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Executive Director
Applicant Assessment Grid Name of Applicant
Assessment Criteria
Scoring Guide for Criteria 1 - 5
0-5 Points - Failed to illustrate and/or demonstrate
6-9 Points  Somewhat illustrates and/or
demonstrates requirement
10-15 Points - Strongly illustrates and/or demonstrates
Scoring Guide for Criteria 6
Total of 8 for each of the 3 questions for a total of
24 (See below #5)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
1. Visioning and Strategic Direction
Able to illustrate (by example, experience,
philosophy, commitment, etc.) a strong desire and
demonstrated ability to seek, discern, communicate
and implement Gods vision for the future of the
CRCNA through participation, implementation,
transformation, articulation and an understanding of
cultural and societal change.(Maximum total of 15).
2. Personal Qualifications
Able to illustrate, exhibit and model dynamic skills in
collaboration, participation, cooperation, innovation,
consensus building, understanding regionalism
and bi-nationality, bridging polarities, promoting
institutional values, ethnic and racial diversity and
inspiring love, fellowship and trust. (Maximum total
of 15).
3. Professional Qualifications
Able to illustrate demonstrated ability to provide
visionary and servant leadership within a large
organization, church or denomination through
leadership within an existing ministry or development
of a new one; possesses key leadership
competencies to manage an organization;
embraces risk and welcomes challenges; navigates
and manages change; exhibits written and oral
communication skills; understands servant
leadership (Maximum total of 15).
Page 1 of 7
4. Spiritual
Exhibits a strong, vibrant, personal Christian faith
that exemplifies spiritual humility, integrity; shows
a deep trust in God`s mission and the work of the
Holy Spirit to lead his church through change and
innovation; demonstrates faithfulness in a reformed
faith. (Maximum total of 15).
5. Educational and Ordination
- An ordained Minister of the Word or willing to
become (by transfer) an ordained minister;
graduated from a recognized seminary (Maximum
total of 15)
- A lay person within the CRC, qualifications to
preach and demonstrated experience to manage a
large organization (Maximum of 10)
- A past or current office bearer with classes or
Synodical experience in the CRC and management
experience (Maximum of 7)
- Business education and experience to manage an
organization (Maximum of 2)
6. Responses to the 3 Questions
- grasped the nature of the question; answer was
complete; well written and understood; was
concise (1 page ).(up to a maximum of 4 points
for each question)
- provided a better understanding of the applicant
and their view of the denomination, how they view
the church`s challenges, options and
considerations for cultural and transformative
change; understanding of the applicant`s faith and
the power of God to transform His church (up to
a maximum of 4 points for each question).
(Maximum total of 24 points for all three
Total Score ( / 99)
Page 2 of 7
Note : Completed applications and resumes can be found on the CRCNA website. Please read through entire application and resume
(including the 3 questions and answers) before assessing and ranking the applicant.
Criteria Detail
1 Visioning and Strategic Direction
Is able to illustrate (by example, experience, philosophy, commitment, etc.) a strong desire and demonstrated ability to
seek, discern, communicate and implement Gods vision for the future of the CRCNA through:
 the participation of staff, governing bodies of the denomination, its congregations and other stakeholders integral
to the church
 the implementation of outcome based strategies
 a transformative process
 articulating (and able to influence) most within the CRC to a common understanding of the vision and the need for
 a good understanding of how North American culture and societal changes and norms are shaping and impacting
congregations and the denomination
Scoring Guide:
0-5 Points The applicant has failed to illustrate a demonstrated desire or
ability as a visionary, to include others in developing and
implementing a vision and to be transformative
6-9 Points The applicant has shown some demonstrated desire or ability in
these areas
10-15 Points The applicant has illustrated strong demonstrated leadership
and experience in these areas
2 Professional Qualifications
Is able to illustrate demonstrated ability to provide visionary and servant leadership within a large organization, church or
Page 3 of 7
 through leadership within an existing ministry(ies) or the development of a new and successful ministry(ies)
 possessing key leadership competencies to manage an organization including coaching, nurturing, empowering,
modeling, team building, problem solving, decision making, coordinating, collaborating, innovating, developing
staff, objectivity, flexibility and credibility
 embracing risk and welcomes challenge(s)
 navigating, managing and promoting ongoing change
 exhibiting exemplary good oral and written communication
 understands and models servant leadership
Scoring Guide:
0-5 Points The applicant has failed to illustrate the demonstrated ability to
provide leadership in these areas
6-9 Points The applicant has shown some demonstrated ability in these areas
10-15 Points The applicant has illustrated strong demonstrated leadership
experience in these areas
3 Personal Qualifications
Is able to illustrate, exhibit and model dynamic skills in:
 collaborative relationship building and participatory management
within an organization from senior governing bodies down to the staff
 fostering cooperation and innovation at all levels
 the ability to bridge diverse perspectives and polarities and inspire
Page 4 of 7
 encouraging and establishing consensus and common
understanding within local, global, regional and bi-national values,
needs and circumstances
 promoting and modeling institutional and workplace values
 truly understanding and actively promoting cultural, ethnic and racial
diversity within organizations and this church as an important
cornerstone of building Gods kingdom
 inspiring love, friendship, fellowship and trust
Scoring Guide:
0-5 Points The applicant has failed to illustrate or demonstrate skills and
modeling in the development of relationships, collaboration,
consensus, cooperation, diversity, innovation and trust.
