This document provides an introduction to digital marketing. It discusses push vs pull marketing and lists some common digital marketing channels and tools. These include search engine optimization, blogging, social media, email marketing, and analytics. The key messages are that digital marketing is about permission rather than interruption, and that the first steps are to understand the available tools, devise a strategy to meet measurable goals, and then implement a digital marketing plan.
2. Digital Marketing - Intro
Should you be on Facebook?
Are you blogging or Twittering
What is Web 2.0
Most 鍖rms view digital marketing as a new way
to market rather than a new way of improving
their marketing
3. What is Digital Marketing
How does Digital Marketing drive business value?
What are DM tools?
4. What is Digital Marketing
How does Digital Marketing drive business value?
What are DM tools?
9. Search Engine
Getting Found
Keyword [Long vs Short Tail]
On - Off Page SEO
Link building
Organic & Paid Search (PPC)
Google Analytics
Search is king
Search you can take to the bank!!
10. Blogging
Start the conversation
Interesting, Relevant and up to date information
Helps with keyword search
Back links help with search
Blogging helps with SEO
16. Understand
the range of Devise a
Digital Digital
Marketing Marketing
Tools Strategy
Measurable and 鍖nally...
and realistic walk before
goals you WIKI!
Engagement is a dialogue - helping
your clients achieve their goals