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With one billion
    ASIA PACIFIC        internet users now in
                        Asia Pacific, marketers
    Digital Marketing   need to get local and
    Yearbook 2012       personal.



                                          Edited by Rachel Oliver

                                                                                                                                The ears, eyes and voice of digital marketing in Asia
                                                             360° Digital Advertising Opportunities                             The Asia Digital Marketing Association                              Being a member gives you access:

                                                                                                                                (ADMA) is a non-profit organisation with a                          •	 Unified voice for the industry to promote the use of
                                                                                                                                                                                                       digital and the internet (in the media and with potential
                                                                                                                                membership base spanning the full range of
                                                                                                                                                                                                    •	 Forum for standards and best practice sharing
                                                                                                                                the digital marketing ecosystem, from portals                       •	 Spokespeople to represent members and respond
                                                                                                                                                                                                       to criticism
                                                                                                                                and publishers, to advertisers, e-commerce                          •	 Insights on what advertisers, agencies and publishers
                                                                                                                                                                                                       are thinking
                                                                                                                                platforms, agencies, technology solutions                           •	 Industry contacts and networking opportunities
                                                                                                                                                                                                    •	 Sponsorship opportunities to raise awareness of
                                                                                                                                providers, and research houses. The mission                            your brand
                                                                                                                                                                                                    •	 Discounted rates for regional events
                                                                                                                                of the ADMA is to grow the use of digital for                       •	 Notification of relevant speaking opportunities
                                                                                                                                                                                                    •	 Professional and entry level digital marketing
                                                                                                                                effective marketing investment. This will be                           qualifications - discounted enrolment fees for members
                                                                                                                                                                                                    •	 Company listing in the online Membership Directory and
                                                                                                                                achieved by being an authoritative source                              annual Asia Pacific Digital Marketing Yearbook
                                                                                                                                                                                                    •	 Job matching service to help you find staff
                                                                                                                                of insight and statistics, hosting networking                         to join the ADMA
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Membership fees are set low enough to encourage
                                                                                                                                events, and facilitating professional                               universal membership among industry players and, taken
                                                                                                                                                                                                    together, provide sufficient revenues to underwrite regular
                                                                                                                                development. In addition, the ADMA engages                          activities. Other activities are funded by sponsorship
                                                                                                                                                                                                    (cash and in kind) and by charging admission fees for
                                                                   Reaching over 8 million unique visitors per month in Asia*   with senior executives to gain consensus and
                                                                                                                                                                                                    some events.

                                                                               through a range of digital platforms             provide a voice on key industry issues.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    To join, simply complete the online registration form at

                                                                               For integrated advertising solutions,            Visit www.asiadma.com for more details.
                                                                      please contact us at wsja.advertising@dowjones.com        The ADMA gives heartfelt thanks to all our members for their support and contributions:
                                                                                                                                ADMA Patrons:
© 2012 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved.

                                                                                                                                ADMA Corporate members:
                                                                                                                                Acxiom Corporation, Adobe Systems, ad:tech, AGENDA Group Asia, Branded, Colgate-Palmolive, comScore, ConnectedGroup,
                                                                                                                                Digital Chameleon, eBay Classifieds Group, Econsultancy, E-Dialog, Edipresse, emailvision, emarsys, Experian Marketing Services,
                                                                                                                                Financial Times, Ignite Media Group, Innity, isobar Hong Kong, KatalystM, Lithium Technologies, LinkedIn, Message Systems,
                                                                                                                                OgilvyOne Worldwide, Philips Electronics Hong Kong, PUMA Asia Pacific, Rajah & Tann, SCMP.com, StarHub, The Economist online,
                                                                                                                                The Nielsen Company Hong Kong, The Wall Street Journal, UBM Asia, Universal McCann, Wunderman

                                                                                                                                And all our SME members.

                                                        *comScore March 2012

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 1

• Asia Pacific	    6   • INDONESIA	         42   • SINGAPORE	                      70

• Austr alia	     14   • JAPAN	             48   • SOUTH KOREA	                    76

• CHINA	          22   • MALAYSIA	          54   • TAIWAN	                         81

• HONG KONG	      30   • NEW ZEALAND	       62   • THAILAND	                       84

• INDIA	          37   • THE PHILIPPINES	   66   • VIETNAM	                        87

                                                 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 3

        2012: One billion internet users                                                                                                  Increasingly, internet usage patterns across
                                                                                                                                          Asia Pacific are becoming localised. Here's a

        participating in many webs
                                                                                                                                          look at some of the trends
                                                                                                                                          •	 Nearly half of Australians online access TV, movie      lifestyle perspective, regionwide the top four reasons Asia
                                                                                                                                             and related entertainment content, in part thanks       Pacific internet users go online are to stay up to date on

