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NFQ LeveL 7
 DipLoma iN Career CoaChiNg

This comprehensive and practical programme will enable participants
to become professionally qualified Career Coaches who are fully
competent and equipped to coach people in a variety of situations
such as career decision making, career development and job search.
Diploma in Career Coaching (NFQ Level 7) is awarded by Dublin Institute
of Technology.
DIPLoma IN Career CoaChINg ouTComeS
  Qualify with an Internationally recognised Qualification
  Enhance your career prospects through continuous professional development
  Develop an in-depth understanding of the theory and best practice of Career Coaching
  Be competent in international best practice Coaching methodologies
  Benefit from the knowledge of highly experienced and accredited Career Coaches
  Understand Individual, Team and Organisational development needs from a Coaching perspective
  Be equipped to confidently engage in effective coaching discussions with individuals
  Benefit from an experiential approach to learning by delivering career coaching to coachees in a real life
  Learn about traditional and latest on-line strategies to effectively market your Career Coaching Service
  Be uniquely and strongly positioned to deliver exceptional results for your Coaching clients

                                                 module 1.
                                                  to Career        module 2.
                             module 7.            Coaching          Career
                             marketing                             Coaching
                             Strategies                          Fundamentals

                       module 6.          ModuleS                      module 3.
                                                                     Career Decision
                                      module 5.             module 4.
                                      and ethical            Career
                                        Career            Coaching Skills

  Programme STruCTure
This NFQ Level 7 Diploma in Career Coaching is a highly interactive programme which consists of seven
modules, run over one academic year and involves a total of 28 evenings or 14 days of face-to-face
training. Please contact us for programme dates and locations- email: diploma@careerdecisions.ie or
call: 01 6340077.

Continuous assessment is utilised, emphasising practical based assignments, thus replacing the
traditional exam based approach. A variety of assessments are used such as learning journals, in class
assessments, written assignments and coaching external clients.
Diploma in Career Coaching modules
module 1. experiential Introduction to                        module 4.         advanced Career Coaching
Career Coaching                                               Skills
* Understand what it is like to personally participate in a   * Reflect on and learn from practice sessions with
Career Coaching programme                                     coachees
* Appreciate what Career Coaching is like from the            * Develop advanced career coaching skills  supporting
clients perspective                                          change, overcoming resistance, challenging clients,
* Be familiar with the approach and methodology that          using silence effectively and problem solving
will be followed in the programme                             * Develop strategies to ensure all clients can derive
* Role model what they observe the experienced Career         maximum benefit from Career Coaching
Coaches doing
* Make an inventory of their own skills, strengths and
motivations as a Career Coach.                                module 5. Delivering Professional and
* Form working relationships with fellow learners and
become comfortable in the group learning setting.
                                                              ethical Career Coaching
                                                              * Reflect on and learn from practice sessions with
* Complete a Career & Learning Plan for themselves,
including goals and continuous professional development
                                                              * Career coaching clients in different situations  clients
as a Career Coach
                                                              facing change, redundancy or job loss; clients with
                                                              specialised support needs (such as literacy difficulties)
                                                              and clients from diverse backgrounds
module 2. Career Coaching Fundamentals                        * Enhance competence in delivering all aspects of Career
* Comprehend the best practice models of Career               Coaching
Coaching                                                      * Develop a personal Career Coaching knowledge bank
* Be knowledgeable about the 6 roles of Career Coaches        and use it to research industry sectors, occupations and
* Acquire the essential skills of Career Coaching: Active     labour market trends
listening, Reflecting, Empathy, Explaining, Questioning,      * Learn about ethical issues and how to ensure coaching
Giving Feedback                                               is delivered to the highest professional standards
* Establish an effective Career Coaching relationship
* Develop competence in delivering introductory
sessions with clients
* Learn how to administer, use and interpret
                                                              module 6.             effective Self-marketing
psychometric assessments in Career Coaching                   Strategies
* Facilitate Step 1 of Career Decision Making Model          * Develop competencies in self marketing coaching
Who am I? - helping clients to understand their Values,     * Assist clients in communicating their unique selling
Interests, Personality and Skills                             points
                                                              * Learn how to prepare high quality Curriculum Vitaes
                                                              and letters of application
                                                              * Use networking and social media to enhance job
module 3.   Career Decision making                            hunting
methodology                                                   * Coach clients in interview skills
* Reflect on and learn from practice sessions with
* Fine-tune Career Coaching skills, address areas of
weakness and recognise areas of achievement.
                                                              module 7. marketing Strategies
                                                              * Prepare to apply for accreditation with the Association
* Develop additional Career Coaching skills of  reality
                                                              of Career Professionals International (ACPI).
testing options; exploration and creatively identifying
                                                              * Learn about traditional and latest on-line Marketing
options; problem solving; resourcing; goal setting.
                                                              Strategies to promote yourself as a Career Coach and
* Develop competence in facilitating the remaining steps
                                                              build a Career Coaching Practice
of the Career Decision Making model:
                                                              * Learn how to prepare a Marketing Plan to build a
Step 2 Where are I now?  assist clients to appraise
                                                              successful practice
their current situation
Step 3 What do I want?  visioning a preferred future
Step 4 How can I get what I want?  making a step-by-
step plan to achieve career goals
Why Choose the Diploma
in Career CoaChing?
 * Qualify with an Internationally recognised Level 7 Diploma in Career Coaching
 * Set yourself apart with world class Career Coaching skills
 * Significantly improve your career prospects and position yourself to secure a promotion or move to a
    new job
 * Improve your employability and marketability as a professional
 * Acquire the competencies and best practice tools and methodologies to establish and market a Career
   Coaching Service
 * Tap into excellent business opportunities in Career Coaching, one of the Worlds fastest growing
    industries, providing services such as:

