2. Who am I ?
I am Kannan Ravindran, A Student of
Velammal Engineering College, Ambattur
undertaking Bachelor of Engineering
concentration on Computer Science and
Engineering. I am a member of NullCon -
International security conference(Chennai
Chapter). I am serving H4CK3R.in as a
3. Contents
Symmetric Key Encryption
Message Digest
Birthday Attack
MD5, SHA and Other Techniques
4. Introduction What is it?
Cryptography is primarily used as a tool to
protect national secrets and strategies. It is
extensively used by the military, the diplomatic
services and the banking sector.
One of the landmark developments in the history
of cryptography was the introduction of the
revolutionary concept of public-key.
A cryptographic algorithm or cipher, is a
mathematical function used in the encryption
and decryption process. This mathematical
function works in combination with a key to
encrypt the plaintext (the original message)
5. Introduction How it works?
A cryptographic algorithm, plus all possible keys and the
protocols that make it work comprise a Cryptosystem.
6. Introduction - Objective
Confidentiality is used to keep the content of
information secret from unauthorized Persons
This is achieved through symmetric and
asymmetric encryption.
Data integrity addresses the unauthorized
alteration of data. This is addressed by hash
Authentication is related to identification. This
applies to both entity and information itself. This
is achieved through digital signature certificates
and digital signatures.
7. Symmetric Cryptography
In conventional Cryptography, also called secret-key or
symmetric-key encryption , the same key is used for
both encryption and decryption.
Caesar's Cipher:
Julius Caesar didnt
trust his messengers.
So when he sent a
message to his
generals, he replaced
every A with
D, every B with E
and so on. Only the
Caesar generals knew the shift by 3 rule. So if we want to
and the
encrypt the word NULLCON then the cipher will be QXOOFRQ.
While decrypting it we follow the same shift by 3 rule, but we shift
in the opposite side.
8. Message Digest
The original text: 7391743
Operation Result
Multiply 7 by 3 21
Discard first digit 1
Multiply 1 by 9 9
Multiply 9 by 1 9
Multiply 9 by 7 63
Discard first digit 3
Multiply 3 by 4 12
Discard first digit 2
Multiply 2 by 3 6
The Message Digest is 6
9. Message Digest
The given message
should be very easy to
find its corresponding
message digest. Also the
message digest should
always be same every
10. Message Digest
The message digest
should be in such a way
that, it must be very
difficult to find the original
message by just the
reverse algorithm
11. Birthday Attack
How many people do you need so that the probability of
having two of them share the same birthday is > 50% ?
Random sample of n birthdays (input) taken from k (365,
kn total number of possibilities
(k)n=k(k-1)(k-n+1) possibilities without duplicate
Probability of no repetition:
p = (k)n/kn 1 - n(n-1)/2k
For k=366, minimum n = 23
n(n-1)/2 pairs, each pair has a probability 1/k of having
the same output
n(n-1)/2k > 50% n>k1/2
12. Birthday Attack
Thus the birthday attack creates a problem
in which more than one message can yield
the same message digest. And this
probability of this type of collision is more
than 50% to prevent these birthday attacks
algorithms like MD5 and SHA are used.
13. How many bits for hash?
m bits, takes 2m/2 to find two with the same
64 bits, takes 232 messages to search
Need at least 128 bits
14. Hash for authentication
Alice to Bob: challenge rA
Bob to Alice: MD(KAB|rA)
Bob to Alice: rB
Alice to Bob: MD(KAB|rB)
Only need to compare MD results
15. MD5
input Message
Output 128 bits Digest
Until recently the most widely used hash algorithm
in recent times have both brute-force & cryptanalytic
Specified as Internet standard RFC1321
16. MD5
1. Pad message so its length is 448 mod 512
2. Append a 64-bit original length value to
3. Initialise 4-word (128-bit) MD buffer (A,B,C,D)
Process message in 16-word (512-bit) blocks:
Using 4 rounds of 16 bit operations on
message block & buffer
Add output to buffer input to form new buffer
4. Output hash value is the final buffer value
17. SHA
Developed by NIST, specified in the
Secure Hash Standard (SHS, FIPS Pub
180), 1993
SHA is specified as the hash algorithm in
the Digital Signature Standard (DSS),
18. SHA
Input message must be < 264 bits
not really a problem
Message is processed in 512-bit blocks
Message digest is 160 bits
SHA design is similar to MD5, but a lot
19. MD5 Vs SHA
Brute force attack is harder (160 vs 128
bits for MD5)
Not vulnerable to any known cryptanalytic
attacks (compared to MD4/5)
A little slower than MD5 (80 vs 64 steps)
Both work well on a 32-bit architecture
Both designed as simple and compact for
20. Revised Secure Hash Standards
NIST have issued a revision FIPS 180-2
adds 3 additional hash algorithms
SHA-256, SHA-384, SHA-512
designed for compatibility with increased
security provided by the AES cipher
structure & detail is similar to SHA-1
hence analysis should be similar
21. Conclusion
Thus different concepts of Digital
signatures are discussed and a
overview of the various algorithms
used are discussed