                                                                                                                                             to 90% broadband penetration.                           news and events, stay in touch with friends, research
                   here are now more than one billion people online     The billion people online in Asia Pacific are spread across       •	 Group buying took China by storm in 2011, with          products to buy, and to do research for work. In order from
                   across Asia Pacific (1.016 billion to be precise -   more than 14 countries, with a wide range of languages,              more than 65 million internet users participating -     high to low, they are most likely to send an email, watch
                   nearly 46% of the world's total), and 623 million    cultures and online habits. More than half of them (513              an increase of almost 250% year-on-year.                a video clip, do internet banking, purchase a product,
                   people access the web via mobile. Although this      million) are in China, which has its own media properties         •	 80% of Thailand's internet users say they now           review a produce or brand online, connect via an instant
       enormous and growing addressable market seems to hold            and consumer dynamics. In fact, seven of the top eleven              shop online.                                            messenger, share photos or manage their social media.
       boundless business potential for marketers, the reality is       sites in the region are in China. Across the rest of Asia         •	 The desktop PC remains Vietnam's most widely            But significantly, the "long tail" of what people are doing
       more complicated - and more interesting. The headline one        Pacific there is remarkable diversity; the way people use            used device to access the internet (80% of users).      online goes on and on, to include blogging, micro blogging,
       billion user number is made up of hundreds of thousands          the web and interact with content and with one another            •	 Only 15% of Indian women have access to the             gaming, using Cloud-based software and apps, posting on
       of communities of users, spread across a wide variety of         differs significantly from Australia, to Korea, to Indonesia,        internet.                                               websites/forums/BBS, or buying on a group buying service.
       devices and platforms, languages and cultures, and who           to India.                                                         •	 Mobile internet access penetration rates in                  This fragmentation of online activities and communities
       use the web in a profusion of different ways.                        In addition to obvious geographic, language, and                 Indonesia reached 57%, vs. less than 10% who            is matched with an explosion of information. By 2015, Asia
            The implications and opportunities for marketers            cultural differences, the internet is increasingly host to a         access the web via PC.                                  Pacific's internet users will be generating 530,000 petabytes
       are far-reaching:                                                profusion of platforms, many of which are interconnected          •	 The top three reasons people in Hong Kong go            of information a year, up from 67,000 in 2010. That's the
       •	 Social media continues to gain in importance, but             but which also attract their own distinctive communities             online are for online banking, on-demand video,         equivalent of every person on Earth exchanging about 50
            brands have to proceed with caution. Although 60% of        and patterns of behaviour. In Asia Pacific, portals are still        and live video.                                         newspapers' worth of information every day. Dropping
            social networkers say that social networks are a good       the top category of internet property, and have nearly 90%        •	 91% of Taiwan's internet users aged 20-29 are           costs of storage and new business models are facilitating
            place to learn about brands, 50% also say they don't        reach, but the days when users went to one destination as            looking at job placements.                              the storing and sharing of enormous amounts of data,
            want to be bothered by brands.                              the entrance to their web experience are long gone.               •	 Travel is big in Japan, with online sales estimated     including an increasing amount of video. At the same time
       •	 Social commerce is on the rise, and marketers can                 With such a profusion of content, the primary ways to            at US$31 billion in 2012.                               that online audiences and media channels are becoming
            deploy sophisticated, personalised approaches,              make sense of the overwhelming amount of data, opinions           •	 Malaysians aged 30-39 spend twice as much time          increasingly specialised and focused, they are also growing
            depending on where they are in the sales funnel, to         and options are to make it as easy as possible to connect            online as they do watching TV.                          in scale. We saw a similar phenomenon when cable and
            build brand awareness and understanding, create brand       with like-minded users (social media), and to find and be         •	 Two thirds of internet users in The Philippines         satellite TV channels chipped away at the dominance of the
            preference, make sales, and do CRM.                         found (search).                                                      visited internet cafes in 2011.                         TV networks, but the digital transformation is happening
       •	 Search remains vital to helping customers find your               Social media platforms have been a strong force to            •	 80% of Singapore's internet users go online every       on steroids, with growth rates and a scale that surpasses
            brand and for you to find your audience. With crowd-        help bring together fragmented media. Content from every             day.                                                    television numbers.
            sourced curation of content, natural search rises           site and source is shared both widely and in targeted ways        •	 More than 91% of South Korea's e-commerce                    So how are marketers reacting to the changes in
            in importance and complexity, and paid search is            via microblogs. Twitter globally has become a red thread             revenue is B2B.                                         online behaviour and the opportunities large scale
            still effective for driving "last click" results. Search/                                                                                                                                communities offer? Here's a snapshot of trends and
            navigation properties in the region have 84.7% reach.                                                                                                                                    data, and there is lots more detail in the Yearbook:
       •	 Despite the rise of social media and user-generated             Welcome to the sixth edition of the Asia Digital              running throughout the web and, in China, QQ, Pengyou        •	 Online advertising spend in Asia Pacific reached US$24.8
            content, paid, owned and earned media all continue to         Marketing Association Yearbook. We are proud of the           and Sina Weibo have become major forces. More than 300            billion in 2011, making the region second only to the
            play important roles in achieving marketing goals.            reputation the Yearbook has earned as marketers'              million users post 100 million comments and messages              US, with US$34.5 billion.
       •	 Although in this fragmented environment marketers               go-to source for facts and insights about the web             every day on Sina Weibo. Social networking sites have        •	 Every marketing dollar spent online returns US$1.78,
            must work harder to understand and find their target          and mobile usage in Asia Pacific. You will see ADMA           72.2% reach across the region, and hundreds of millions           exceeding the returns of all other marketing media
            customers, analytics, behavioural targeting and big           Yearbook statistics quoted frequently in marketing,           of people connect on Facebook, LinkedIn, Cyworld (Korea),         including TV, print, out of home and trade (according to
            data are providing more and more powerful tools for           advertising and sales presentations and media. Feel           Mixi (Japan), Qzone, Ren Ren, Kaixin (China) and other            Nielsen).
            marketers to reach and engage with internet users in          free to use the data, with a credit to the ADMA.              localised equivalents. And in search Google and Baidu and    •	 By 2015, Asia Pacific is expected to account for a third
            personalised ways.                                                This edition is packed with statistics from every         Bing and Yahoo! are helping users and marketers to find           of all global mobile ad spend, reaching US$6.92 billion.
                                                                          market in the region, as well as data and case studies        the content and audiences they are seeking online.           •	 India, China, Australia and Japan are expected to
                                                                          on broadband, mobile, online advertising, search,                 Another trend is that internet users are using the web        generate US$258 billion in commerce sales in 2012
                                                                          e-commerce, social media, demographics, user                  in increasingly diverse and specific ways. Depending on           between them, and mobile commerce is on the rise
                                                                          behaviour and all aspects of the digital eco-system.          location, income, age, availability of broadband, use of a        with 34% of mobile internet users in China and Korea
                                                                              Many thanks to all companies that generously              smartphone and many other factors, one user's experience          transacting via handheld devices.
                                                                          contributed data, and to the Yearbook team: ADMA              can be almost totally different than another's. From a       •	 Mobile app downloads reached 5 billion in 2011,
                                                                          executive director Kay Bayliss, editor Rachel Oliver                                                                            generating US$871 million.
                                                                          and designer Garry Tipping.
                                                                              The Yearbook is available free online at                                                                               David Ketchum is Chairman, Asia Digital Marketing
                                                                          www.asiadigitalmarketingyearbook.com.                                                                                      Association and President of Bite Communications,
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Asia Pacific.

