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20/41Thong Nhat Street,
Ward 16,District Go Vap, HCM City
E-mail : Dinhvanminh@gmail.com
Tel : 0982517051
Date of Birth Jan 09, 1983
Gender Male
Marital Status Married
Permanent Address 20/41 Thong Nhat Street, Ward 16, District Go Vap, HCMC, Vietnam
Mobile phone 0982517051
E-mail dinhvanminh@gmail.com
 Have good passion in business.
 To be a good staff.
 Try to learning as much as possible and doing my best in order to accompish my task.
 To have good opportunities to get promotion in my job.
 Develop my skills beside companys development , to improve myself.
 Becoming a good manager in 3 coming years.
04/2013 Minh Tu Telecom Limited., co.
Position: Team lead sales group.
Main duties:
 Consultant network Solutions ( IP Transit, IPLC, GEPL, MPLS, VPLS, Internet
Leased line, DTS), manage many startegic customer.
 Consultant IP Call Center System, Cisco, Open sourch like aterisk, deep
experience at Call Center, Voip, Voips device, IP Trunking connected 
 Especial make Ip Phone Cisco available over the Aterisk Voip System.
 Project Manager for IP PBX System project, Its the first Ip PBX product of the
 Planning, build the quotation, sale Cisco Voice System, Sold some of its.
 Making and organizing plans, inspecting, reporting to sale manager.
 I am responsible for turn-over and sales developing process of the company.
 Working with strategic customers, collecting and classifying information from the
market, composing sales strategy of the company.
 Recruiting and training sales staff.
 First deal is a big project about Cisco IP Voice System.
 Make more products about Voip System, about MPLS data transport, revenues
and profits for company.
 Helping the company increase 30% turn-over in 2009.
2012 Duc Nhan Company, Go Vap HCMC.
Sale Manager
 Sale manager, and support service , technical, system,
 Deal anything about, Ip Phone, solution of voice conference, video conference, Laptop,
Computer, Printer and Fax,
 Manage, maintain and backup database(MS SQL server 2000)
 Issue and control Admin forms
 Report to Director Manager
2008  2011
Work part time at Duc Nhan Company, Go Vap HCMC.
 Design Webpage and help customer used it.
 Help deal some technology problem.
 Service software and hardware.
2005  2008
Teaching Informatics at Hoang Pho and Work at Truong Thinh Company HCMC.
Study at Post and Telecomunication Institute. HCMC, VN
Bachelor of Science in Information Technology(Graduated - 2012)
Subjects studied :
 Operating Systems : Windows 2000, XP, Win 7 and Linux
 Programming languages : C, C++, ASP, ASP.NET, C#, Java, PHP,MySQL, HTML, XML.
 Databases : MS SQL Server 2003, Oracle.
 And subjects : System Analysis and Design, Software Project Management, Object -
Oriented Programming (using C# language ), Database Management System, Design and
develop website.
 I have 3 years programming experience
 After once subjects I must make a project for close.
Name projects :
 E-commerce (Joomla - using PHP) .
 Build a forum for my class. (vBulletin V4.0.0 - using PHP).
2001 - 2004
The University of Natural Sciences - HCM, Vietnam
The Diploma of Information Technology (Not Granduated )
1998 - 2001
Phan Boi Chau High School  Cam Ranh City, Khanh Hoa, VietNam
 Good at comunication and presatation.
 Good at consultant, negotiation, orientation.
 Sale skill: business strategy, negotiation, project manager, strategic planning,
Analysis strategy, Telecomunications, Call Center, Voips.
 Team working, independent working, researching skill.
 Respodsible, self motion and smart solve problem.
 Communication and interpersonal skills .
 Basic skill: MS Office, Windows, Photshop, corel draw
English skills: spoken, read and written
 When I was a student. I was an interviewer of Nielson Marketting & Research Co.,Ltd (of India).
While I was working for this company, I participated into many projects such as: Motobike , Car,
Informatic Technology project...etc. The Informatic Technology project, I interviewed
somebodies that working in field of IT and software as management directors, managers and
team leaders.
 I have been operating movements of my class as organized MTT football Club, camping,
picnic...etc. I am maintaining this movements and managing forum of my class.
 Football, Swim, Travel, Music (Trinh Cong Son).

