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Digital Rack
   & Amanda Signal
This Session...
Our children are living in the most intensely
stimulating period in the history of the earth.

They are being besieged with information and
parse their attention from every platform,
computers, from iPhones, from advertising holdings
from hundreds of television channels.

And we are penalizing them for getting distracted.

From what? Boring stuff.
    At school for the most part...

                        - Sir Ken Robinson
                        Changing Educational Paradigms
Digital tools in my class...
  One thing that is going amazingly?

  One thing that is not going so well?

        Where do you start?
Digital Tools
Digital Tools
Churches              @achurches
Digital Tools
Google Calendar
Digital Tools
Digital Tools
Digital Tools
Term 4 ( 11-12.5 years)

Everyone in Room 7
        Attend 2 Teacher workshops EVERY week
        Conference with Teacher 4 times a term on your own (you need to
         book this in with T)
        Complete/ publish 2 book reviews by the end of the term on a
         chosen book

Group Reading Tasks
Must do -
    Silent read for 30 minutes twice a week ADD to your reading log
    Read through part or all of the story with the teacher
    Read through the story in your mind on your own
    Read through your story with a buddy
    Read your story onto Photobooth at least 2 times (save to the
   Listen to you Photobooth to check your reading strategies
   Attend 2 teacher workshops per week - (Learning Reading
   Complete 5 Blooms Activities per story
(Complete at least - 1 low level, 1 medium level, 1 high level activity
   Complete 1 reading skills cards per week

Can do -
  Publish 1 medium or high level activity.
  Inference Reading Cards
  Study Ladder - Reading tasks
  Summerland Blog Reading
  Silent Reading
  Vocabulary games
Google Calendar
Video Recording
Daily News
QR Codes
Digital Tools
Digital Tools
Digital Tools
Kaywa QR Code
QR Voice
Writing Tools
Google Docs
Google Docs
Google Docs
Digital Tools
Google Forms
Digital Tools
Google Presentation
Telescopic Text
Digital Tools
Moving to Stage 6
                        To get to stage 6 I need to show...

!   !       !    !     !       !     !     !         PROOF!!        !     GLOSS

        I am learning to work out my 6, 7, & 8 times table from my 5 times table.

!   !       !    !     !       !     !     !         PROOF!!        !     GLOSS

                              I am learning to multiply by tens.

!   !       !    !     !       !     !     !         PROOF!!        !     GLOSS

                           I am learning to multiply by hundreds.

!   !       !    !     !       !     !     !         PROOF!!        !     GLOSS

                           I am learning to multiply by thousands.
Digital Tools
Digital Tools
Digital Tools
Digital Tools
Other Tools...
Created by @lenva

Cool Tools For Schools
The Awesome Highlighter
Digital Tools
Digital Tools
Digital Tools
Digital Tools
Digital Tools
Get students to teach students - set up experts!
Room 7 Personal Device Contract
I will use my ipad/ipod in the classroom to

 assist me with my learning
 explain and share the process of my learning
 research and investigate areas for learning

Some examples of how I can use it in the classroom are

 Showme - To demonstrate, explain and share the process of how I worked something out in any
  learning area.
 Fotobabble - For explaining my learning and reading aloud
 Notes - For recording my ideas. Planning my learning to do list. Draft writing.
 Whiteboard - To show my learning in numeracy. To join with others to see how they have solved
  problems. Brainstorming ideas.
 Internet/ Google - Google Calendar to plan my learning. Google Docs to access numeracy
  teacher workshop notes and spelling. Internet searching
 Camera/Video - To capture important learning and to record my reading and re鍖ections

                                    Contract Conditions
I will access the Internet under my teacher兵s supervision and only for information to support my

I understand that my mobile device is for classroom use only and is not to be used at morning tea/
lunch times when my teacher is not present in the classroom.

It is my responsibility to make sure my device is locked away in the cabinet at break times and
when Room 7 are not in the classroom.

