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Making Derry~Londonderry
Irelands Digital Capital
Derry City CouncilDerry City Council
About Derry~LondonderryAbout Derry~Londonderry
 The Regional City of the North West of Northern Ireland, Derry is
located on the border with the Republic of Ireland
 Derry City is 72 miles from Belfast and 140 miles from Dublin
 The City of Derry Airport is just a 1 hour flight from major UK cities
including London, Birmingham, Liverpool, and Glasgow
 Regional population is over 400,000
 Irelands youngest population with 40% under 25
 Cultural, creative and historic Walled City and the inaugural UK City
of Culture in 2013
Digital Derry from the BeginningDigital Derry from the Beginning
 Derry City was renowned worldwide for its culturally rich, creative
and talented people
 Schools in the city were amongst the best in the UK and Ireland
 Unemployment and underemployment was very high
 The region suffered from significant under investment by the public
 Deep divisions still existed within the City
 The One Plan was developed which included a theme dedicated to
Growing the Digital Economy
 Significant amount of workspace unoccupied or derelict
Digital Derry StrategyDigital Derry Strategy
 Derry City Council worked with all stakeholders and the private
sector to develop a digital economy and creative industry strategy
 A strategy was developed to:
 To animate and raise awareness of the digital content sector
 Support the start up and growth of local digital and creative businesses
 Promote the city as a Digital Hub
 A Digital Action Team and Digital Champion were appointed
 The brand Digital Derry was created
 Work commenced on a Digital Derry Action Plan
 Funding for Digital Derry was only circa 贈65,000 per annum in total
Digital Derry 1 ActivitiesDigital Derry 1 Activities
 Through the Digital Action Team and Digital Champion we:
 Undertook sector animation with schools, colleges and universities to
encourage start ups
 Hosted events and networking opportunities for entrepreneurs
 Offered business support and incubation space to start ups
 Organised Seed Competitions and Angel / VC Investor Pitches
 Helped digital entrepreneurs access mainstream funding and support
 Attended events all over the work to develop our digital network
 Supported other organisations to secure funding for the digital economy
and creative industries
Parallel Digital Derry ActivitiesParallel Digital Derry Activities
 Work completed on Project Kelvin Telehouse
 BT upgraded the telecoms infrastructure throughout the city to
be one of the fastest in Europe
 Sites secured for Hi Tech Business and Science Parks
 Invest NI continued to secure FDI clients for the city
 Ernact, Noribic, University of Ulster, North West Regional
College and others secured funding to further develop the
digital economy and creative industries
Where are we at today?Where are we at today?
Derry's digital economy:
 Is the fastest growing sector in the North West of Ireland
 Brings 贈35 million into the local economy
 Employs hundreds of people
 Hosts many of our most innovative entrepreneurs
 Boasts a thriving and fast-growing digital content community
 Created and supported up to 120 digital and creative start-ups
Where are we at today?Where are we at today?
A Super Connected City
 Derry is right at the heart of the telecoms network between the
North America and Europe
 100% availability of fibre optic broadband connectivity to 34,500
homes & businesses
 Connectivity with N. America is fast, reliable, secure and efficient
 Capacity: 40Gbs high-speed transatlantic data link
 Speed: 67 millisecond connection to Manhattan, New York
 Security: 99.999% (c 5 minutes downtime per annum)
Where are we at today?Where are we at today?
A City Ready for Investment
 贈80m of investment to date with another 贈77 million committed
 250,000 sq ft great value high-spec office space to choose from
 An additional 700,000 sq ft under development inc North West
Regional Science Park and Creative Industries Incubation Hub
 Industry focused universities with world-class research facilities
 Business operating costs that are 55% lower than London and 36%
lower than Dublin
 Great support for business - excellent funding and fiscal incentives
Development of Digital Derry 2Development of Digital Derry 2
 Continues sector animation, stimulation and championing
 Focus on entrepreneurship & enterprise - target of 50 start ups pa
 Also on skills, careers, funding and investment, and showcasing
 Funding secured for key sector initiatives including digital and
multimedia, cultural, smart,
 MoU with Londons Tech City and 400th
Anniversary Linkages
 Annual international digital cultural conference and festival
 Seed Comp II and Business Investor Sourcing
Development of Digital Derry 2Development of Digital Derry 2
 Several capital projects underway, including:
 North West Regional Science Park
 Fort George Technology Park
 Ebrington Creative Industries Hub
 Enterprise NW Business Park
 Incubation Space and Support at Magazine Studios and Noribic
 Super Connected City bid submitted for Super Fast, Ultra Fast Zones
(80-100mbs) and City wide wireless broadband
Thank YouThank You
Cllr Gerard Diver
Derry City Council
Strand Road
Derry, BT48 7NN
Northern Ireland
E: gerard.diver@derrycity.gov.uk
T: +44 (0) 28 7136 6506
W: www.digitalderry.org

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Digital Derry - Achievements