4 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook	                                                                                                                                                                                         asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 5
ASIA PACIFIC                                                                                                                                                         Asia Pacific's Internet Users By Country
                                                                                                                                                                       Country	          Internet	    Penetration	   % Of Users
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Share content	
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Find music	
                                                                                                                                                                       	                     Users 	      Rate (%)	                                                  Find films/TV shows	                                                                   35.19
                                                                                                                                                                       Australia	         19,554,832	         89.80	       81.70                                     Stay up to date on news/events	                                                        57.69
                                                                                                                                                                       China 	          513,100,000	          38.40	       50.50                                     Research how to do things	                                                             45.02
                                                                                                                                                                       Hong Kong 	         4,894,913	         68.70	        0.50                                     Organise my life	                                                                      26.70
                                                                                                                                                                       India	           121,000,000	          10.20	       11.90                                     Express myself	                                                                        30.98
                                                                                                                                                                       Indonesia	         55,000,000	         22.40	        5.40                                     Take on a different personality	                                                       17.91
                                                                                                                                                                       Japan	           101,228,736	          80.00	       10.00                                     Fill up spare time	                                                                    37.61
                                                                                                                                                                       Korea, South	      40,329,660	         82.70	        4.00                                     To get inspired/get ideas	                                                             41.05
                                                                                                                                                                       Malaysia	 17,723,000	 61.70	1.70                                                              Play games	                                                                            21.24
                                                                                                                                                                       New Zealand	        3,625,553	         84.50	       15.20                                     Change other people's opinions	                                                        15.19
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     (Source: GlobalWebIndex Wave 6. NB This table is run on the GlobalWebIndex total sample)
                                                                                                                                                                       The Philippines	   29,700,000	         29.20	        2.90
                                                                                                                                                                       Singapore	          3,658,400	         77.20	        0.40
                                                                                                                                                                       Taiwan	            16,147,000	         70.00	        1.60                                     What Asia Pacific Internet Users Do Online
                                                                                                                                                                       Thailand	          18,310,000	         27.40	        1.80                                     Activity	                                                                      % of Users
                                                                                                                                                                       Vietnam	           30,516,587	         33.70	        3.00                                     Uploaded Photos Online	                                                              55.92
                                                                                                                                                                       (Source: Internet World Stats, December 2011)	
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Watched A Video Clip	                                                                69.38
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Uploaded A Video Online	                                                             31.92
                                                                                                                                                                       Asia Pacific's Fastest Broadband Countries                                                    Manage Your Social Network Profile	                                                  51.74
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Written Your Own Blog	                                                               40.13
                                                                                                                                                                       Global Rank	       Country	                       % Above	            QoQ	             YoY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Used A Micro blogging Service	                                                       37.73
                                                                                                                                                                       		                                                 5 Mbps	         Change	          Change
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Subscribed To An RSS Feed	                                                           14.93
                                                                                                                                                                       1	             South Korea	                             79	            37%	             10%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Used An Aggregator	                                                                  12.75
                                                                                                                                                                       3	               Hong Kong	                             60	           2.7%	             13%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Used Instant Messenger	                                                              54.78
                                                                                                                                                                       5	                     Japan	                           57	           3.0%	           -5.8%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Made A Phone Call Online/Used VOIP	                                                  21.31
                                                                                                                                                                       24	               Singapore	                            31	          -7.2%	             67%
                                                                           Asia Pacific's Internet Users                                                               31	                  Taiwan	                            28	            11%	           -0.4%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Used Webmail	                                                                        70.86
           • DEMOGR APHICS •                                               	                                                           % Of Internet Users             35	            New Zealand	                             23	            23%	           139%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Used Online Office Applications	                                                     47.82
                                                                           Gender	                                                                                                                                                                                   Edited/Managed Own Website	                                                          32.27
                                                                                                                                                                       40	               Australia	                            18	          -2.7%	             56%
                                                                           Male	                                                                      58.80                                                                                                          Used Internet Banking	                                                               66.36
                                                                                                                                                                       45	                Thailand	                            11	            61%	           285%
        The number of internet users in Asia Pacific has now               Female	                                                                    41.20                                                                                                          Left A Comment On A Story On A Website	                                              44.47
                                                                                                                                                                       53	                 Malaysia	                          4.6	            23%	           248%
        broken the one billion barrier. The region boasted 1.016           Education                                                                                   61	                   China 	                          1.0 	           78%	           184%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Written A News Story/Article	                                                        25.54
                                                                           Schooling until age 16	                                                     2.04                                                                                                          Post Comment On Forum/BBS	                                                           43.30
        billion users in 2011.                                             Schooling until age 18	                                                    14.00
                                                                                                                                                                       62	                    India 	                         0.6	            46%	             21%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Purchased A Product Online	                                                          63.93
        (Source: Internet World Stats)                                                                                                                                 -	           The Philippines 	                         0.6	            15%	             79%
                                                                           Trade/technical school or college	                                         26.90            (Source: Akamai Technologies; High Broadband Connectivity, Fastest Asia Pacific Countries)    Reviewed A Product Or Brand Online	                                                  61.48
                                                                           University	                                                                46.60                                                                                                          Used A Social Bookmark Service	                                                      24.02
        Asia Pacific's internet users now account for 45.9% of the         Post graduate	                                                             10.30                                                                                                          Asked/answered question on Q/A service	                                              33.88
                                                                           Employment Status	                                                                                                                                                                        Bought product/service through group buying website	                                 38.97
        world's total internet user base, as of December 2011.             Full-time worker	                                                          61.80                                                                                                          (Source: GlobalWebIndex Wave 6. NB This table is run on the GlobalWebIndex total sample)
        (Source: Internet World Stats)
                                                                           Part-time worker	                                                           5.25               • USER BEHAVIOUR •
                                                                           Freelancer	                                                                 5.85
        Despite being home to the most internet users on Earth,            Self-employed	                                                              4.66
                                                                                                                                                                       The number of Asia Pacific's online gamers is set to
        Asia Pacific's internet penetration rates still remain low, at     Full-time parent	                                                           2.36                                                                                                             • ONLINE ADVERTISING •
                                                                           In education	                                                              13.18            break the one billion mark by 2016. As a result, revenues
        only 26.2%, which is still significantly lower than the global     Unemployed	                                                                 2.28
                                                                                                                                                                       generated from online gaming are expected to reach
        average of 41%.                                                    Other	                                                                      4.57                                                                                                          The Asia Pacific region generated US$24.8 billion in online
                                                                           Main Shopper	                                                                               US$30.3 billion in 2016.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     ad spend in 2011, accounting for 29% of global online ad
        (Source: Internet World Stats)
                                                                           Main	                                                                      50.76            (Source: Ovum)

                                                                           Joint	                                                                     41.96                                                                                                          spend last year. North America led all regions with US$34.5
        More than three quarters (78%) of Asia Pacific's internet          Do not do the shopping	                                                     7.28            Asia Pacific is the largest region in terms of internet traffic,                              billion in revenues. For 2012, it is predicted that the online
        users are under the age of 45.                                     Work Sector
        (Source: Comscore)                                                 Financial Services	                                                         4.24            and by 2015 it is projected that 42% of the world's internet                                  ad spend in the Asia Pacific region will hit US$31.4 billion.
                                                                           Retail	                                                                     5.10            traffic will originate from it.                                                               (Source: GroupM)

                                                                           Professional Services (Law, Accounting, Architect, etc.)	                   4.80
        Broadband continues to power its way through the Asia                                                                                                          (Source: V2M / Informa)
                                                                           Healthcare/Medicine	                                                        3.44                                                                                                          The Asia Pacific region's share of the global online ad
        Pacific region, reaching 212 million subscriptions in 2011.        Manufacturing, Engineering, Construction	                                  15.80
                                                                                                                                                                       The amount of time spent online per month by both                                             spend is expected to be 26.2% by 2015, a modest growth
        Forecasts predict that this number will increase to 375            Education	                                                                  4.36
                                                                           Government (excluding Education & Health)	                                  3.50            genders in the Asia Pacific region are pretty much even                                       from 2010, when it had a 23.9% share of the pie.
        million in 2016.                                                   Police or Armed Forces	                                                     0.34
        (Source: Frost & Sullivan)
                                                                           Agriculture or Mining	                                                      1.08
                                                                                                                                                                       these days, with females spending 14.7 hours online and                                       (Source: eMarketer)

                                                                           IT, Internet, Software, Computer Services	                                 12.87            males 14.3 hours online.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     For every marketing dollar spent on online initiatives, the
        In 2011, the Asia Pacific region accounted for 52% of the          Transport, Logistics, Distribution	                                         4.20            (Source: comScore)

                                                                           Travel, Tourism, Leisure Services	                                          1.70                                                                                                          return in Asia Pacific was $1.78, exceeding the returns
        world's broadband subscriptions.
        (Source: IHS iSuppli)
                                                                           Advertising marketing, media	                                               1.45            By 2015, Asia's internet users are expected to be                                             of all other formats including TV, print, out of home, and
                                                                           Other	                                                                     14.73
                                                                           Current Position	                                                                           generating 530,000 petabytes between them (they only                                          trade.
        In Q1 2012 alone, Asia Pacific welcomed nearly 7 million           Company Owner	                                                              4.57            consumed 67,000 in 2010). Exactly what is a petabyte?                                         (Source: Nielsen)