6-9 Points The applicant has shown some demonstrated skills and ability in
these areas.
10-15 Points The applicant has illustrated strong skills and abilities in these
4 Spiritual Qualifications
Exhibits a strong, vibrant, personal Christian faith that:
 exemplifies spiritual humility and moral integrity
 shows a deep trust that Gods mission and the work of the Spirit will
lead His church, congregations, its agencies and institutions through
adaptive change and innovation to provide for the unfolding
of His kingdom
Page 5 of 7
 demonstrates faithfulness to a reformed Christian faith
Scoring Guide:
0-5 Points The applicant did not adequately demonstrate a strong vibrant faith
in their personal life and that expected of this position.
6-9 Points The applicant has demonstrated some level of personal faith and
that expected of the position.
10-15 Points The applicant exemplifies a strong and vibrant personal faith and
that expected of this position
5 Education and Ordination Qualifications
- An ordained Minister of the Word or willing to become (by transfer) an ordained minister;
graduated from a recognized seminary (Maximum total of 15)
- A lay person within the CRC, qualifications to preach and demonstrated experience to manage a
large organization (Maximum of 10)
- A past or current office bearer with classes or Synodical experience in the CRC and management experience
(Maximum of 7)
- Business education and experience to manage an organization (Maximum of 2)
6 Responses to the 3 Questions (Score of 8 per question for a total of 24)
Provided answers to the questions that:
a grasped the nature of each question
b provided a complete and thorough answer
c was well written and clearly understood  was articulate
d concise - kept the answer within the 500 word limit (about a page each)
Page 6 of 7
Score for a  d = 0  4 / per question
e. provided the reader with:
 a better understanding of the applicant and their view of the denomination
 how they view the challenges and issues within the church
 what considerations, options and direction the denomination should explore to deal with cultural and
transformational change
 a better understanding of the applicants faith, commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ and the power of
God to transform and direct the Church
Score for e = 0  4 / question
Scoring: The entire package should be read prior to scoring. Scoring should be based on the totality of the application package.
Maximum Score for Section 2 (Criteria 2  5) = 75
Maximum Score for Section 3 = 24
Total Score = 99
Page 7 of 7

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Director qualifications 2014

  • 1. Executive Director Applicant Assessment Grid Name of Applicant Assessment Criteria Scoring Guide for Criteria 1 - 5 0-5 Points - Failed to illustrate and/or demonstrate requirement 6-9 Points Somewhat illustrates and/or demonstrates requirement 10-15 Points - Strongly illustrates and/or demonstrates requirement Scoring Guide for Criteria 6 Total of 8 for each of the 3 questions for a total of 24 (See below #5) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 1. Visioning and Strategic Direction Able to illustrate (by example, experience, philosophy, commitment, etc.) a strong desire and demonstrated ability to seek, discern, communicate and implement Gods vision for the future of the CRCNA through participation, implementation, transformation, articulation and an understanding of cultural and societal change.(Maximum total of 15). 2. Personal Qualifications Able to illustrate, exhibit and model dynamic skills in collaboration, participation, cooperation, innovation, consensus building, understanding regionalism and bi-nationality, bridging polarities, promoting institutional values, ethnic and racial diversity and inspiring love, fellowship and trust. (Maximum total of 15). 3. Professional Qualifications Able to illustrate demonstrated ability to provide visionary and servant leadership within a large organization, church or denomination through leadership within an existing ministry or development of a new one; possesses key leadership competencies to manage an organization; embraces risk and welcomes challenges; navigates and manages change; exhibits written and oral communication skills; understands servant leadership (Maximum total of 15). Page 1 of 7
  • 2. 4. Spiritual Exhibits a strong, vibrant, personal Christian faith that exemplifies spiritual humility, integrity; shows a deep trust in God`s mission and the work of the Holy Spirit to lead his church through change and innovation; demonstrates faithfulness in a reformed faith. (Maximum total of 15). 5. Educational and Ordination - An ordained Minister of the Word or willing to become (by transfer) an ordained minister; graduated from a recognized seminary (Maximum total of 15) - A lay person within the CRC, qualifications to preach and demonstrated experience to manage a large organization (Maximum of 10) - A past or current office bearer with classes or Synodical experience in the CRC and management experience (Maximum of 7) - Business education and experience to manage an organization (Maximum of 2) 6. Responses to the 3 Questions - grasped the nature of the question; answer was complete; well written and understood; was concise (1 page ).(up to a maximum of 4 points for each question) - provided a better understanding of the applicant and their view of the denomination, how they view the church`s challenges, options and considerations for cultural and transformative change; understanding of the applicant`s faith and the power of God to transform His church (up to a maximum of 4 points for each question). (Maximum total of 24 points for all three questions) Total Score ( / 99) Page 2 of 7
