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Dining Room Organization and

  Presented by
  Margie Ferree Jones
Types of Restaurants

      Factors in choosing a restaurant
        Kind of food
        Price range
        Level of service
        Ambiance of room
Types of Restaurants

      Categories of Table-Service Restaurants
        Fine Dining (Please note: 1 n)
Qualities of Service Professional 

      Physical Appearance
        Neat and Clean Uniform that fits
        Styled Hair
        Fresh and Clean Breath
        Well-kept shoes
Qualities of Service Professional
      Behavioral Traits
         Deal with guests with on-going personal concern
            損 Facts of Area, Restaurant, Food and Wine
            損 Work to improve skills and add to skill base
            損 Knows the state of the dining room ( 1 n)
            損 Mise en Place
            損 No empty hands
Qualities of Service Professional
      Behavioral Traits
            損 No empty hands
            損 Subtle sale technique to express caring
            損 Dont blame the kitchen; sense of ownership; be a
              team player
            損 Guest must be able to trust staff
Qualities of Service Professional
      Behavioral Traits
            損 Open doors, pull chairs, give directions, treatment of
              fellow staff
            損 Can your employer count on you?
            損 No idle chit chat. Proper discussion is about the meal
              and its service. (host stand hangout)
            損 read the guests needs
            損 Guest vs. Chef
Organizational Structure
of Classic Service
      Officer of Mouth >Ma樽tre dH担tel
       >General Manager > Manager
        All function as host to guest
      Staff should know
        reporting structure, organizational chart
        nature of position
        characteristics of success
Organizational Structure
of Classic Service
      Design of Brigade of Dining Room
        type & price of menu
        physical structure of menu
      Working Your Way Up
        one position is training post for the position
          損 e.g. Captain as Ma樽tre dH担tel
Organizational Structure
of Classic Service Brigade
      Ma樽tre dH担tel (General Manager)
        Management of dining room service, public relations,
         and physical plant

      Chef de Salle (Dining Room Manager)
        Manager of dining room
           損 not common in U.S.

      Chef de rang (Captain)
        In charge of service in particular area of dining room.

           損 Takes orders,really interacts with guests
Organizational Structure
of Classic Service Brigade
       Trancheur (Carver)
         Rolls the Cart/Voiture

       Sommelier (Wine Steward)
         Creates wine list, maintains wine inventory,
          recommends and serves to guests

       Commis de rang (Front Waiter)
         Assist the captain (chef de rang) helps serve food
          and beverages, may assist back waiter (commis de
Organizational Structure
of Classic Service Brigade
       Commis de suite (Back Waiter)
         Food runner

       Commis de debarrasseur (bus
         stocks side stands/gueridons; clears the
         Greets and Seats; answers the phone
Adapted from Remarkable

                 C la s s i c K i t c h e n a n d D i n i n g R o o m B r ig a d e

                                                            O wner

                                                    G e n e ra l M a n a g e r

                                                  A s s is t a n t M a n a g e r

                            E x e c u t iv e C h e f                             M a i t r e d 'H o t e l

               P a s try C h e f                                  C a p t a in                   H e a d B a rte n d e r

              P a s try C o o k s                                  W a it e r                          B a rte n d e r

                               A s s t. C h e f                B u s p e rs o n                   C o c k t a il W a it e r

                               L in e C o o k s                                                         B ar B ack

                              K it c h e n H e lp
Adapted from Remarkable

                                                      " F in e D in in g "

                                                      O wner

                                              G e n e ra l M a n a g e r

                                                F & B D ir e c t o r

                                             A s s is t a n t M a n a g e r

                     E x e c u t iv e C h e f                               M a it r e d 'H o t e l

                                                             C a p t a in                       S o m m e lie r
                          A s s t. C h e f

                                                             W a it e r                     H e a d B a rte n d e r
                          L in e C o o k s

                                                          B u s p e rs o n                       B a rte n d e r
                      K it c h e n H e lp

                                                                                            C o c k t a il W a it e r

                                                                                                  B ar B ack
Adapted from Remarkable

                                         " B is t r o "

                             O w n e r o r G e n e ra l M a n a g e r

                   C hef                           M a it r e d 'H o t e l o r F lo o r M a n a g e r

              A s s t. C h e f                            R unner                B a rte n d e r

              L in e C o o k s                         B u s p e rs o n           B ar B ack

             K it c h e n H e lp
Adapted from Remarkable

                                " C a s u a l C h a in R e s t a u r a n t "