                                                                           Senior Manager	                                                             5.63
        new broadband subscriptions, most of them originating                                                                                                          One petabyte is equivalent to one million gigabytes.
                                                                           Mid-level Manager	                                                         14.29                                                                                                          People trust the opinions of the ones they know over all
        from China.                                                        Entry-level Manager	                                                       12.39
                                                                                                                                                                       (Source: V2M/Informa)

        (Source: ABI Research)                                             Team member	                                                               26.42                                                                                                          other methods of persuasion. In a survey on trust and
                                                                           Support level	                                                              6.10            Asia Pacific's female internet users devote more than one                                     advertising, nearly all Asia Pacific recipients (94%) said
        By 2017, Asia Pacific broadband subscriptions will be valued       Other	                                                                      8.21
                                                                           Responsibility At Work	
                                                                                                                                                                       third (38%) of their digital time to engaging in online                                       they had the most confidence (they "trust completely" or
        at US$92.3 billion.                                                General management	                                                        38.47            discussions.                                                                                  "trust somewhat") in recommendations from people they
        (Source: ABI Research)                                                                                                                                         (Source: TNS)
                                                                           Direct reports/team	                                                       21.30                                                                                                          knew. After that they showed the most trust (76% said
                                                                           Recruiting new employees	                                                  14.38
        Household broadband connections in the Asia Pacific region         Purchasing IT, telecoms/technology PRODUCTS/services for co.	              20.14            Why Asia Pacific Internet Users Go Online                                                     this) in other's opinions posted online. When it came to
        are projected to increase by 75% over the next five years.
                                                                           Purchasing all other PRODUCTS/services for co.	                            18.14
                                                                                                                                                                       Motivation	            % of Internet Users Who Consider this Very Important                   trusting brand messages, however, nearly two thirds (63%)
                                                                           Managing budgets	                                                          15.78
        (Source: PWC)
                                                                           Advertising and marketing	                                                  0.78
                                                                                                                                                                       Research for work	                                                      50.70                 said they had the most confidence in branded websites.
                                                                                                                                                                       Networking for work	                                                    43.41
                                                                           Company strategy	                                                          14.73
                                                                                                                                                                       Education	                                                              43.05
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Just over two fifths (43%) showed the same level of
        In terms of size, Asia Pacific's female internet users are still   None of these	                                                              2.97
                                                                                                                                                                       Stay in touch with friends	                                             55.52                 confidence in ads served in search engine results, online
                                                                           Decision Maker
        in the minority - but only just - accounting for 43.6% of          Decision maker	                                                            20.26
                                                                                                                                                                       Update my friends with my life	                                         28.43
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     video ads (42%), while just under two fifths of them (39%)
                                                                                                                                                                       Meet new people	                                                        25.40
        the web population, compared to 46.4% of males.                    Senior decision maker	                                                      5.78
                                                                                                                                                                       Promote something	                                                      23.87                 placed the most trust in online banner ads.
        (Source: comScore)                                                 Other	                                                                     51.56                                                                                                          (Source: Nielsen)
                                                                           (Source: GlobalWebIndex Wave 6. NB This table is run on the GlobalWebIndex total sample)	
                                                                                                                                                                       Entertainment	                                                          39.49
                                                                                                                                                                       Research products to buy	                                               52.00
                                                                                                                                                                       Share my opinion	                                                       27.67

6 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook	                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 7
Mobile advertising generated US$2.01 billion from Japan,                                 Asia Pacific's Top Categories
        China and India alone in 2011. This amount is projected to                               Categories	            % Reach
                                                                                                 Portals	                   89.8
        reach US$3.94 billion in 2015.                                                           Search/Navigation	         84.7
        (Source: eMarketer)
                                                                                                 Entertainment	             83.8
                                                                                                 Directories/Resources	     72.3
        As of the end of February 2012, Asia Pacific mobile users                                Social Networking	         72.2
                                                                                                 News/Information	          68.5
        were generating 122.87 billion mobile ad impressions on                                  Retail	                    68.4
        a quarterly basis on the InMobi Network, representing a                                  Games	61.2
                                                                                                 Community	                 59.1
        growth rate of 25% over a 3-month period.
        (Source: InMobi)
                                                                                                 Technology	                56.0
                                                                                                 (Source: comScore Media Matrix, March 2012; Total Audience)

        Asia Pacific's Top 20 Sites                                                              Asia Pacific's Trust In Media Channels
        Site	                                         Total Unique Visitors (000)	    % Reach
                                                                                                 Channel	                              % Who Trust	 % Who Trust	    % Who Do
        Google Sites	                                                     340,561	        56.4
                                                                                                 	                                        Completely	  Somewhat	    Not Trust
        TENCENT 	                                                         261,097	        43.2
                                                                                                 Recommendations from friends and family	          53	        42	           2
        Baidu	                                                            256,624	        42.5
                                                                                                 Expert review on websites	                        28	        60	           9
        Yahoo! Sites	                                                     235,896	        39.1
                                                                                                 Product labels on packaging	                      26	        62	           9
        Sohu	                                                             230,158	        38.1
                                                                                                 Independent reviews in publications	              23	        67	           7
        Microsoft Sites	                                                  229,610	        38.0
                                                                                                 Consumer review on websites	                      22	        67	           9
        Alibaba	                                                          188,038	        31.1
                                                                                                 Manufacturers/brands websites	                    19	        67	          11
        SINA Corporation	                                                 165,320	        27.4
                                                                                                 Consumer opinion in blogs	                        19	        68	          10
        FACEBOOK	                                                         155,081	        25.7
                                                                                                 Products/brands that appear in movies 
        Youku	                                                            115,668	        19.2
                                                                                                 or within TV programmes	                          18	        65	          14
        NetEase	                                                          114,593	        19.0
                                                                                                 TV ads	                                           16	        67	          14
        Wikimedia Foundation Sites	                                       110,909	        18.4
                                                                                                 Consumer opinion on message boards	               15	        66	          15
        Amazon Sites	                                                     109,051	        18.1
                                                                                                 Consumer opinion in chat rooms	                   14	        63	          18
        CBS Interactive	                                                  101,144	        16.8
                                                                                                 Newspaper ads	                                    14	        67	          16
        Tudou Sites	                                                        97,327	       16.1
                                                                                                 Magazine ads	                                     14	        67	          15
        Apple 	                                                            93,370	        15.5
                                                                                                 Email newsletters	                                14	        65	          16
        Xunlei Networking	                                                 89,496	        14.8
                                                                                                 Ads at the cinema before the movie starts	        13	        64	          18
        NHN Corporation	                                                   75,893	        12.6
                                                                                                 Ads on posters, buses/bus shelters	               12	        67	          18
        Qihoo Sites	                                                       72,817	        12.1
                                                                                                 Recommendations from other consumers 
        Oak Pacific Interactive Sites	                                     71,371	        11.8
        (Source: comScore Media Matrix, March 2012; Total Audience)
                                                                                                 who you do not personally know	                   11	        61	          22    C

                                                                                                 Ads that appear on search engines	                11	        61	          24
                                                                                                 Radio ads 	                                       11	        62	          22    M