  • 1. Making Derry~Londonderry Irelands Digital Capital Derry City CouncilDerry City Council
  • 2. About Derry~LondonderryAbout Derry~Londonderry The Regional City of the North West of Northern Ireland, Derry is located on the border with the Republic of Ireland Derry City is 72 miles from Belfast and 140 miles from Dublin The City of Derry Airport is just a 1 hour flight from major UK cities including London, Birmingham, Liverpool, and Glasgow Regional population is over 400,000 Irelands youngest population with 40% under 25 Cultural, creative and historic Walled City and the inaugural UK City of Culture in 2013
  • 3. Digital Derry from the BeginningDigital Derry from the Beginning Derry City was renowned worldwide for its culturally rich, creative and talented people Schools in the city were amongst the best in the UK and Ireland Unemployment and underemployment was very high The region suffered from significant under investment by the public sector Deep divisions still existed within the City The One Plan was developed which included a theme dedicated to Growing the Digital Economy Significant amount of workspace unoccupied or derelict
  • 4. Digital Derry StrategyDigital Derry Strategy Derry City Council worked with all stakeholders and the private sector to develop a digital economy and creative industry strategy A strategy was developed to: To animate and raise awareness of the digital content sector Support the start up and growth of local digital and creative businesses Promote the city as a Digital Hub A Digital Action Team and Digital Champion were appointed The brand Digital Derry was created Work commenced on a Digital Derry Action Plan Funding for Digital Derry was only circa 贈65,000 per annum in total
  • 5. Digital Derry 1 ActivitiesDigital Derry 1 Activities Through the Digital Action Team and Digital Champion we: Undertook sector animation with schools, colleges and universities to encourage start ups Hosted events and networking opportunities for entrepreneurs Offered business support and incubation space to start ups Organised Seed Competitions and Angel / VC Investor Pitches Helped digital entrepreneurs access mainstream funding and support Attended events all over the work to develop our digital network Supported other organisations to secure funding for the digital economy and creative industries
  • 6. Parallel Digital Derry ActivitiesParallel Digital Derry Activities Work completed on Project Kelvin Telehouse BT upgraded the telecoms infrastructure throughout the city to be one of the fastest in Europe Sites secured for Hi Tech Business and Science Parks Invest NI continued to secure FDI clients for the city Ernact, Noribic, University of Ulster, North West Regional College and others secured funding to further develop the digital economy and creative industries
  • 7. Where are we at today?Where are we at today? Derry's digital economy: Is the fastest growing sector in the North West of Ireland Brings 贈35 million into the local economy Employs hundreds of people Hosts many of our most innovative entrepreneurs Boasts a thriving and fast-growing digital content community Created and supported up to 120 digital and creative start-ups
  • 8. Where are we at today?Where are we at today? A Super Connected City Derry is right at the heart of the telecoms network between the North America and Europe 100% availability of fibre optic broadband connectivity to 34,500 homes & businesses Connectivity with N. America is fast, reliable, secure and efficient Capacity: 40Gbs high-speed transatlantic data link Speed: 67 millisecond connection to Manhattan, New York Security: 99.999% (c 5 minutes downtime per annum)
  • 9. Where are we at today?Where are we at today? A City Ready for Investment 贈80m of investment to date with another 贈77 million committed 250,000 sq ft great value high-spec office space to choose from An additional 700,000 sq ft under development inc North West Regional Science Park and Creative Industries Incubation Hub Industry focused universities with world-class research facilities Business operating costs that are 55% lower than London and 36% lower than Dublin Great support for business - excellent funding and fiscal incentives
  • 10. Development of Digital Derry 2Development of Digital Derry 2 Continues sector animation, stimulation and championing Focus on entrepreneurship & enterprise - target of 50 start ups pa Also on skills, careers, funding and investment, and showcasing Funding secured for key sector initiatives including digital and multimedia, cultural, smart, MoU with Londons Tech City and 400th Anniversary Linkages Annual international digital cultural conference and festival Seed Comp II and Business Investor Sourcing
  • 11. Development of Digital Derry 2Development of Digital Derry 2 Several capital projects underway, including: North West Regional Science Park Fort George Technology Park Ebrington Creative Industries Hub Enterprise NW Business Park Incubation Space and Support at Magazine Studios and Noribic Super Connected City bid submitted for Super Fast, Ultra Fast Zones (80-100mbs) and City wide wireless broadband
  • 13. Thank YouThank You Cllr Gerard Diver Derry City Council Strand Road Derry, BT48 7NN Northern Ireland E: gerard.diver@derrycity.gov.uk T: +44 (0) 28 7136 6506 W: www.digitalderry.org www.investderrylondonderry.com