I _______________________________________agree to the terms of this contract. I understand
that if I do not follow the contract I may not be able to bring my portable device to school in the

Signed: (Student) ______________________________________

Signed: (Parent) _______________________________________

Signed: (Teacher) ______________________________________

                       Please have the following free applications on your device

                                     Popplet (Lite version is free)
                                         Showme (Ipads only)
                                    Whiteboard (Lite version is free)

There is NO expectation for your child to have the following applications as they are not free, however
               they are often used in the classroom should you choose to purchase them

                                               Pages $13.99
                                              Keynote $13.99
  With Home
Google Sites

Google Calendar
Digital Tools
Showcasing work
Showcasing work
A Worldwide Audience
To show work beyond the
 4 walls of our classroom, to
  gain a knowledge of their
  world and to have a voice.

  Showcasing work
A Worldwide Audience
Digital Tools
Do you know what
makes a good blog?
Do you know what
     makes a good blog?
Visuals   Up To Date       Creative

Purpose     Student       Original

Layout    Conversations   Informative
Do you know what
     makes a good blog?
Visuals   Up To Date       Creative

Purpose     Student       Original

Layout    Conversations   Informative
Digital Footprint
Students Online                                * Be safe
Work Agreement                        * Be mindful of what you say
                                        * Be respectful to others
                                            * Be informative
                                             * Be interesting

   When we write on the web the whole world can see it. What we say, the pictures we post, or the
     videos we share give anyone who reads it a good or bad view of me. Anything we share can be
saved and viewed by others forever. Because of all of this, we need to make sure that the impression we
                give to others who read our work is a good one, and we promise that:

     * Our writing will be a true description of places, events, people, or our thoughts or feelings.
   * We will treat people who read and reply to our work kindly, even if we disagree with what they
      * We will never share personal information about ourselves, such as our name, photo, age,
                                    address, my parents names, etc.
                           *We will not use bad language, pictures, or videos.

  We know that we are the only people who is responsible for the things written or included in our
 online work. We will do our best to make sure it is all correct and appropriate, including keeping track
                                     of the comments we receive.

                  If anything is posted that is inappropriate, offensive, or dangerous, we
 will notify our teacher as quickly as possible. We will also take full responsibility for any good or bad
Naming Issues:
Initials? First?
Made up names?
Naming Issues:
Initials? First?
Made up names?
Do you have permission?
Students in the background?
Naming Issues:
Initials? First?
Made up names?
Do you have permission?
Students in the background?
Are you moderating them?
RSS or moderation.
Creative Commons
Creative Commons
Kids create the content.
Creative Commons
Kids create the content.
If images are taken...
     attribute back to the site
No difference from copying text!
Creative Commons
Kids create the content.
If images are taken...
     attribute back to the site
No difference from copying text!
Even better, attribute to:
Creative Commons licensed work
Creative Commons
Kids create the content.
If images are taken...
     attribute back to the site
No difference from copying text!
Even better, attribute to:
Creative Commons licensed work
Search CC Work
Digital Tools
Teaching 1 group
- embed in your programme.
Digital Tools
Get the kids
blogs during
Digital Tools
Digital Tools
Get students to teach students - set up experts!
Digital Tools
Set up a Blog Of The Week - to showcase good work
Keep It Going!
NZ Twits
TED Talks
Sign Posts - Wayneneyavenue

                     Toolbox - elyob

                     Wrong Tool - Hiking Artist

                     Footprints - Vu Bui

                     Train - LEnfant Terrible

                     Blue Kid - Alohamumma

Images used under    Kids Laptop - Paul Goyette

  Creative Commons   Wrong Tool - Hiking Artist

                     Kids on Computer - SpecialKRB
This Session...

