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Digital Transformation :
Change in Social Footsteps !
Date: 10/10/2015
By: Nikhil Gurg
Business Context, Problem Statement and Solution Plan
How various online channels can be utilized to enhance the brand awareness of as a major brand in
Analytical Domain ? Further, to enhance the possibility of good candidates to apply for the profiles.
Business Context
 Long Term Solution  Search engine
Optimization of website with overall
professional overhauling of look.
 Medium Term Solution  Sharing of latest
Analytical trends and features which will
increase viewership and following.
 Short Term Solution  Employees to be
requested to put honest feedback on
Glassdoor to increase the reviews of the
Business Solution Plan
 Key Word search of Company's Website is not
optimized for better page rank and higher priority
of display in search.
 Overall story in the website is extremely simple
which when understood does not gives
professional outlook.
 Company's social footprints are extremely low and
 No activity on LinkedIn since 4-5 months.
 No activity on FB Page since September 14.
 Glassdoor etc. recruitment related profiles unclaimed.
Business Problem
Roadmap and Next Steps
1. All the public profiles of the company need to be claimed and overhauled in terms
of profile pic, cover pic. The Idea is to make a mark in the brain of viewer for a long
2. Separation of tasks to be performed when different social network is used.
i. Facebook Page  Primarily used for sharing of latest trends in Analytics domain. Key Idea
 Information Sharing
ii. LinkedIn Page  Primarily used for sharing any research insight built by the company. Key
Idea  Display of Ability and Strength
iii. LinkedIn Page  Secondly used for sharing profiles offered by organization. Key Idea 
Resource Fulfillment
iv. Glassdoor Page (HR Internal Analysis)  Identify what employees speak about the
3. Overhauling of website with three main subjects.
i. Current website to be displayed as One Subject : Home Page
ii. Products and Solutions we made as Second Subject : Expertise
iii. Information about methodologies used in Analytics : SEO Requirement (Internal)
Baby-Steps Henceforth aka Short Term branding
Glassdoor Branding
1. Ask/Request Employees with higher probability of favorable feedback to provide
their inputs (pros and cons) on Glassdoor. (Idea is to increase the + initially so that a
 may not hit, but yes we do need  at an extent to prove authenticity)
2. Target for this + should be 3.5 to 3.8.
3. Once achieved the target, we can south for all employees in two forms,
1. Closed net discussion of project owners with team members to understand the
cons they feel about the organization. (Idea is a heads-up of what can we
expect to get on website.)
2. Simple request to all employees to support the organization brand and hence
putting their reviews. (This may lead to  as well but we have already have
reached + target to counter it.)
Net objective is to keep the rating in range of 3.2 or above.
Standing-Steps aka Medium Term Branding
Content Sharing Branding
1. Identification of Needs catered at various social footprints.
1. LinkedIn Profile  Requires more of research related content to be shared.
Opportunities in Analytics, Processes we used in developing solutions (if not
1. Hectic / Additional Responsibility  (Only if people like to take) Request Project
Owners to share two to three passage on the field they are working. Their
experience, challenges they faced and Solutions to the challenges they brought to
the table. One such post a month.
2. Resource can be put into collecting/collating content to put on the LinkedIn profile.
1 such post a month
3. It should be kept a note that only 2-3 posts i.e. one post per two week shows that
we are management consultants who share information.
4. It can thus be used as opportunity/job sharing portal. (The Idea to show the world
that we are not needy and we do not have constant job openings, rather we are
professionals who when need offer profiles for learning enthusiasts.
Standing-Steps aka Medium Term Branding
Content Sharing Branding - Continued
1. Identification of Needs catered at various social footprints.
1. Facebook Profile  Requires more of entertainment related content to be
shared. Company's internal life style. How people like working in Factspan. (The
Idea is to show what employees feel about working in Factspan)
1. Bi-Monthly 2-3 min video of all employees having entertainment within office
2. A video of employee (any design) to present his views on working of the company.
(The idea is to present happy-go-lucky feeling present in employees)
3. If made, the post developed by project owner to be shared here as well. (We just
dont do fun, we work seriously as well)
4. A must post about the Human Resource activities being done in Company's
bimonthly or monthly basis.
5. Resource to develop/search/design Image for all posts
Growth-Steps aka Long Term Branding
Digital Branding
1. Renovation of Company's Website with emphasis of following points,
1. Keyword Selection
2. Story being present to audience
3. Driving the audience to their requirement. (Form Submission or Information
Gain) i.e. the Navigation of the website.
2. Major Segments of Website
1. Homepage  The current complete story as who we are, what we do, how we
do and Tools we use.
2. Expertise  Sub - segmented in 4 aspects which we present in our BD Decks.
(Bringing in consistency and showing that we do believe in what we present
and do). Each segment then can contain page of case studies we made.
3. Information we share  Few major topics of Analytics, Tools, Models, Tests etc
can be described. (The Idea is to have SEO for the website with keywords
shared in the information.)