        Asia Pacific's Top Entertainment Sites                                                   Banner ads on websites	                            9	        61	          26
        Site	                                         Total Unique Visitors (000)	    % Reach    Ads that have been sent to you by email	           9	        55	          32    Y

        Entertainment	                                                    505,900	        83.8   Popup or pop-under web ads	                        7	        50	          39
        YOUTUBE	                                                          147,350	        24.4   Ads via mobile SMS	                                7	        45	          45   CM

        Youku 	                                                           115,668	        19.2   Ads in virtual worlds	                             7	        38	          46
        CBS Interactive	                                                  101,144	        16.8   Ads in video games	                                6	        39	          48
        Tudou Sites	                                                        97,327	       16.1   (Source: TNS; QC1; Base - All Respondents - Asia)	
        SOHU.com TV	                                                       93,238	        15.4
        XUNLEI	                                                            83,220	        13.8
         Video	                                                       77,400	       12.8
        iTunes Software (App)	                                             71,196	        11.8
         Music	                                                      68,740	        11.4
                                                                                                    • E-COMMERCE •                                                               K

        PPLive 	                                                           65,318	        10.8
        (Source: comScore Media Matrix, March 2012; Total Audience)

                                                                                                 Before making an online purchase, 60% of Asia Pacific
        Asia Pacific's Top Gaming Sites                                                          consumers will turn to online product reviews first. The
        Site	                                         Total Unique Visitors (000)	    % Reach    Vietnamese turn to online product reviews the most (81%),
        Games	                                                            369,501	        61.2
         Games	                                                      91,992	        15.2   followed by the Chinese (77%), and then Thais (69%).
                                                                                                 (Source: Nielsen)
         Mini Game	                                                  44,770	         7.4
        Xiamen Youjia Network	                                             26,821	         4.4
        PCGAMES.COM.CN	                                                    25,004	         4.1   India and China will be leading Asia Pacific's e-commerce
        17173	                                                             25,003	         4.1
        KUAIWAN	                                                           20,817	         3.4   growth over the next few years, with them both expecting
         Game VIP	                                                   20,495	         3.4   to return the highest CAGRs of 57% and 25% respectively
        QQ937	                                                             18,910	         3.1
        DUOWAN	                                                             17,016	        2.8
                                                                                                 between 2012 and 2016. By comparison, Japan, South
        SDO	                                                               16,179	         2.7   Korea and Australia are expected to grow at CAGRs of
        (Source: comScore Media Matrix, March 2012; Total Audience)
                                                                                                 between 11% to 12% over the same period.
                                                                                                 (Source: Forrester)

        Asia Pacific's Top Retail Sites
        Site	                                         Total Unique Visitors (000)	    % Reach    Four of the Asia Pacific region's e-commerce powerhouses
        Retail	                                                           412,768	        68.4
        Alibaba Corporation	                                              188,038	        31.1   - India, Australia, Japan and China - are expected to
        Amazon Sites	                                                     109,051	        18.1   generate more than US$258 billion in e-commerce sales
        PAIPAI	                                                            69,866	        11.6
        360BUY	                                                            56,624	         9.4
                                                                                                 between them in 2012. By 2016, China will have exceeded
        Apple Worldwide Sites	                                             51,434	         8.5   that number alone, generating US$356.1 billion in
        Rakuten	                                                           44,037	         7.3   e-commerce sales. Together, all four are expected to draw
        DANGDANG	                                                          32,919	         5.5
        Yahoo! Shopping	                                                   30,834	         5.1   in US$497.9 billion by then.
                                                                                                 (Source: Forrester)
        Kakaku	                                                            25,541	         4.2
        VANCL	                                                             20,866	         3.5
        (Source: comScore Media Matrix, March 2012; Total Audience)
                                                                                                 The Asia Pacific online travel market was expected to
                                                                                                 generate US$51.6 billion in revenues in 2011, growing
                                                                                                 30% to 40% in the coming year. Asia Pacific is expected to
                                                                                                 account for 20% of the global online travel market in 2012.
                                                                                                 (Source: New Media Trend Watch)

