Diplomat Armored Rentals Summer 2018 Newsletter.
In this short edition, we focus on one event, and two service offerings.
1. The 2018 UN General Assembly in New York (Only 9 weeks Away!! We have included information on the 6 armored vehicles that we will have available for rent in New York for the 2018 UNGA.
2. Our Armored Vehicle Long-Term Leasing Programs.
3. WAVES (Worldwide Armored Vehicle Enterprise system) .Our armored vehicle rental database and Online Booking system.
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Diplomat armored rentals summer 2018 Newsletter
1. US Toll-Free 1-888-480-0454 Operators Available 24/7
Office US +1(202) 641-8061 http://www.armoredcarsforrent.com/
Hello {First Name},
Welcome to the Diplomat Armored Rentals Summer 2018 Newsletter.
In this short edition we focus on one event, and two service offerings.
1. The 2018 UN General Assembly in New York (Only 9 weeks Away!!
2. Our Armored Vehicle Long-Term Leasing Programs.
3. WAVES (Worldwide Armored Vehicle Enterprise system) .Our armored vehicle rental database and Online
Booking system.
Thank you for taking the time to open and read this newsletter. If you have any questions feel free to contact
Christopher Hill
2. Diplomat Armored Rentals
Diplomat Armored Rentals is the Worlds
premier provider of armored vehicles for
rent with over 300 armored vehicles in our
fleet. Our clients include executives, Heads
of State, celebrities, corporate executives,
government agencies, and NGOs.
View our 2018 Corporate Overview
Summer 2018 Newsletter -Diplomat Armored Rentals Fleet Update
2018 United Nations
General Assembly
Armored Vehicle
Leasing Programs
Armored Vehicle
Online Booking
View our New Website
3. Fear is a Choice, but Danger is Real!
2018 U.N. General Assembly
The UN General Assembly is only 2
Months Away We put together a
comprehensive vehicle guide specifically
for the UNGA. It Includes Vehicle
Availability, Armoring Specs, Rental Cost,
Shipping Cost & Driver Requirements
2018 UNGA Armored Vehicle Rental Guide
B6 Armored Suburban B6 Armored Escalade
B6 Armored Yukon
B6 Armored Escalade
B6 Armored Suburban B6 Armored Suburban
4. Armored Vehicle Leasing
Embassy Leasing
Embassies and Diplomatic Missions
located in the USA are Pre-
Approved for financing at these
*Closed-end Lease with FMV Buyout
10,000 Miles per Year
Armored Vehicle Embassy Leasing
6. Worldwide Armored Vehicle
Enterprise System
WAVES is the Worldwide Armored Vehicle
Enterprise System. This unique database
features quality armored vehicles in
multiple countries from the premier
armored vehicle providers in the World.
Fear is a Choice, but Danger is Real!
We have armored passenger vehicles available on the ground in the US,
Mexico, Honduras, Guatemala, Venezuela, Colombia, Brazil, Argentina,
Chile, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Switzerland, Turkey, India, Italy,
7. Moscow, Libya, Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, Pakistan, Afghanistan, South
Sudan, Yemen, Iraq and in the Philippines.
Request a Quote
Embassy Services - VIP - Contract Solutions
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