                                                        R e g io n a l M a n a g e r

                                                         D is t r ic t M a n a g e r

                                                        G e n e ra l M a n a g e r

                                                          S h ift M a n a g e r s

                                                C hef                                   H ost

                           A s s t. C h e f              S te w a rd                   S e rv e r

                           L in e C o o k s                                       B u s p e rs o n

                          K it c h e n H e lp

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  • 1. Dining Room Organization and Personnel Presented by Margie Ferree Jones
  • 2. Types of Restaurants Factors in choosing a restaurant Kind of food Price range Level of service Ambiance of room
  • 3. Types of Restaurants Categories of Table-Service Restaurants Fine Dining (Please note: 1 n) Bistro/Trattoria Casual/Family
  • 4. Qualities of Service Professional Physical Appearance Neat and Clean Uniform that fits Styled Hair Nails Fresh and Clean Breath Well-kept shoes
  • 5. Qualities of Service Professional Behavioral Traits Deal with guests with on-going personal concern Knowledge 損 Facts of Area, Restaurant, Food and Wine Proficiency 損 Work to improve skills and add to skill base Attentiveness 損 Knows the state of the dining room ( 1 n) Preparedness 損 Mise en Place Efficiency 損 No empty hands
  • 6. Qualities of Service Professional Behavioral Traits Efficiency 損 No empty hands Persuasiveness 損 Subtle sale technique to express caring Loyalty 損 Dont blame the kitchen; sense of ownership; be a team player Honesty 損 Guest must be able to trust staff
  • 7. Qualities of Service Professional Behavioral Traits Politeness 損 Open doors, pull chairs, give directions, treatment of fellow staff Dependability 損 Can your employer count on you? Composure 損 No idle chit chat. Proper discussion is about the meal and its service. (host stand hangout) Sensitivity 損 read the guests needs Tact 損 Guest vs. Chef
  • 8. Organizational Structure of Classic Service Officer of Mouth >Ma樽tre dH担tel >General Manager > Manager All function as host to guest Staff should know reporting structure, organizational chart nature of position characteristics of success
  • 9. Organizational Structure of Classic Service Design of Brigade of Dining Room efficiency type & price of menu physical structure of menu Working Your Way Up one position is training post for the position above 損 e.g. Captain as Ma樽tre dH担tel
  • 10. Organizational Structure of Classic Service Brigade Ma樽tre dH担tel (General Manager) Management of dining room service, public relations, and physical plant Chef de Salle (Dining Room Manager) Manager of dining room 損 not common in U.S. Chef de rang (Captain) In charge of service in particular area of dining room. 損 Takes orders,really interacts with guests
  • 11. Organizational Structure of Classic Service Brigade Trancheur (Carver) Rolls the Cart/Voiture Sommelier (Wine Steward) Creates wine list, maintains wine inventory, recommends and serves to guests Commis de rang (Front Waiter) Assist the captain (chef de rang) helps serve food and beverages, may assist back waiter (commis de suite)
  • 12. Organizational Structure of Classic Service Brigade Commis de suite (Back Waiter) Food runner Commis de debarrasseur (bus person) stocks side stands/gueridons; clears the table Receptionniste Greets and Seats; answers the phone
  • 13. Adapted from Remarkable Service C la s s i c K i t c h e n a n d D i n i n g R o o m B r ig a d e O wner G e n e ra l M a n a g e r A s s is t a n t M a n a g e r E x e c u t iv e C h e f M a i t r e d 'H o t e l P a s try C h e f C a p t a in H e a d B a rte n d e r P a s try C o o k s W a it e r B a rte n d e r A s s t. C h e f B u s p e rs o n C o c k t a il W a it e r L in e C o o k s B ar B ack K it c h e n H e lp
  • 14. Adapted from Remarkable Service " F in e D in in g " O wner G e n e ra l M a n a g e r F & B D ir e c t o r A s s is t a n t M a n a g e r E x e c u t iv e C h e f M a it r e d 'H o t e l C a p t a in S o m m e lie r A s s t. C h e f W a it e r H e a d B a rte n d e r L in e C o o k s B u s p e rs o n B a rte n d e r K it c h e n H e lp C o c k t a il W a it e r B ar B ack
  • 15. Adapted from Remarkable Service " B is t r o " O w n e r o r G e n e ra l M a n a g e r C hef M a it r e d 'H o t e l o r F lo o r M a n a g e r A s s t. C h e f R unner B a rte n d e r L in e C o o k s B u s p e rs o n B ar B ack K it c h e n H e lp
  • 16. Adapted from Remarkable Service " C a s u a l C h a in R e s t a u r a n t " CEO R e g io n a l M a n a g e r D is t r ic t M a n a g e r G e n e ra l M a n a g e r S h ift M a n a g e r s C hef H ost A s s t. C h e f S te w a rd S e rv e r L in e C o o k s B u s p e rs o n K it c h e n H e lp