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Digital Tools

  • 1. Digital Rack Kristyn Tools & Amanda Signal
  • 3. Our children are living in the most intensely stimulating period in the history of the earth. They are being besieged with information and parse their attention from every platform, computers, from iPhones, from advertising holdings from hundreds of television channels. And we are penalizing them for getting distracted. From what? Boring stuff. At school for the most part... - Sir Ken Robinson Changing Educational Paradigms http://bit.ly/Ws618G
  • 4. Digital tools in my class... One thing that is going amazingly? One thing that is not going so well?
  • 5. So... Where do you start?
  • 8. Andrew Churches @achurches http://edorigami.wikispaces.com
  • 14. Term 4 ( 11-12.5 years) Everyone in Room 7 Attend 2 Teacher workshops EVERY week Conference with Teacher 4 times a term on your own (you need to book this in with T) Complete/ publish 2 book reviews by the end of the term on a chosen book Group Reading Tasks Must do - Silent read for 30 minutes twice a week ADD to your reading log Read through part or all of the story with the teacher Read through the story in your mind on your own Read through your story with a buddy Read your story onto Photobooth at least 2 times (save to the server) Listen to you Photobooth to check your reading strategies Attend 2 teacher workshops per week - (Learning Reading Strategies) Complete 5 Blooms Activities per story (Complete at least - 1 low level, 1 medium level, 1 high level activity Complete 1 reading skills cards per week Can do - Publish 1 medium or high level activity. Inference Reading Cards Study Ladder - Reading tasks Summerland Blog Reading Silent Reading Vocabulary games Reading
  • 15. Google Calendar http://calendar.google.com/
  • 17. iRead
  • 23. Kaywa QR Code http://qrcode.kaywa.com/
  • 26. Google Docs http://docs.google.com
  • 27. Google Docs http://docs.google.com
  • 28. Google Docs http://docs.google.com
  • 30. Google Forms http://bit.ly/S7AJkh
  • 32. Google Presentation http://docs.google.com
  • 33. Telescopic Text http://www.telescopictext.org/write
  • 40. Moving to Stage 6 To get to stage 6 I need to show... ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! PROOF!! ! GLOSS I am learning to work out my 6, 7, & 8 times table from my 5 times table. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! PROOF!! ! GLOSS I am learning to multiply by tens. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! PROOF!! ! GLOSS I am learning to multiply by hundreds. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! PROOF!! ! GLOSS I am learning to multiply by thousands.
  • 45. Popplet http://popplet.com/
  • 53. Bitly https://bitly.com/
  • 54. Created by @lenva Cool Tools For Schools http://cooltoolsforschools.wikispaces.com/
  • 62. Get students to teach students - set up experts!
  • 63. Room 7 Personal Device Contract I will use my ipad/ipod in the classroom to assist me with my learning explain and share the process of my learning research and investigate areas for learning Some examples of how I can use it in the classroom are Showme - To demonstrate, explain and share the process of how I worked something out in any learning area. Fotobabble - For explaining my learning and reading aloud Notes - For recording my ideas. Planning my learning to do list. Draft writing. Whiteboard - To show my learning in numeracy. To join with others to see how they have solved problems. Brainstorming ideas. Internet/ Google - Google Calendar to plan my learning. Google Docs to access numeracy teacher workshop notes and spelling. Internet searching Camera/Video - To capture important learning and to record my reading and re鍖ections Contract Conditions I will access the Internet under my teacher兵s supervision and only for information to support my learning. I understand that my mobile device is for classroom use only and is not to be used at morning tea/ lunch times when my teacher is not present in the classroom. It is my responsibility to make sure my device is locked away in the cabinet at break times and when Room 7 are not in the classroom. I _______________________________________agree to the terms of this contract. I understand that if I do not follow the contract I may not be able to bring my portable device to school in the future. Signed: (Student) ______________________________________ Signed: (Parent) _______________________________________ Signed: (Teacher) ______________________________________ Please have the following free applications on your device Popplet (Lite version is free) Showme (Ipads only) Whiteboard (Lite version is free) Fotobabble There is NO expectation for your child to have the following applications as they are not free, however they are often used in the classroom should you choose to purchase them Pages $13.99 Keynote $13.99
