This my presentation on Bhagwat Gita for my Human Bheviour course. And since I am studying Electrical engineering, I decided to present Gita with Digital electronics concepts.
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Digital gita
1. Sanskrit Translated
You have a right to perform your
"Karmanye Vadhikaraste
prescribed action,but you are not entitled
Ma Phaleshu Kadachana,
to the fruits of your action.
Ma Karma Phala Hetur
Never consider yourself the cause of the
Bhurmatey Sangostva
results your activities,and never be
associated to not doing your duty."
2. It seam's that there is lot of confusion regarding the laws of Karma
Lets Decode the Confusion !!!!!!!!
Laws of Digital Gita
Input Output
Option A Option B
0 0 R1 = N/A
1 0 Result 2
0 1 Result 3
1 1 Result 4
3. Karm Phal: or Result of your karma
Think of the Decoder as a switch: that
means if you press one switch, it will Result Think of the Output as
in some action. As simple as that. predetermined result based on
selection. This means that every
Now What if you have Multiple switches, one has a set of pre determined
Now You have a choose to select one input results in life and based on what
out of many input. HA!!! decision people take in life, they
end up archiving the corresponding
So the decision of selecting one of the result.
option is called Karma Yoga. Simple?
4. Karma Yoga can be explained as a discipline of making the best choice based on ones
duty or moral values
In relation to the digital model of Gita We can think of Karma Yoga as selecting the
best option based on ones duty and not based on the resulting out come !!!
Here is an example
Scenario: Say you are a security guard at a bank and the bank is robbed and the robber
has hostages. You have two options
Option A: Stop the robber by fighting him. Option B: Help the Robber and split the $
Outcomes: Result 1: get fired Result 2: Get hurt in the fight. Result 3: Get rich. Result 4
Get fired
Solution: Use the Rule of Karma Yoga: Dont worry about the result (Phala) Performer
your Karma (choice ) according to your Duty (Dharma)
5. Relation Between Karma yoga
Self control
Karma Yoga is a byproduct of self control. Only a person with self control can
performed karma based on the notion of Karma yoga.
In order to Make decisions based on ones duty, the person needs tremendous self
control to control his or her decision making process, so that it is not influenced by
the outcome of the decision.
Often making decision based on ones duty may not seem as the most profitable
decision at that time, but the whole point of Gita is not to make decision based on
individual profit or loss, as it always corrupts the Thought process of mind and then
people loose the ability of differentiating the rite and wrong there fore keep it
simple and perform Karma yoga and do what you are suppose to do .
So in order to overwrite the Human minds profit or loss calculations, one needs a
good amount of self control.
6. Finally What is Moksha ?
The Moksha described by Lord Krishna in Gita is different than Nirvana. According to
Lord Krishna, Sansarik Moksha is state of mind in which outcome of events do not
matter any more, or all outcomes are treated equally !!!!!
This Can be only achieved by following karma yoga again and again so that you are
only selecting the inputs for the sake of selecting it only (Karma) and you are not
worried about whatever outcome you get (Karma phala) Therefore all the outcome
will mean the same to you and this means you have achived Sansarik Moksha
7. The Devine Form of Krishna
This is a Youtube video of Famous Television interpretation of the Mahabharata
in form of weekly episodic Show
This video shows the Virat ROOP or the divine form of lord Krishna that he
reveled to Arjuna while reciting the Gita.