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  • 1. With one billion ASIA PACIFIC internet users now in Asia Pacific, marketers Digital Marketing need to get local and Yearbook 2012 personal. www.asiadma.com “ Edited by Rachel Oliver
  • 2. • ABOUT THE ASIA DIGITAL MARKETING ASSOCIATION • The ears, eyes and voice of digital marketing in Asia 360° Digital Advertising Opportunities The Asia Digital Marketing Association Being a member gives you access: (ADMA) is a non-profit organisation with a • Unified voice for the industry to promote the use of digital and the internet (in the media and with potential customers) membership base spanning the full range of • Forum for standards and best practice sharing the digital marketing ecosystem, from portals • Spokespeople to represent members and respond to criticism and publishers, to advertisers, e-commerce • Insights on what advertisers, agencies and publishers are thinking platforms, agencies, technology solutions • Industry contacts and networking opportunities • Sponsorship opportunities to raise awareness of providers, and research houses. The mission your brand • Discounted rates for regional events of the ADMA is to grow the use of digital for • Notification of relevant speaking opportunities • Professional and entry level digital marketing effective marketing investment. This will be qualifications - discounted enrolment fees for members • Company listing in the online Membership Directory and achieved by being an authoritative source annual Asia Pacific Digital Marketing Yearbook • Job matching service to help you find staff of insight and statistics, hosting networking to join the ADMA Membership fees are set low enough to encourage events, and facilitating professional universal membership among industry players and, taken together, provide sufficient revenues to underwrite regular development. In addition, the ADMA engages activities. Other activities are funded by sponsorship (cash and in kind) and by charging admission fees for Reaching over 8 million unique visitors per month in Asia* with senior executives to gain consensus and some events. through a range of digital platforms provide a voice on key industry issues. To join, simply complete the online registration form at www.asiadma.com/membership/join. For integrated advertising solutions, Visit www.asiadma.com for more details. please contact us at wsja.advertising@dowjones.com The ADMA gives heartfelt thanks to all our members for their support and contributions: ADMA Patrons: © 2012 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All rights reserved. ADMA Corporate members: Acxiom Corporation, Adobe Systems, ad:tech, AGENDA Group Asia, Branded, Colgate-Palmolive, comScore, ConnectedGroup, Digital Chameleon, eBay Classifieds Group, Econsultancy, E-Dialog, Edipresse, emailvision, emarsys, Experian Marketing Services, Financial Times, Ignite Media Group, Innity, isobar Hong Kong, KatalystM, Lithium Technologies, LinkedIn, Message Systems, OgilvyOne Worldwide, Philips Electronics Hong Kong, PUMA Asia Pacific, Rajah & Tann, SCMP.com, StarHub, The Economist online, The Nielsen Company Hong Kong, The Wall Street Journal, UBM Asia, Universal McCann, Wunderman And all our SME members. *comScore March 2012 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 1
  • 3. Contents • Asia Pacific 6 • INDONESIA 42 • SINGAPORE 70 • Austr alia 14 • JAPAN 48 • SOUTH KOREA 76 • CHINA 22 • MALAYSIA 54 • TAIWAN 81 • HONG KONG 30 • NEW ZEALAND 62 • THAILAND 84 • INDIA 37 • THE PHILIPPINES 66 • VIETNAM 87 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 3
  • 4. CHAIRMAN'S MESSAGE 2012: One billion internet users Increasingly, internet usage patterns across Asia Pacific are becoming localised. Here's a participating in many webs look at some of the trends • Nearly half of Australians online access TV, movie lifestyle perspective, regionwide the top four reasons Asia and related entertainment content, in part thanks Pacific internet users go online are to stay up to date on T to 90% broadband penetration. news and events, stay in touch with friends, research here are now more than one billion people online The billion people online in Asia Pacific are spread across • Group buying took China by storm in 2011, with products to buy, and to do research for work. In order from across Asia Pacific (1.016 billion to be precise - more than 14 countries, with a wide range of languages, more than 65 million internet users participating - high to low, they are most likely to send an email, watch nearly 46% of the world's total), and 623 million cultures and online habits. More than half of them (513 an increase of almost 250% year-on-year. a video clip, do internet banking, purchase a product, people access the web via mobile. Although this million) are in China, which has its own media properties • 80% of Thailand's internet users say they now review a produce or brand online, connect via an instant enormous and growing addressable market seems to hold and consumer dynamics. In fact, seven of the top eleven shop online. messenger, share photos or manage their social media. boundless business potential for marketers, the reality is sites in the region are in China. Across the rest of Asia • The desktop PC remains Vietnam's most widely But significantly, the "long tail" of what people are doing more complicated - and more interesting. The headline one Pacific there is remarkable diversity; the way people use used device to access the internet (80% of users). online goes on and on, to include blogging, micro blogging, billion user number is made up of hundreds of thousands the web and interact with content and with one another • Only 15% of Indian women have access to the gaming, using Cloud-based software and apps, posting on of communities of users, spread across a wide variety of differs significantly from Australia, to Korea, to Indonesia, internet. websites/forums/BBS, or buying on a group buying service. devices and platforms, languages and cultures, and who to India. • Mobile internet access penetration rates in This fragmentation of online activities and communities use the web in a profusion of different ways. In addition to obvious geographic, language, and Indonesia reached 57%, vs. less than 10% who is matched with an explosion of information. By 2015, Asia The implications and opportunities for marketers cultural differences, the internet is increasingly host to a access the web via PC. Pacific's internet users will be generating 530,000 petabytes are far-reaching: profusion of platforms, many of which are interconnected • The top three reasons people in Hong Kong go of information a year, up from 67,000 in 2010. That's the • Social media continues to gain in importance, but but which also attract their own distinctive communities online are for online banking, on-demand video, equivalent of every person on Earth exchanging about 50 brands have to proceed with caution. Although 60% of and patterns of behaviour. In Asia Pacific, portals are still and live video. newspapers' worth of information every day. Dropping social networkers say that social networks are a good the top category of internet property, and have nearly 90% • 91% of Taiwan's internet users aged 20-29 are costs of storage and new business models are facilitating place to learn about brands, 50% also say they don't reach, but the days when users went to one destination as looking at job placements. the storing and sharing of enormous amounts of data, want to be bothered by brands. the entrance to their web experience are long gone. • Travel is big in Japan, with online sales estimated including an increasing amount of video. At the same time • Social commerce is on the rise, and marketers can With such a profusion of content, the primary ways to at US$31 billion in 2012. that online audiences and media channels are becoming deploy sophisticated, personalised approaches, make sense of the overwhelming amount of data, opinions • Malaysians aged 30-39 spend twice as much time increasingly specialised and focused, they are also growing depending on where they are in the sales funnel, to and options are to make it as easy as possible to connect online as they do watching TV. in scale. We saw a similar phenomenon when cable and build brand awareness and understanding, create brand with like-minded users (social media), and to find and be • Two thirds of internet users in The Philippines satellite TV channels chipped away at the dominance of the preference, make sales, and do CRM. found (search). visited internet cafes in 2011. TV networks, but the digital