unnatural sounding speech are
therefore generally used for recorded information such
as wrong number messages, encrypted voice for
transmission over analog telephone circuits, computer
output signals and educational games.
27. Vocoder
Purpose is to encode the minimum amount of
speech information necessary to reproduce a
perceptible message with fewer bits than
those needed by a conventional
Used primarily in limited bandwidth
29. Channel Vocoders
The first channel vocoder developed by
Homer Dudley in 1928.
Dudleys vocoder compressed conventional
speech waveforms into an analog signal with a
total bandwidth of approximately 300 Hz.
Present digital vocoders operate at less than 2 kbps.
- use bandpass filters to separate the speech
waveform into narrower subbands.
- each sideband is full-wave rectified, filtered, then
digitally encoded.
30. Channel Vocoder
The quality of the signal is at the output is
quite poor.
More advanced channel vocoders operate at
2400 bps and produce a highly intelligible,
although slightly synthetic sounding speech.
31. The spectral power of most speech energy concentrates at
three or four peak frequencies called formants.
Determines the location of these peaks and encodes and
transmits only the information with the most significant short-
term components.
Can operate at lower bit rates and thus require narrow
Sometimes have trouble tracking changes in the formants.
Once the formants have been identified, a formant vocoder
can transfer intelligible speech at less than 1000 bps.
32. Extracts the most significant portions of speech information
directly from the time waveform rather than from the
frequency spectrum as with the channel and formant
Produces a time-varying model of the vocal tract excitation
and transfer function directly from the speech waveform.
At the receive end, a synthesizer reproduces the speech by
passing the specified excitation through a mathematical
model of the vocal tract.
Provide more-natural-sounding speech than does either
the channel or formant vocoder.
Encode and transmit speech at between 1.2 and 2.4 kbps.
33. most popular alternative to PCM
Uses a single-bit PCM code to achieve digital
transmission of analog signals.
Rather than transmit a coded representation of
the sample, only a single bit is transmitted
which simply indicates whether that sample is
larger or smaller than the previous sample.
If the current sample is smaller than the
previous sample, a logic 0 is transmitted, if it is
larger than the previous sample, a logic 1 is
34. DM Transmitter
Analog Sample and hold Delta PCM
counter U/D
35. The input analog is sampled and converted to a PAM
signal which is compared to the output of the DAC.
The output of DAC is a voltage equal to the
regenerated magnitude of the previous sample, which
was stored in the up-down counter as a binary number.
The up-down counter is incremented or decremented
depending on whether the previous is larger or smaller
than the current sample.
The up-down counter is clocked at a rate equal to the
sample rate. (up-down counter is updated after each
39. Slope overload when the analog input signal
changes at a faster rate than the DAC can keep
up with.
The slope of the analog signal is greater than the
delta modulator can maintain.
Increasing the clock frequency reduces the
probability of slope overload occurrences.
Another way is to increase the magnitude of the
minimum step size.
40. Granular noise - when the original analog
input signal has a relatively constant
amplitude, the reconstructed signal has
variations that were not present in the original
Analogous to quantization noise in conventional
Can be reduced by decreasing the step size.
41. To reduce the granular noise, a small resolution is
needed, and to reduce the possibility of slope
overload occurring, a large resolution is required.
Granular noise is more prevalent in analog signals
that have gradual slopes and whose amplitudes
vary only a small amount; slope overload is more
prevalent in analog signals that have steep slopes
or whose amplitudes vary rapidly.
42. Delta modulation system where the step size
of the DAC is automatically varied depending
on the amplitude characteristics of the analog
input signal.
43. After a predetermined number of consecutive 1s
or 0s, the step size is automatically increased.
After the next sample, if the DAC output
amplitude is still below the sample amplitude,
the next step is increased even further until
eventually the DAC catches up with the analog
The DAC will automatically revert to minimum
step size and thus reduce the magnitude of the
noise error.
44. ADPCM Algorithm
When 3 consecutive 1s or 0s occur, the step
size of the DACs is increased or decreased by a
factor of 1.5.
45. Designed specifically to take advantage of the
sample-to-sample redundancies in typical
speech waveforms.
The difference of the amplitude of two
successive samples is transmitted rather than
the actual sample.
Fewer bits are required than conventional
46. DPCM Transmitter
Analog Low-pass + Differentiator
input ADC Encoded
filter (summer)
- sample
signal level
Integrator DAC
47. DPCM transmitter
The analog input signal is bandlimited to one-
half of the sample rate, then compared to the
preceding accumulated signal level in the
48. DPCM + Hold
DAC Integrator Analog
input Ckt LPF
Each received sample is converted back to analog,
stored, and then summed with the next sample
49. All digital carrier systems involve transmission
of pulses through a medium with a finite
Practical digital systems utilize filters with
bandwidths that are approximately 30% or
more in excess of the ideal Nyquist
50. Output waveform of a bandlimited
communications channel
Secondary lobes are ringing tails
51. Pulse response
sin(T / 2)
f ( ) (T )
T / 2
where :
2f (rad )
T pulsewidth(sec)
55. ISI
Causes crosstalk
Energy in the form of spurious responses
from the third and fourth impulses from
one pulse appears during the sampling
instant (T= 0) of another pulse.
56. 4 primary causes of ISI
Timing inaccuracies if the rate does not
conform to the ringing frequency designed
into the communications system.
Insufficient Bandwidth
Amplitude distortion
Phase distortion
57. Eye Patterns
The performance of a digital transmission
systems depends, in part, on the ability to
regenerate the original pulses.
All waveform combinations are superimposed
over adjacent signaling intervals is called eye
pattern or eye diagram.
A convenient technique for determining the
effects of degradation.
58. ISI degradation = 20 log (h/H)
H = ideal vertical opening
h = degraded vertical opening