7. Technology is everywhere
Est. 20 million mobile phone users in Canada
3 billion worldwide
Laptops lead the growth in computer sales
Christian Idicula // idicula.ca Bloomberg. 5 June 2008
8. Critical trends shaping society
Conversations Economy
Cloud Computing
Christian Idicula // idicula.ca
9. Conversation Economy
≒More than social networking
≒Conversations are more than just talking
≒Listening. Meaningful Engagement.
≒Sharing ideas. Influencing choices.
Christian Idicula // idicula.ca
12. Simply belonging to the latest
social network isnt a web
strategy in and of itself
- Jordan Behan, telltenfriends.com
The Age of Conversation
Christian Idicula // idicula.ca
13. Cloud Computing
≒ Moving away from desktop applications to
Web applications
≒ Reflects the ubiquity of the Internet
≒ Started with portals
≒ Google is the flag-bearer
≒ Gmail, Calendar, Docs, Reader, iGoogle,
Scholar, etc.
Christian Idicula // idicula.ca
14. Crowdsourcing
Knowledge and ideas are not centrally
contained. They are dispersed amongst the
Christian Idicula // idicula.ca
15. Human Hierarchy Creative Collaboration
The way weve organized The way we actually behave
Christian Idicula // idicula.ca Source: D. Armano // L + E
24. People are more than a title
Christian Idicula // idicula.ca Source: D. Armano // L + E
25. People online or offline have
learned from experience not to
expect consistency when
communicating with the
government except from the tax
Colin McKay, canuckflack.com
The Age of Conversation
Christian Idicula // idicula.ca
26. Example:
New Zealand Police Act
≒National police force set up a wiki to solicit
public input to the New Zealand Police Act
before being sent to parliament
≒Citizens to help edit a piece of pending
Christian Idicula // idicula.ca
27. Example:
BC Ministry of Transportation
≒Combining MapQuest data with real-time
traffic data to provide timely advisories to
≒Allows citizens to make better use of the
overtaxed road network
Christian Idicula // idicula.ca
28. Example: CNN / YouTube
≒During the Republican and Democratic
debates in the US, anyone from around the
world could submit questions to the
≒Demonstrates how citizens can become
actively involved in the electoral process by
leveraging tools with which they are
already familiar
Christian Idicula // idicula.ca
29. Example: Diplopedia
≒US Department of State
≒Repository of organizational knowledge
≒Enables foreign service officials to share
vital information with colleagues around the
Christian Idicula // idicula.ca
30. Example: Intellipedia
≒Created by Director of National Intelligence
≒Wikified but highly secured intelligence
≒Promote better intelligence gathering and
sharing across a variety of federal
intelligence agencies
≒Helping to build bridges between younger
employees and their senior peers
Christian Idicula // idicula.ca
31. Challenges
≒ The value is not always quantifiable
Its not about profit or loss
≒ Opening up can be a culture shock
Not everything can be controlled or filtered
≒ Requires a dedicated effort to succeed
Half-hearted is barely noticed
Christian Idicula // idicula.ca
32. Your biggest challenge is this:
People are busy, on-the-go, and can tune out messages
they dont want to hear
Christian Idicula // idicula.ca Source: D. Armano // L + E
33. Effectively using digital tools
≒ Create an experience across channels
≒ Provide opportunities for meaningful
≒ Deliver relevant content
Christian Idicula // idicula.ca
34. Consistent experience
≒ People want simple, comprehensive ways
to manage their lives
Healthcare, education, registrations
≒ Provide a consistent experience across
multiple channels
Every touch point is important
Christian Idicula // idicula.ca
35. Meaningful engagement
≒ Interactions should be efficient yet
Its not a numbers game
≒ Ease of use is critical
Their success is your success
≒ Conversations are exchanges, not lectures
Citizens can provide valuable returns
Christian Idicula // idicula.ca
36. Relevant content
≒ Deliver the content
Sharing information is critical to the
≒ Giving up some control
Failures are due to tight grips
≒ Multi-channel strategy
All channels should work together
Christian Idicula // idicula.ca