transformation is happening • Search remains vital to helping customers find your Social media platforms have been a strong force to • 80% of Singapore's internet users go online every on steroids, with growth rates and a scale that surpasses brand and for you to find your audience. With crowd- help bring together fragmented media. Content from every day. television numbers. sourced curation of content, natural search rises site and source is shared both widely and in targeted ways • More than 91% of South Korea's e-commerce So how are marketers reacting to the changes in in importance and complexity, and paid search is via microblogs. Twitter globally has become a red thread revenue is B2B. online behaviour and the opportunities large scale still effective for driving "last click" results. Search/ communities offer? Here's a snapshot of trends and navigation properties in the region have 84.7% reach. data, and there is lots more detail in the Yearbook: • Despite the rise of social media and user-generated Welcome to the sixth edition of the Asia Digital running throughout the web and, in China, QQ, Pengyou • Online advertising spend in Asia Pacific reached US$24.8 content, paid, owned and earned media all continue to Marketing Association Yearbook. We are proud of the and Sina Weibo have become major forces. More than 300 billion in 2011, making the region second only to the play important roles in achieving marketing goals. reputation the Yearbook has earned as marketers' million users post 100 million comments and messages US, with US$34.5 billion. • Although in this fragmented environment marketers go-to source for facts and insights about the web every day on Sina Weibo. Social networking sites have • Every marketing dollar spent online returns US$1.78, must work harder to understand and find their target and mobile usage in Asia Pacific. You will see ADMA 72.2% reach across the region, and hundreds of millions exceeding the returns of all other marketing media customers, analytics, behavioural targeting and big Yearbook statistics quoted frequently in marketing, of people connect on Facebook, LinkedIn, Cyworld (Korea), including TV, print, out of home and trade (according to data are providing more and more powerful tools for advertising and sales presentations and media. Feel Mixi (Japan), Qzone, Ren Ren, Kaixin (China) and other Nielsen). marketers to reach and engage with internet users in free to use the data, with a credit to the ADMA. localised equivalents. And in search Google and Baidu and • By 2015, Asia Pacific is expected to account for a third personalised ways. This edition is packed with statistics from every Bing and Yahoo! are helping users and marketers to find of all global mobile ad spend, reaching US$6.92 billion. market in the region, as well as data and case studies the content and audiences they are seeking online. • India, China, Australia and Japan are expected to on broadband, mobile, online advertising, search, Another trend is that internet users are using the web generate US$258 billion in commerce sales in 2012 e-commerce, social media, demographics, user in increasingly diverse and specific ways. Depending on between them, and mobile commerce is on the rise behaviour and all aspects of the digital eco-system. location, income, age, availability of broadband, use of a with 34% of mobile internet users in China and Korea Many thanks to all companies that generously smartphone and many other factors, one user's experience transacting via handheld devices. contributed data, and to the Yearbook team: ADMA can be almost totally different than another's. From a • Mobile app downloads reached 5 billion in 2011, executive director Kay Bayliss, editor Rachel Oliver generating US$871 million. and designer Garry Tipping. The Yearbook is available free online at David Ketchum is Chairman, Asia Digital Marketing www.asiadigitalmarketingyearbook.com. Association and President of Bite Communications, Asia Pacific. 4 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 5
  • 5. ASIA PACIFIC Asia Pacific's Internet Users By Country Country Internet Penetration % Of Users Share content Find music 28.37 37.05 Users Rate (%) Find films/TV shows 35.19 Australia 19,554,832 89.80 81.70 Stay up to date on news/events 57.69 China 513,100,000 38.40 50.50 Research how to do things 45.02 Hong Kong 4,894,913 68.70 0.50 Organise my life 26.70 India 121,000,000 10.20 11.90 Express myself 30.98 Indonesia 55,000,000 22.40 5.40 Take on a different personality 17.91 Japan 101,228,736 80.00 10.00 Fill up spare time 37.61 Korea, South 40,329,660 82.70 4.00 To get inspired/get ideas 41.05 Malaysia 17,723,000 61.70 1.70 Play games 21.24 New Zealand 3,625,553 84.50 15.20 Change other people's opinions 15.19 (Source: GlobalWebIndex Wave 6. NB This table is run on the GlobalWebIndex total sample) The Philippines 29,700,000 29.20 2.90 Singapore 3,658,400 77.20 0.40 Taiwan 16,147,000 70.00 1.60 What Asia Pacific Internet Users Do Online Thailand 18,310,000 27.40 1.80 Activity % of Users Vietnam 30,516,587 33.70 3.00 Uploaded Photos Online 55.92 (Source: Internet World Stats, December 2011) Watched A Video Clip 69.38 Uploaded A Video Online 31.92 Asia Pacific's Fastest Broadband Countries Manage Your Social Network Profile 51.74 Written Your Own Blog 40.13 Global Rank Country % Above QoQ YoY Used A Micro blogging Service 37.73 5 Mbps Change Change Subscribed To An RSS Feed 14.93 1 South Korea 79 37% 10% Used An Aggregator 12.75 3 Hong Kong 60 2.7% 13% Used Instant Messenger 54.78 5 Japan 57 3.0% -5.8% Made A Phone Call Online/Used VOIP 21.31 24 Singapore 31 -7.2% 67% Asia Pacific's Internet Users 31 Taiwan 28 11% -0.4% Used Webmail 70.86 • DEMOGR APHICS • % Of Internet Users 35 New Zealand 23 23% 139% Used Online Office Applications 47.82 Gender Edited/Managed Own Website 32.27 40 Australia 18 -2.7% 56% Male 58.80 Used Internet Banking 66.36 45 Thailand 11 61% 285% The number of internet users in Asia Pacific has now Female 41.20 Left A Comment On A Story On A Website 44.47 53 Malaysia 4.6 23% 248% broken the one billion barrier. The region boasted 1.016 Education 61 China 1.0 78% 184% Written A News Story/Article 25.54 Schooling until age 16 2.04 Post Comment On Forum/BBS 43.30 billion users in 2011. Schooling until age 18 14.00 62 India 0.6 46% 21% Purchased A Product Online 63.93 (Source: Internet World Stats) - The Philippines 0.6 15% 79% Trade/technical school or college 26.90 (Source: Akamai Technologies; High Broadband Connectivity, Fastest Asia Pacific Countries) Reviewed A Product Or Brand Online 61.48 University 46.60 Used A Social Bookmark Service 24.02 Asia Pacific's internet users now account for 45.9% of the Post graduate 10.30 Asked/answered question on Q/A service 33.88 Employment Status Bought product/service through group buying website 38.97 world's total internet user base, as of December 2011. Full-time worker 61.80 (Source: GlobalWebIndex Wave 6. NB This table is run on the GlobalWebIndex total sample) (Source: Internet World Stats) Part-time worker 5.25 • USER BEHAVIOUR • Freelancer 5.85 Despite being home to the most internet users on Earth, Self-employed 4.66 The number of Asia Pacific's online gamers is set to Asia Pacific's internet penetration rates still remain low, at Full-time parent 2.36 • ONLINE ADVERTISING • In education 13.18 break the one billion mark by 2016. As a result, revenues only 26.2%, which is still significantly lower than the global Unemployed 2.28 generated from online gaming are expected to reach average of 41%. Other 4.57 The Asia Pacific region generated US$24.8 billion in online Main Shopper US$30.3 billion in 2016. ad spend in 2011, accounting for 29% of global online ad (Source: Internet World Stats) Main 50.76 (Source: Ovum) Joint 41.96 spend last year. North America led all regions with US$34.5 More than three quarters (78%) of Asia Pacific's internet Do not do the shopping 7.28 Asia Pacific is the largest region in terms of internet traffic, billion in revenues. For 2012, it is predicted that the online users are under the age of 45. Work Sector (Source: Comscore) Financial Services 4.24 and by 2015 it is projected that 42% of the world's internet ad spend in the Asia Pacific region will hit US$31.4 billion. Retail 5.10 traffic will originate from it. (Source: GroupM) Professional Services (Law, Accounting, Architect, etc.) 4.80 Broadband continues to power its way through the Asia (Source: V2M / Informa) Healthcare/Medicine 3.44 The Asia Pacific region's share of the global online ad Pacific region, reaching 212 million subscriptions in 2011. Manufacturing, Engineering, Construction 