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Digitalocean Cloud
Command Line
Peter Teoh
Two ways for Digitalocean command line
 But actually a few other methods exists:
Digitalocean Cloud Command Line Introduction
doctl examples
 sudo snap install doctl # Linux
 Authenticate doctl
 doctl auth init
 List Droplets
 doctl compute droplet list
 Create a Droplet
 doctl compute droplet create my-droplet --size s-1vcpu-1gb --image ubuntu-20-04-x64 --region nyc1
 Delete a Droplet
 doctl compute droplet delete DROPLET_ID
 Retrieve Information About a Droplet
 doctl compute droplet get DROPLET_ID
 List Domains
 doctl compute domain list
doctl examples (II)
 Create a Domain
 doctl compute domain create example.com --ip-address
 Delete a Domain
 doctl compute domain delete example.com
 List DNS Records
 doctl compute domain records list example.com
 Create a DNS Record
 doctl compute domain records create example.com --record-type A
--record-name www --record-data DROPLET_IP
 Delete a DNS Record
 doctl compute domain records delete example.com RECORD_ID
 List SSH Keys
 doctl compute ssh-key list
 Add an SSH Key
 doctl compute ssh-key import --public-key-file ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub --
name my-key
 Delete an SSH Key
 doctl compute ssh-key delete SSH_KEY_ID
 List Images
 doctl compute image list
 Retrieve Information About an Image
 doctl compute image get IMAGE_ID
 Delete an Image
 doctl compute image delete IMAGE_ID
 List Sizes
 doctl compute size list
 List Regions
 doctl compute region list
 List Volumes
 doctl compute volume list
 Create a Volume
 doctl compute volume create --region nyc1 --size 10GiB --name
 Attach a Volume to a Droplet
 doctl compute volume-action attach VOLUME_ID DROPLET_ID
 Detach a Volume from a Droplet
 doctl compute volume-action detach VOLUME_ID
 Resize a Volume
 doctl compute volume resize VOLUME_ID --size 20GiB
 Delete a Volume
 doctl compute volume delete VOLUME_ID
 List Snapshots
 doctl compute snapshot list
 Create a Snapshot of a Droplet
 doctl compute droplet snapshot DROPLET_ID --snapshot-name
 Delete a Snapshot
 doctl compute snapshot delete SNAPSHOT_ID
 Retrieve Account Information
 doctl account get
Billing Listing
First step: create the Personal Access Token
HTTP API + Shell script: calling API via the PAT
# Personal Access Token (PAT)
# API Endpoint
# v2/customers/my/balance
curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
"$API_ENDPOINT/customers/my/balance" | jq
curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"
"$API_ENDPOINT/customers/my/billing_history" | jq
Calling the
Droplets related

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Digitalocean Cloud Command Line Introduction

  • 2. Two ways for Digitalocean command line doctl: https://docs.digitalocean.com/reference/doctl/how-to/install/ HTTP API: https://docs.digitalocean.com/reference/api/ But actually a few other methods exists: https://docs.digitalocean.com/reference/
  • 5. doctl examples Install sudo snap install doctl # Linux Authenticate doctl doctl auth init List Droplets doctl compute droplet list Create a Droplet doctl compute droplet create my-droplet --size s-1vcpu-1gb --image ubuntu-20-04-x64 --region nyc1 Delete a Droplet doctl compute droplet delete DROPLET_ID Retrieve Information About a Droplet doctl compute droplet get DROPLET_ID List Domains doctl compute domain list
  • 6. doctl examples (II) Create a Domain doctl compute domain create example.com --ip-address DROPLET_IP Delete a Domain doctl compute domain delete example.com List DNS Records doctl compute domain records list example.com Create a DNS Record doctl compute domain records create example.com --record-type A --record-name www --record-data DROPLET_IP Delete a DNS Record doctl compute domain records delete example.com RECORD_ID List SSH Keys doctl compute ssh-key list Add an SSH Key doctl compute ssh-key import --public-key-file ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub -- name my-key Delete an SSH Key doctl compute ssh-key delete SSH_KEY_ID List Images doctl compute image list Retrieve Information About an Image doctl compute image get IMAGE_ID Delete an Image doctl compute image delete IMAGE_ID List Sizes doctl compute size list List Regions doctl compute region list List Volumes doctl compute volume list Create a Volume doctl compute volume create --region nyc1 --size 10GiB --name my-volume Attach a Volume to a Droplet doctl compute volume-action attach VOLUME_ID DROPLET_ID Detach a Volume from a Droplet doctl compute volume-action detach VOLUME_ID Resize a Volume doctl compute volume resize VOLUME_ID --size 20GiB Delete a Volume doctl compute volume delete VOLUME_ID List Snapshots doctl compute snapshot list Create a Snapshot of a Droplet doctl compute droplet snapshot DROPLET_ID --snapshot-name my-snapshot Delete a Snapshot doctl compute snapshot delete SNAPSHOT_ID Retrieve Account Information doctl account get
  • 8. First step: create the Personal Access Token
  • 9. HTTP API + Shell script: calling API via the PAT #!/bin/bash # Personal Access Token (PAT) TOKEN="xxxxx" # API Endpoint API_ENDPOINT="https://api.digitalocean.com/v2" # v2/customers/my/balance curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" "$API_ENDPOINT/customers/my/balance" | jq curl -X GET -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" "$API_ENDPOINT/customers/my/billing_history" | jq