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Digital Transformation

  • 1. Digital Transformation : Change in Social Footsteps ! Date: 10/10/2015 By: Nikhil Gurg 1
  • 2. 2 Business Context, Problem Statement and Solution Plan How various online channels can be utilized to enhance the brand awareness of as a major brand in Analytical Domain ? Further, to enhance the possibility of good candidates to apply for the profiles. Business Context Long Term Solution Search engine Optimization of website with overall professional overhauling of look. Medium Term Solution Sharing of latest Analytical trends and features which will increase viewership and following. Short Term Solution Employees to be requested to put honest feedback on Glassdoor to increase the reviews of the company. Business Solution Plan Key Word search of Company's Website is not optimized for better page rank and higher priority of display in search. Overall story in the website is extremely simple which when understood does not gives professional outlook. Company's social footprints are extremely low and under-utilized. No activity on LinkedIn since 4-5 months. No activity on FB Page since September 14. Glassdoor etc. recruitment related profiles unclaimed. Business Problem
  • 3. 3 Roadmap and Next Steps 1. All the public profiles of the company need to be claimed and overhauled in terms of profile pic, cover pic. The Idea is to make a mark in the brain of viewer for a long span. 2. Separation of tasks to be performed when different social network is used. i. Facebook Page Primarily used for sharing of latest trends in Analytics domain. Key Idea Information Sharing ii. LinkedIn Page Primarily used for sharing any research insight built by the company. Key Idea Display of Ability and Strength iii. LinkedIn Page Secondly used for sharing profiles offered by organization. Key Idea Resource Fulfillment iv. Glassdoor Page (HR Internal Analysis) Identify what employees speak about the organization. 3. Overhauling of website with three main subjects. i. Current website to be displayed as One Subject : Home Page ii. Products and Solutions we made as Second Subject : Expertise iii. Information about methodologies used in Analytics : SEO Requirement (Internal)
  • 4. 4 Baby-Steps Henceforth aka Short Term branding Glassdoor Branding 1. Ask/Request Employees with higher probability of favorable feedback to provide their inputs (pros and cons) on Glassdoor. (Idea is to increase the + initially so that a may not hit, but yes we do need at an extent to prove authenticity) 2. Target for this + should be 3.5 to 3.8. 3. Once achieved the target, we can south for all employees in two forms, 1. Closed net discussion of project owners with team members to understand the cons they feel about the organization. (Idea is a heads-up of what can we expect to get on website.) 2. Simple request to all employees to support the organization brand and hence putting their reviews. (This may lead to as well but we have already have reached + target to counter it.) Net objective is to keep the rating in range of 3.2 or above.
  • 5. 5 Standing-Steps aka Medium Term Branding Content Sharing Branding 1. Identification of Needs catered at various social footprints. 1. LinkedIn Profile Requires more of research related content to be shared. Opportunities in Analytics, Processes we used in developing solutions (if not confidential). 1. Hectic / Additional Responsibility (Only if people like to take) Request Project Owners to share two to three passage on the field they are working. Their experience, challenges they faced and Solutions to the challenges they brought to the table. One such post a month. 2. Resource can be put into collecting/collating content to put on the LinkedIn profile. 1 such post a month 3. It should be kept a note that only 2-3 posts i.e. one post per two week shows that we are management consultants who share information. 4. It can thus be used as opportunity/job sharing portal. (The Idea to show the world that we are not needy and we do not have constant job openings, rather we are professionals who when need offer profiles for learning enthusiasts.
  • 6. 6 Standing-Steps aka Medium Term Branding Content Sharing Branding - Continued 1. Identification of Needs catered at various social footprints. 1. Facebook Profile Requires more of entertainment related content to be shared. Company's internal life style. How people like working in Factspan. (The Idea is to show what employees feel about working in Factspan) 1. Bi-Monthly 2-3 min video of all employees having entertainment within office premise. 2. A video of employee (any design) to present his views on working of the company. (The idea is to present happy-go-lucky feeling present in employees) 3. If made, the post developed by project owner to be shared here as well. (We just dont do fun, we work seriously as well) 4. A must post about the Human Resource activities being done in Company's bimonthly or monthly basis. 5. Resource to develop/search/design Image for all posts
  • 7. 7 Growth-Steps aka Long Term Branding Digital Branding 1. Renovation of Company's Website with emphasis of following points, 1. Keyword Selection 2. Story being present to audience 3. Driving the audience to their requirement. (Form Submission or Information Gain) i.e. the Navigation of the website. 2. Major Segments of Website 1. Homepage The current complete story as who we are, what we do, how we do and Tools we use. 2. Expertise Sub - segmented in 4 aspects which we present in our BD Decks. (Bringing in consistency and showing that we do believe in what we present and do). Each segment then can contain page of case studies we made. 3. Information we share Few major topics of Analytics, Tools, Models, Tests etc can be described. (The Idea is to have SEO for the website with keywords shared in the information.)