Lindsey Johnson has always been passionate about acting, writing, and entertainment. She attended community college but found no passion in her studies. She left college to pursue her passions but was unsure how. She worked retail and blogged about TV and movies, gaining followers who attended Full Sail University. Their blogs praised Full Sail for helping them pursue careers in entertainment. Realizing she was looking in the wrong places, Lindsey decided to pursue acting and a career in new media journalism at Full Sail to find happiness in her passion for media and entertainment.
2. Before I started the MCBS program I attended Valencia
Community College but I found no passion in my school work
and wanted to find a place where my passion for
acting,writing and entertainment such as film, movies, and
fashion were encouraged.
3. From the early age of 7 years old,all I ever
wanted to do was to act and write, it was
where my heart was. I have been been in
countless theater and drama productions from
the age of 8,as well as many workshops and
American stage camps.
4. When I was 10 years m now working on a
book series. I later old I wrote my first
script and I aleft the college because I
was not happy and I did not want to
waste my money on a career path that
was not for me. I wasnt sure how to
pursue my passions and because of that I
struggled with where I wanted my life and
future to take me.
5. Due to me not knowing where I wanted to
go I began working at a family friends
retail store named Marions but
continued to act locally and soon made a
Tumblr Blog.
6. I began to enjoy blogging about my tv
shows and movies that I enjoyed and
because of that I came across some
followers who attended Full Sail University.In
their blog,these followers spoke about how
much they enjoyed Full Sail and all that they
were learning from the school.
7. The blogs also talked about how Full Sail
was the best decision they made in
regards to their career path because of
their loved they had for the entertainment
8. I finally I realized I had been looking for
careers in the wrong places and decided I
would be happiest if I continued to pursue
my acting and begin a career as a New
Media Journalist
9. And ever since, I decided to pursue my
passion for media in the entertainment
industry I have never been happier.