  • 65. Google Sites http://bit.ly/2012r8
  • 73. To show work beyond the 4 walls of our classroom, to gain a knowledge of their world and to have a voice. Showcasing work A Worldwide Audience
  • 75. Worldwide Audience http://feedjit.com/ http://clustrmaps.com/
  • 76. Worldwide Audience http://feedjit.com/ http://clustrmaps.com/
  • 77. Worldwide Audience http://feedjit.com/ http://clustrmaps.com/
  • 78. Worldwide Audience http://feedjit.com/ http://clustrmaps.com/
  • 79. Worldwide Audience http://feedjit.com/ http://clustrmaps.com/
  • 80. Worldwide Audience http://feedjit.com/ http://clustrmaps.com/
  • 81. Worldwide Audience http://feedjit.com/ http://clustrmaps.com/
  • 82. Worldwide Audience http://feedjit.com/ http://clustrmaps.com/
  • 84. Do you know what makes a good blog?
  • 85. Do you know what makes a good blog? Visuals Up To Date Creative Purpose Student Original Ownership Layout Conversations Informative
  • 86. Do you know what makes a good blog? Visuals Up To Date Creative Purpose Student Original Ownership Layout Conversations Informative
  • 88. Students Online * Be safe Work Agreement * Be mindful of what you say * Be respectful to others * Be informative * Be interesting When we write on the web the whole world can see it. What we say, the pictures we post, or the videos we share give anyone who reads it a good or bad view of me. Anything we share can be saved and viewed by others forever. Because of all of this, we need to make sure that the impression we give to others who read our work is a good one, and we promise that: * Our writing will be a true description of places, events, people, or our thoughts or feelings. * We will treat people who read and reply to our work kindly, even if we disagree with what they write. * We will never share personal information about ourselves, such as our name, photo, age, address, my parents names, etc. *We will not use bad language, pictures, or videos. We know that we are the only people who is responsible for the things written or included in our online work. We will do our best to make sure it is all correct and appropriate, including keeping track of the comments we receive. If anything is posted that is inappropriate, offensive, or dangerous, we will notify our teacher as quickly as possible. We will also take full responsibility for any good or bad consequences.
  • 91. Cybersafety Naming Issues: Initials? First? Made up names? Photographing: Do you have permission? Students in the background?
  • 92. Cybersafety Naming Issues: Initials? First? Made up names? Photographing: Do you have permission? Students in the background? Comments: Are you moderating them? RSS or moderation.
  • 96. Creative Commons Kids create the content. If images are taken... attribute back to the site No difference from copying text!
  • 97. Creative Commons Kids create the content. If images are taken... attribute back to the site No difference from copying text! Even better, attribute to: Creative Commons licensed work
  • 98. Creative Commons Kids create the content. If images are taken... attribute back to the site No difference from copying text! Even better, attribute to: Creative Commons licensed work
  • 99. Search CC Work http://search.creativecommons.org/
  • 101. Teaching 1 group - embed in your programme.
  • 103. Get the kids reading blogs during rotations
  • 107. Get students to teach students - set up experts!
  • 109. Set up a Blog Of The Week - to showcase good work
  • 112. Teed
  • 113. Pages
  • 115. Showme http://www.showme.com/sh/?h=Mpsaajg
  • 117. Popplet http://popplet.com/
  • 119. http://www.tweetdeck.com/ Twitter http://www.twitter.com
  • 120. #edchatnz http://bit.ly/TVa4pg
  • 121. NZ Twits http://t.co/xqYr6aPn
  • 122. TED Talks http://www.ted.com/
  • 123. Educamps educampnz.wikispaces.com
  • 124. Sign Posts - Wayneneyavenue Toolbox - elyob Wrong Tool - Hiking Artist Footprints - Vu Bui Train - LEnfant Terrible Blue Kid - Alohamumma Images used under Kids Laptop - Paul Goyette Creative Commons Wrong Tool - Hiking Artist Kids on Computer - SpecialKRB