The document discusses the concept of human dignity from several perspectives. It argues that all human persons have equal fundamental worth and dignity regardless of attributes like age, gender, religion or race. While humans share a common humanity, each person is also unique. It then examines notions of human dignity in Christian teachings from the Bible and how respect for human dignity requires upholding basic human rights for all.
7. FUNDAMENTALLY EQUAL BUT UNIQUE There is a fundamental equality among human persons by virtue of our common dignity as persons. 油 Equality allows us to take an interest in everything that is human and to understand the moral obligations which inform our common humanity. 油 However, human persons are sufficiently diverse so that we must also take into account the originality and uniqueness of each person. This means that while everyone shares certain common features of humanity, each one does so differently and to different degrees. 油
8. I.NOTIONS ABOUT HU MAN DIGNITY I. Human dignity = Persons possession of basic rights: the essential rights to clothing and shelter; the right to free self-expression within the context of social cooperation; the right to basic equality before the law.
9. 2. Hu man Dignity = Basic respect of persons the respect that will allow them to develop their own potential to make some personal contribution to common goals and to feel a home in an environment within which they are known and acknowledged.
10. 3.Hu man Dignity= H uman being has a personal worth the task of society is to acknowledge and develop that worth. 4. Human dignity = emphasizes that social or biological handicaps affecting an individual do not lessen his or her personal worth.
11. 5.Human Dignity= does not admit degrees and is universal regardless of gender, age, religion, creed, race or color. 6.Human Dignity= man possessing freedom and reason, therefore, cannot be used as an object or as a means for an end.
12. II.Hu man Dignity according to our Christian Faith God created man in his image, in the divine image he created him, male and female, he created them. Genesis 1:27
13. I mplications Hu mans share in the Divine image of God We participate in Gods divine Trinitarian nature and called to belong in the community of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are called to be in communion with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit as children of God.
14. 2. Hu mans are called to live in community. We are communitarian at our core. We are called to live as brothers and sisters. We are called to live in justice and respect/abide the laws of the community .
15. III.BIBLICAL SOURCES OF HUMAN DIGNITY Old Testa ment Exodus story I have seen the misery of my people who are in Egypt. I have heard their cry on account of their taskmasters. Indeed, I know their sufferings and I have come down to deliver the from the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land to a good and broad land, a land flowing with milk and honey. Exodus 3:4-8
16. I mplications God has pity for human suffering, who wishes people to be liberated and so live a life of dignity. All forms of enslavement and oppression are a mockery of Gods will as creator of humanity in his own image. Human suffering is not the will of God, but rather something which must be abolished. Gods will is done on earth when the conditions for truly humane existence are created.
17. 2. Story of the Prophets Wash yourselves; make yourselves clean; remove the evil of your doings from before my eyes; cease to do evil, learn to do good: seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphan, plead for the widow. Isaiah 1:15-17
18. Consequences of the Monarchy Power became centralized in the monarchy Increasing gap between the rich and the poor, as fortunes were amassed in large economic projects of the monarchy and more and more people became the labouring poor, subject to the whims of political and economic masters. This situation gave ample opportunity for the abuse of power and privilege for the elimination of human rights. Religion was more centered around the temple cult and its elaborate liturgical and sacrificial rites, ignoring the moral demands of the covenant. 油
19. The above situation provoked a response fro m the prophets: For, Isaiah, the sacrificial liturgy could only be authentically offered by those who showed their fidelity to the covenant by respecting the dignity of the downtrodden and marginalized. The abuses of human dignity, in the various forms of exploitation characteristic of the Israelite state and society were a rejection of the covenant and a betrayal of Israels true identity.
20. I mplications True worship of Yahweh is to help unburden the poor from their oppression. Goods of creation is for the use of everyone, not only for the few. Power is for the benefit of promoting justice and the common good.
21. New Testa ment 1.Gospels The spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to captives and recovery of sight to the blind, and to let the oppressed go free and to proclaim a year acceptable to the Lord. Luke 4:18-19
22. J esus anchored the proclamation of the Gospel for the liberation of the poor... (slaves, laborers, sinners, wo men, children) His proclamation of the Kingdom is not about an authoritarian and tyrannical authority. He draws on the prophetic hopes of a just king who could mediate the justice of God. The image of the Kingdom of God implies an environment in which good can flourish and in which every human being can find peace, justice and freedom.
23. He proclai med a blessing for those who are deprived: Blessed are you who are poor, for the kingdo m of God is yours. Blessed are you, who are now hungry, for you will be satisfied. Blessed are you, who are now weeping for you will laugh... (Luke 6:20-22) He sacrificed his life for our salvation which only shows our worth as children of God.
24. The ultimate meaning of human dignity is that all human beings are destined for eternal life, since they share their humanity with the One who rose from the dead. All human beings can share in the resurrection of Jesus.
25. IV.HU M AN RIGHTS AND DIGNITY Hu man rights may be defined as those fundamental rights of man essential for the exercise of human dignity. The rights are to things, powers or priveleges to which individuals have a just claim or are entitled to under the natural law as a consequence of being human
26. They are inalienable patri mony of all irrespective of nationality, color, language or creed. They are inviolable in the sense that they cannot be suppressed without moral responsibility. Respect for these rights becomes the test whether human dignity is being respected or not.
27. Hu man rights belong to human beings not because any government grant these to them. Two kinds of Rights: Natural- rights that human nature confer to the person. Legal- rights spelled out by positive national and international laws.
32. ACTIVITY How are these rights violated? Give exa mples of human rights violation in the Philippines. Looking at the prophets and Jesus as examples, how can we promote human rights in your community? 3 feasible actions...
33. Thank you and God Bless You! Prepared by: CONCEPCION LIZA V. COROTAN Institute of Religion University of Sto. To mas