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  • 1. DINH VAN MINH 20/41Thong Nhat Street, Ward 16,District Go Vap, HCM City E-mail : Dinhvanminh@gmail.com Tel : 0982517051 PERSIONAL DETAILS Date of Birth Jan 09, 1983 Gender Male Marital Status Married Permanent Address 20/41 Thong Nhat Street, Ward 16, District Go Vap, HCMC, Vietnam Mobile phone 0982517051 E-mail dinhvanminh@gmail.com OBJECTIVE Have good passion in business. To be a good staff. Try to learning as much as possible and doing my best in order to accompish my task. To have good opportunities to get promotion in my job. Develop my skills beside companys development , to improve myself. Becoming a good manager in 3 coming years. WORKING EXPERIENCE 04/2013 Minh Tu Telecom Limited., co. Position: Team lead sales group. Main duties: Consultant network Solutions ( IP Transit, IPLC, GEPL, MPLS, VPLS, Internet Leased line, DTS), manage many startegic customer. Consultant IP Call Center System, Cisco, Open sourch like aterisk, deep experience at Call Center, Voip, Voips device, IP Trunking connected Especial make Ip Phone Cisco available over the Aterisk Voip System. Project Manager for IP PBX System project, Its the first Ip PBX product of the company. Planning, build the quotation, sale Cisco Voice System, Sold some of its. Making and organizing plans, inspecting, reporting to sale manager. I am responsible for turn-over and sales developing process of the company. Working with strategic customers, collecting and classifying information from the market, composing sales strategy of the company. Recruiting and training sales staff.
  • 2. Achievements: First deal is a big project about Cisco IP Voice System. Make more products about Voip System, about MPLS data transport, revenues and profits for company. Helping the company increase 30% turn-over in 2009. 2012 Duc Nhan Company, Go Vap HCMC. Sale Manager Sale manager, and support service , technical, system, Deal anything about, Ip Phone, solution of voice conference, video conference, Laptop, Computer, Printer and Fax, Manage, maintain and backup database(MS SQL server 2000) Issue and control Admin forms Report to Director Manager 2008 2011 Work part time at Duc Nhan Company, Go Vap HCMC. Design Webpage and help customer used it. Help deal some technology problem. Service software and hardware. 2005 2008 Teacher. Teaching Informatics at Hoang Pho and Work at Truong Thinh Company HCMC. EDUCATION 2006-2011 Study at Post and Telecomunication Institute. HCMC, VN Bachelor of Science in Information Technology(Graduated - 2012) Subjects studied : Operating Systems : Windows 2000, XP, Win 7 and Linux Programming languages : C, C++, ASP, ASP.NET, C#, Java, PHP,MySQL, HTML, XML. Databases : MS SQL Server 2003, Oracle. And subjects : System Analysis and Design, Software Project Management, Object - Oriented Programming (using C# language ), Database Management System, Design and develop website.
  • 3. I have 3 years programming experience After once subjects I must make a project for close. Name projects : E-commerce (Joomla - using PHP) . Build a forum for my class. (vBulletin V4.0.0 - using PHP). 2001 - 2004 The University of Natural Sciences - HCM, Vietnam The Diploma of Information Technology (Not Granduated ) 1998 - 2001 Phan Boi Chau High School Cam Ranh City, Khanh Hoa, VietNam SKILLS Good at comunication and presatation. Good at consultant, negotiation, orientation. Sale skill: business strategy, negotiation, project manager, strategic planning, Analysis strategy, Telecomunications, Call Center, Voips. Team working, independent working, researching skill. Respodsible, self motion and smart solve problem. Communication and interpersonal skills . Basic skill: MS Office, Windows, Photshop, corel draw English skills: spoken, read and written ADDITION INFORMATION When I was a student. I was an interviewer of Nielson Marketting & Research Co.,Ltd (of India). While I was working for this company, I participated into many projects such as: Motobike , Car, Informatic Technology project...etc. The Informatic Technology project, I interviewed somebodies that working in field of IT and software as management directors, managers and team leaders. I have been operating movements of my class as organized MTT football Club, camping, picnic...etc. I am maintaining this movements and managing forum of my class. INTERESTS Football, Swim, Travel, Music (Trinh Cong Son).