       CV and Interview Coaching to:
         People in employment seeking a promotion, new job or at career crossroads-
         1.9million in employment
         3rd level students & graduates-188,166 in 3rd level education
         Organisations providing support to Jobseekers- 295,700 people unemployed

       Career assessment & Career Coaching for:
         3rd Level Students unhappy with their course choice and at risk of dropping out- 15 to 30%
          drop out annually
         People wishing to up-skill or re-train but are unsure as to what career/course they are suited
         Organisations supporting Jobseekers to identify suitable career and course pathways
 * Add value to your employer through enhanced coaching competencies
 * Become qualified and licensed to use the award winning psychometric assessment-
 *Figures are related to Republic of Ireland and correct at time of publishing

Who is the                                                        Course Fees
programme For?                                                      The Diploma in Career Coaching fee is 2995.

                                                                    Career Decisions understand that large sums
The Diploma in Career Coaching                                      of money in this economic climate are difficult to
(NFQ Level 7) will benefit individuals:                             part with and for this reason we are offering each
                                                                    student the opportunity to avail of our Instalment
* interested in gaining a professional                              based Payment Plan. An initial deposit will secure
  qualification                                                     your place, with the balance payable in staged
* who wish to enhance their employment                              instalments.
  prospects or who wish to change jobs/
* with a background in Teaching, Training,
                                                                   hoW to apply
 Management, Business, Human Recourses,                            For more information or to request an
 Recruitment, Coaching, Development &
 Leadership or related areas.                                      application form please contact Teresa
                                                                   Nash on 01-6340077 or email
entry Criteria                                                     diploma@careerdecisions.ie
* Suitable Applicants will have relevant
                                                                   Class size and places are limited, apply
experience or a 3rd Level Qualification
                                                                   now to avoid disappointment