  • 3. Note : Completed applications and resumes can be found on the CRCNA website. Please read through entire application and resume (including the 3 questions and answers) before assessing and ranking the applicant. Criteria Detail 1 Visioning and Strategic Direction Is able to illustrate (by example, experience, philosophy, commitment, etc.) a strong desire and demonstrated ability to seek, discern, communicate and implement Gods vision for the future of the CRCNA through: the participation of staff, governing bodies of the denomination, its congregations and other stakeholders integral to the church the implementation of outcome based strategies a transformative process articulating (and able to influence) most within the CRC to a common understanding of the vision and the need for transformation a good understanding of how North American culture and societal changes and norms are shaping and impacting congregations and the denomination Scoring Guide: 0-5 Points The applicant has failed to illustrate a demonstrated desire or ability as a visionary, to include others in developing and implementing a vision and to be transformative 6-9 Points The applicant has shown some demonstrated desire or ability in these areas 10-15 Points The applicant has illustrated strong demonstrated leadership and experience in these areas 2 Professional Qualifications Is able to illustrate demonstrated ability to provide visionary and servant leadership within a large organization, church or denomination: Page 3 of 7
  • 4. through leadership within an existing ministry(ies) or the development of a new and successful ministry(ies) possessing key leadership competencies to manage an organization including coaching, nurturing, empowering, modeling, team building, problem solving, decision making, coordinating, collaborating, innovating, developing staff, objectivity, flexibility and credibility embracing risk and welcomes challenge(s) navigating, managing and promoting ongoing change exhibiting exemplary good oral and written communication understands and models servant leadership Scoring Guide: 0-5 Points The applicant has failed to illustrate the demonstrated ability to provide leadership in these areas 6-9 Points The applicant has shown some demonstrated ability in these areas 10-15 Points The applicant has illustrated strong demonstrated leadership experience in these areas 3 Personal Qualifications Is able to illustrate, exhibit and model dynamic skills in: collaborative relationship building and participatory management within an organization from senior governing bodies down to the staff level fostering cooperation and innovation at all levels the ability to bridge diverse perspectives and polarities and inspire trust Page 4 of 7
  • 5. encouraging and establishing consensus and common understanding within local, global, regional and bi-national values, needs and circumstances promoting and modeling institutional and workplace values truly understanding and actively promoting cultural, ethnic and racial diversity within organizations and this church as an important cornerstone of building Gods kingdom inspiring love, friendship, fellowship and trust Scoring Guide: 0-5 Points The applicant has failed to illustrate or demonstrate skills and modeling in the development of relationships, collaboration, consensus, cooperation, diversity, innovation and trust. 6-9 Points The applicant has shown some demonstrated skills and ability in these areas. 10-15 Points The applicant has illustrated strong skills and abilities in these areas. 4 Spiritual Qualifications Exhibits a strong, vibrant, personal Christian faith that: exemplifies spiritual humility and moral integrity shows a deep trust that Gods mission and the work of the Spirit will lead His church, congregations, its agencies and institutions through adaptive change and innovation to provide for the unfolding of His kingdom Page 5 of 7
  • 6. demonstrates faithfulness to a reformed Christian faith Scoring Guide: 0-5 Points The applicant did not adequately demonstrate a strong vibrant faith in their personal life and that expected of this position. 6-9 Points The applicant has demonstrated some level of personal faith and that expected of the position. 10-15 Points The applicant exemplifies a strong and vibrant personal faith and that expected of this position 5 Education and Ordination Qualifications - An ordained Minister of the Word or willing to become (by transfer) an ordained minister; graduated from a recognized seminary (Maximum total of 15) - A lay person within the CRC, qualifications to preach and demonstrated experience to manage a large organization (Maximum of 10) - A past or current office bearer with classes or Synodical experience in the CRC and management experience (Maximum of 7) - Business education and experience to manage an organization (Maximum of 2) 6 Responses to the 3 Questions (Score of 8 per question for a total of 24) Provided answers to the questions that: a grasped the nature of each question b provided a complete and thorough answer c was well written and clearly understood was articulate d concise - kept the answer within the 500 word limit (about a page each) Page 6 of 7
  • 7. Score for a d = 0 4 / per question e. provided the reader with: a better understanding of the applicant and their view of the denomination how they view the challenges and issues within the church what considerations, options and direction the denomination should explore to deal with cultural and transformational change a better understanding of the applicants faith, commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ and the power of God to transform and direct the Church Score for e = 0 4 / question Scoring: The entire package should be read prior to scoring. Scoring should be based on the totality of the application package. Maximum Score for Section 2 (Criteria 2 5) = 75 Maximum Score for Section 3 = 24 Total Score = 99 Page 7 of 7