15.80 The amount of time spent online per month by both spend is expected to be 26.2% by 2015, a modest growth Forecasts predict that this number will increase to 375 Education 4.36 Government (excluding Education & Health) 3.50 genders in the Asia Pacific region are pretty much even from 2010, when it had a 23.9% share of the pie. million in 2016. Police or Armed Forces 0.34 (Source: Frost & Sullivan) Agriculture or Mining 1.08 these days, with females spending 14.7 hours online and (Source: eMarketer) IT, Internet, Software, Computer Services 12.87 males 14.3 hours online. For every marketing dollar spent on online initiatives, the In 2011, the Asia Pacific region accounted for 52% of the Transport, Logistics, Distribution 4.20 (Source: comScore) Travel, Tourism, Leisure Services 1.70 return in Asia Pacific was $1.78, exceeding the returns world's broadband subscriptions. (Source: IHS iSuppli) Advertising marketing, media 1.45 By 2015, Asia's internet users are expected to be of all other formats including TV, print, out of home, and Other 14.73 Current Position generating 530,000 petabytes between them (they only trade. In Q1 2012 alone, Asia Pacific welcomed nearly 7 million Company Owner 4.57 consumed 67,000 in 2010). Exactly what is a petabyte? (Source: Nielsen) Senior Manager 5.63 new broadband subscriptions, most of them originating One petabyte is equivalent to one million gigabytes. Mid-level Manager 14.29 People trust the opinions of the ones they know over all from China. Entry-level Manager 12.39 (Source: V2M/Informa) (Source: ABI Research) Team member 26.42 other methods of persuasion. In a survey on trust and Support level 6.10 Asia Pacific's female internet users devote more than one advertising, nearly all Asia Pacific recipients (94%) said By 2017, Asia Pacific broadband subscriptions will be valued Other 8.21 Responsibility At Work third (38%) of their digital time to engaging in online they had the most confidence (they "trust completely" or at US$92.3 billion. General management 38.47 discussions. "trust somewhat") in recommendations from people they (Source: ABI Research) (Source: TNS) Direct reports/team 21.30 knew. After that they showed the most trust (76% said Recruiting new employees 14.38 Household broadband connections in the Asia Pacific region Purchasing IT, telecoms/technology PRODUCTS/services for co. 20.14 Why Asia Pacific Internet Users Go Online this) in other's opinions posted online. When it came to are projected to increase by 75% over the next five years. Purchasing all other PRODUCTS/services for co. 18.14 Motivation % of Internet Users Who Consider this Very Important trusting brand messages, however, nearly two thirds (63%) Managing budgets 15.78 (Source: PWC) Advertising and marketing 0.78 Research for work 50.70 said they had the most confidence in branded websites. Networking for work 43.41 Company strategy 14.73 Education 43.05 Just over two fifths (43%) showed the same level of In terms of size, Asia Pacific's female internet users are still None of these 2.97 Stay in touch with friends 55.52 confidence in ads served in search engine results, online Decision Maker in the minority - but only just - accounting for 43.6% of Decision maker 20.26 Update my friends with my life 28.43 video ads (42%), while just under two fifths of them (39%) Meet new people 25.40 the web population, compared to 46.4% of males. Senior decision maker 5.78 Promote something 23.87 placed the most trust in online banner ads. (Source: comScore) Other 51.56 (Source: Nielsen) (Source: GlobalWebIndex Wave 6. NB This table is run on the GlobalWebIndex total sample) Entertainment 39.49 Research products to buy 52.00 Share my opinion 27.67 6 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 7
  • 6. Mobile advertising generated US$2.01 billion from Japan, Asia Pacific's Top Categories China and India alone in 2011. This amount is projected to Categories % Reach Portals 89.8 reach US$3.94 billion in 2015. Search/Navigation 84.7 (Source: eMarketer) Entertainment 83.8 Directories/Resources 72.3 As of the end of February 2012, Asia Pacific mobile users Social Networking 72.2 News/Information 68.5 were generating 122.87 billion mobile ad impressions on Retail 68.4 a quarterly basis on the InMobi Network, representing a Games 61.2 Community 59.1 growth rate of 25% over a 3-month period. (Source: InMobi) Technology 56.0 (Source: comScore Media Matrix, March 2012; Total Audience) Asia Pacific's Top 20 Sites Asia Pacific's Trust In Media Channels Site Total Unique Visitors (000) % Reach Channel % Who Trust % Who Trust % Who Do Google Sites 340,561 56.4 Completely Somewhat Not Trust TENCENT 261,097 43.2 Recommendations from friends and family 53 42 2 Baidu 256,624 42.5 Expert review on websites 28 60 9 Yahoo! Sites 235,896 39.1 Product labels on packaging 26 62 9 Sohu 230,158 38.1 Independent reviews in publications 23 67 7 Microsoft Sites 229,610 38.0 Consumer review on websites 22 67 9 Alibaba 188,038 31.1 Manufacturers/brands websites 19 67 11 SINA Corporation 165,320 27.4 Consumer opinion in blogs 19 68 10 FACEBOOK 155,081 25.7 Products/brands that appear in movies Youku 115,668 19.2 or within TV programmes 18 65 14 NetEase 114,593 19.0 TV ads 16 67 14 Wikimedia Foundation Sites 110,909 18.4 Consumer opinion on message boards 15 66 15 Amazon Sites 109,051 18.1 Consumer opinion in chat rooms 14 63 18 CBS Interactive 101,144 16.8 Newspaper ads 14 67 16 Tudou Sites 97,327 16.1 Magazine ads 14 67 15 Apple 93,370 15.5 Email newsletters 14 65 16 Xunlei Networking 89,496 14.8 Ads at the cinema before the movie starts 13 64 18 NHN Corporation 75,893 12.6 Ads on posters, buses/bus shelters 12 67 18 Qihoo Sites 72,817 12.1 Recommendations from other consumers Oak Pacific Interactive Sites 71,371 11.8 (Source: comScore Media Matrix, March 2012; Total Audience) who you do not personally know 11 61 22 C Ads that appear on search engines 11 61 24 Radio ads 11 62 22 M Asia Pacific's Top Entertainment Sites Banner ads on websites 9 61 26 Site Total Unique Visitors (000) % Reach Ads that have been sent to you by email 9 55 32 Y Entertainment 505,900 83.8 Popup or pop-under web ads 7 50 39 YOUTUBE 147,350 24.4 Ads via mobile SMS 7 45 45 CM Youku 115,668 19.2 Ads in virtual worlds 7 38 46 MY CBS Interactive 101,144 16.8 Ads in video games 6 39 48 Tudou Sites 97,327 16.1 (Source: TNS; QC1; Base - All Respondents - Asia) CY SOHU.com TV 93,238 15.4 XUNLEI 83,220 13.8 CMY Video 77,400 12.8 iTunes Software (App) 71,196 11.8 Music 68,740 11.4 • E-COMMERCE • K PPLive 65,318 10.8 (Source: comScore Media Matrix, March 2012; Total Audience) Before making an online purchase, 60% of Asia Pacific Asia Pacific's Top Gaming Sites consumers will turn to online product reviews first. The Site Total Unique Visitors (000) % Reach Vietnamese turn to online product reviews the most (81%), Games 369,501 61.2 Games 91,992 15.2 followed by the Chinese (77%), and then Thais (69%). (Source: Nielsen) Mini Game 44,770 7.4 Xiamen Youjia Network 26,821 4.4 PCGAMES.COM.CN 25,004 4.1 India and China will be leading Asia Pacific's e-commerce 17173 25,003 4.1 KUAIWAN 20,817 3.4 growth over the next few years, with them both expecting Game VIP 20,495 3.4 to return the highest CAGRs of 57% and 25% respectively QQ937 18,910 3.1 DUOWAN 17,016 2.8 between 2012 and 2016. By comparison, Japan, South SDO 16,179 2.7 Korea and Australia are expected to grow at CAGRs of (Source: comScore Media Matrix, March 2012; Total Audience) between 11% to 12% over the same period. (Source: Forrester) Asia Pacific's Top Retail Sites Site Total Unique Visitors (000) % Reach Four of the Asia Pacific region's e-commerce powerhouses Retail 412,768 68.4 Alibaba Corporation 188,038 31.1 - India, Australia, Japan and China - are expected to Amazon Sites 109,051 18.1 generate more than US$258 billion in e-commerce sales PAIPAI 69,866 11.6 360BUY 56,624 9.4 between them in 2012. By 2016, China will have exceeded Apple Worldwide Sites 51,434 8.5 that number alone, generating US$356.1 billion in Rakuten 44,037 7.3 e-commerce sales. Together, all four are expected to draw DANGDANG 32,919 5.5 Yahoo! Shopping 30,834 5.1 in US$497.9 billion by then. (Source: Forrester) Kakaku 25,541 4.2 VANCL 20,866 3.5 (Source: comScore Media Matrix, March 2012; Total Audience) The Asia Pacific online travel market was expected to generate US$51.6 billion in revenues in 2011, growing 30% to 40% in the coming year. Asia Pacific is expected to account for 20% of the global online travel market in 2012. (Source: New Media Trend Watch) 8 asia pacific digital marketing yearbook asia pacific digital marketing yearbook 9