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Diploma In Career Coaching

  • 1. NFQ LeveL 7 DipLoma iN Career CoaChiNg This comprehensive and practical programme will enable participants to become professionally qualified Career Coaches who are fully competent and equipped to coach people in a variety of situations such as career decision making, career development and job search. Diploma in Career Coaching (NFQ Level 7) is awarded by Dublin Institute of Technology.
  • 2. DIPLoma IN Career CoaChINg ouTComeS Qualify with an Internationally recognised Qualification Enhance your career prospects through continuous professional development Develop an in-depth understanding of the theory and best practice of Career Coaching Be competent in international best practice Coaching methodologies Benefit from the knowledge of highly experienced and accredited Career Coaches Understand Individual, Team and Organisational development needs from a Coaching perspective Be equipped to confidently engage in effective coaching discussions with individuals Benefit from an experiential approach to learning by delivering career coaching to coachees in a real life context Learn about traditional and latest on-line strategies to effectively market your Career Coaching Service Be uniquely and strongly positioned to deliver exceptional results for your Coaching clients module 1. experiential Introduction to Career module 2. module 7. Coaching Career marketing Coaching Strategies Fundamentals module 6. ModuleS module 3. Career Decision effective making Self-marketing methodology Strategies module 5. module 4. Delivering advanced Professional and ethical Career Career Coaching Skills Coaching Programme STruCTure This NFQ Level 7 Diploma in Career Coaching is a highly interactive programme which consists of seven modules, run over one academic year and involves a total of 28 evenings or 14 days of face-to-face training. Please contact us for programme dates and locations- email: diploma@careerdecisions.ie or call: 01 6340077. Continuous assessment is utilised, emphasising practical based assignments, thus replacing the traditional exam based approach. A variety of assessments are used such as learning journals, in class assessments, written assignments and coaching external clients.
  • 3. Diploma in Career Coaching modules module 1. experiential Introduction to module 4. advanced Career Coaching Career Coaching Skills * Understand what it is like to personally participate in a * Reflect on and learn from practice sessions with Career Coaching programme coachees * Appreciate what Career Coaching is like from the * Develop advanced career coaching skills supporting clients perspective change, overcoming resistance, challenging clients, * Be familiar with the approach and methodology that using silence effectively and problem solving will be followed in the programme * Develop strategies to ensure all clients can derive * Role model what they observe the experienced Career maximum benefit from Career Coaching Coaches doing * Make an inventory of their own skills, strengths and motivations as a Career Coach. module 5. Delivering Professional and * Form working relationships with fellow learners and become comfortable in the group learning setting. ethical Career Coaching * Reflect on and learn from practice sessions with * Complete a Career & Learning Plan for themselves, coachees including goals and continuous professional development * Career coaching clients in different situations clients as a Career Coach facing change, redundancy or job loss; clients with specialised support needs (such as literacy difficulties) and clients from diverse backgrounds module 2. Career Coaching Fundamentals * Enhance competence in delivering all aspects of Career * Comprehend the best practice models of Career Coaching Coaching * Develop a personal Career Coaching knowledge bank * Be knowledgeable about the 6 roles of Career Coaches and use it to research industry sectors, occupations and * Acquire the essential skills of Career Coaching: Active labour market trends listening, Reflecting, Empathy, Explaining, Questioning, * Learn about ethical issues and how to ensure coaching Giving Feedback is delivered to the highest professional standards * Establish an effective Career Coaching relationship * Develop competence in delivering introductory sessions with clients * Learn how to administer, use and interpret module 6. effective Self-marketing psychometric assessments in Career Coaching Strategies * Facilitate Step 1 of Career Decision Making Model * Develop competencies in self marketing coaching Who am I? - helping clients to understand their Values, * Assist clients in communicating their unique selling Interests, Personality and Skills points * Learn how to prepare high quality Curriculum Vitaes and letters of application * Use networking and social media to enhance job module 3. Career Decision making hunting methodology * Coach clients in interview skills * Reflect on and learn from practice sessions with coachees * Fine-tune Career Coaching skills, address areas of weakness and recognise areas of achievement. module 7. marketing Strategies * Prepare to apply for accreditation with the Association * Develop additional Career Coaching skills of reality of Career Professionals International (ACPI). testing options; exploration and creatively identifying * Learn about traditional and latest on-line Marketing options; problem solving; resourcing; goal setting. Strategies to promote yourself as a Career Coach and * Develop competence in facilitating the remaining steps build a Career Coaching Practice of the Career Decision Making model: * Learn how to prepare a Marketing Plan to build a Step 2 Where are I now? assist clients to appraise successful practice their current situation Step 3 What do I want? visioning a preferred future Step 4 How can I get what I want? making a step-by- step plan to achieve career goals
  • 4. Why Choose the Diploma www.careerdecisions.ie in Career CoaChing? * Qualify with an Internationally recognised Level 7 Diploma in Career Coaching * Set yourself apart with world class Career Coaching skills * Significantly improve your career prospects and position yourself to secure a promotion or move to a new job * Improve your employability and marketability as a professional * Acquire the competencies and best practice tools and methodologies to establish and market a Career Coaching Service * Tap into excellent business opportunities in Career Coaching, one of the Worlds fastest growing industries, providing services such as: CV and Interview Coaching to: People in employment seeking a promotion, new job or at career crossroads- 1.9million in employment 3rd level students & graduates-188,166 in 3rd level education Organisations providing support to Jobseekers- 295,700 people unemployed Career assessment & Career Coaching for: 3rd Level Students unhappy with their course choice and at risk of dropping out- 15 to 30% drop out annually People wishing to up-skill or re-train but are unsure as to what career/course they are suited Organisations supporting Jobseekers to identify suitable career and course pathways * Add value to your employer through enhanced coaching competencies * Become qualified and licensed to use the award winning psychometric assessment- CareerDecisionMaker.com *Figures are related to Republic of Ireland and correct at time of publishing Who is the Course Fees programme For? The Diploma in Career Coaching fee is 2995. Career Decisions understand that large sums The Diploma in Career Coaching of money in this economic climate are difficult to (NFQ Level 7) will benefit individuals: part with and for this reason we are offering each student the opportunity to avail of our Instalment * interested in gaining a professional based Payment Plan. An initial deposit will secure qualification your place, with the balance payable in staged * who wish to enhance their employment instalments. prospects or who wish to change jobs/ careers. * with a background in Teaching, Training, hoW to apply Management, Business, Human Recourses, For more information or to request an Recruitment, Coaching, Development & Leadership or related areas. application form please contact Teresa Nash on 01-6340077 or email entry Criteria diploma@careerdecisions.ie * Suitable Applicants will have relevant Class size and places are limited, apply experience or a 3rd Level Qualification now to avoid disappointment