Digital storytelling involves using computer tools to tell stories that usually include some combination of images, text, audio narration, video clips and music. Digital stories typically last 2-10 minutes and can cover personal tales or historical events. Digital storytelling has grown popular due to intersecting factors like the human need to tell stories, improved technology making story creation easier, and new online platforms allowing widespread distribution. Teachers are encouraged to use digital storytelling to enhance lessons, accelerate learning, promote student creativity, engage multiple intelligences, and make class more fun.
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Digital storytelling
2. What is Digital
Digital Storytelling is the practice of using computer-
based tools to tell stories. As with traditional storytelling,
most digital stories focus on a specific topic and contain
a particular point of view. However, as the name implies,
digital stories usually contain some mixture of computer-
based images, text, recorded audio narration, video clips
and/or music. Digital stories can vary in length, but
most of the stories used in education typically last
between two and ten minutes. The topics that are used in
Digital Storytelling range from personal tales to the
recounting of historical events, from exploring life in
one's own community to the search for life in other
corners of the universe, and literally, everything in
3. We can all be creators,
directors, producers,
distributors of media and so
can our students if we let
them. As we define digital
storytelling for ourselves we
need to think of how we can
use it in our classrooms with
our students. This becomes
even more challenging in the
current standard driven, high
stakes testing environment.
But it is very important.
4. Why is digital
blossoming so
Over the past 5 years digital
storytelling has become the
rage due to a number of
intersecting factors. It is the
human need to tell stories, and
it is the way we communicate.
Also, the dramatic change in
cost and sophistication of
technology provides us the
tools to create our own story.
Today the level of technology
available to the consumer is
remarkable. As well as the
explosion of locations to
distribute stories. Youtube,
TeacherTube, iTunesU, etc have
allowed all of us to be
producers and distributors of
digital content. We can all
become mini television studios.
5. -To enhance your lesson
-To accelerate learning.
-To Allow for more creativity
from your students.
-To cover multiple
-To have more fun!!!
Why use
in your
6. Click this link for more
information and programs
Digital Storytelling