This document provides a scoring guide for assessing applicants for an Executive Director position. It outlines 6 criteria for evaluation, including visioning and strategic direction, personal qualifications, professional qualifications, spiritual qualifications, education/ordination qualifications, and responses to 3 questions. Each criteria is scored out of a maximum number of points, with descriptors provided for low, medium, and high scores. The total possible score is 99 points. The assessment is meant to evaluate an applicant's entire application package based on their demonstrated qualifications and abilities in the outlined areas.
Linda Rodman has over 20 years of experience as an executive coach, working with over 300 individuals in more than 30 organizations across industries. She is known for her insightfulness, candor in discussing difficult issues, results-oriented problem solving, and passion for client success. Her coaching focuses on helping clients effectively handle conflicts, pressure, and transitions to drive change. Feedback from coaching clients highlights Linda's deep knowledge, ability to provide honest feedback to facilitate development, and talent for customizing coaching to individual needs.
Marlene Hauck has over 25 years of experience working for non-profit organizations. She has held roles such as Managing Director and Executive Director, where she oversaw all administrative, financial, and operational aspects. Her experience includes fundraising, event planning, donor relations, and collaborating with community partners. She has strong skills in Microsoft Office, accounting, leadership, and public speaking. Hauck holds a degree in Medical Secretarial studies and has attended numerous seminars focused on topics like philanthropy, mental health advocacy, and veterans issues.
- Rosie's Place promoted 4 young staff members to supervisor positions for the first time as the organization was growing rapidly. They partnered with Third Sector New England to develop a cohort-based professional development program for the new managers.
- The program consisted of 6 monthly meetings facilitated by a consultant where the managers built trust, learned management skills, and problem-solved as a group.
- The managers found the experience extremely valuable for building confidence and skills in their new roles, and continuing the group on their own after the program ended. Their growth benefited both themselves and the continued success of Rosie's Place.
Mission Mid-Atlantic's 2010-2011 strategic plan focuses on developing new churches, cultivating church leaders, building healthy churches, and assisting pastors and churches in crisis. Key tactics include planting 2 new churches and replanting 2 fading churches in 2010, establishing LEAD teams to equip church leaders, providing pastoral coaching and resources to help churches achieve health, and mediating conflicts within churches experiencing crises.
Romona Wright Paulk has over 20 years of experience in business development, customer service, and project management for non-profit organizations. She holds a Master's degree in Adult and Career Education and has a proven track record of raising over $2.6 million and growing donor lists by 60% through strategic planning and relationship building. Her expertise includes fundraising, grant writing, communications, and operations management.
Sharon Johnston has over 15 years of experience in human resources with a focus on organization development, leadership training, and change management. She has held senior consulting roles at large tech companies where she designed and delivered leadership programs, launched new management initiatives, and led organization-wide change efforts. Currently, she owns a massage therapy business and has also worked as a technical recruiter.
Lisa Oglesby has over 20 years of experience in business development, project management, and compliance, focusing on the healthcare, government, and nonprofit industries. She currently serves as the Director of Women's Health Programs and Outreach at Brandywine Women's Health Associates, where she manages a grant program involving 33 marketplace guides. Previously she held project management and account management roles at Xerox Corporation and Kellogg Sales Company. She has a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Maryland School of Law and a Bachelor's degree in Marketing from the University of Maryland.
Tiffani Luckey completed an internship with the American Red Cross where she gained experience in event planning, public relations, and nonprofit management. She reflected that leadership requires traits like self-confidence, communication skills, and strong values. Luckey designed marketing materials for fundraising events and enhanced her skills in areas like resourcefulness and project management. Overall, the internship provided valuable insights into working for a large health organization and prepared her for a career in community health.
A Valor Agregado Consulting 辿 uma empresa de consultoria fundada em 2010 que oferece servi巽os de implementa巽達o de ferramentas de produtividade, qualidade e desenvolvimento organizacional. A empresa possui tr棚s consultores no Brasil e um em Portugal e trabalha com sete empresas parceiras no Brasil e duas em Portugal, atendendo quinze clientes incluindo multinacionais francesas, suecas e americanas, al辿m de empresas brasileiras. A consultoria 辿 liderada por Fl叩via Ferrari Rossi e oferece treinamentos em diversas 叩reas como Lean Manufacturing, Desenvolvimento
This short document consists of a single quote repeated multiple times. The quote from Diderot states that only great passions have the ability to lift the soul to great accomplishments. The repetition of the quote and title suggests that the pursuit of excellence is an endless journey that requires strong passions.
[1] A Netconsulting iniciou suas opera巽探es em 1999 focada em projetos de seguran巽a da informa巽達o e, ao longo dos anos, diversificou suas 叩reas de atua巽達o para incluir infraestrutura, redes, servidores, virtualiza巽達o e solu巽探es de energia. [2] A empresa tem como miss達o desenvolver projetos de TI que agreguem valor aos clientes e como pol鱈tica posicionar-se como aliado dos clientes para otimizar investimentos em TI. [3] A Netconsulting presta servi巽os de consultoria t辿cnica, an叩lise e planejamento de infraestrutura
The document discusses best practices for continuous improvement from Japanese companies. It covers four key areas: people, work style, product quality, and customers. For people, it discusses employee selection based on potential, importance of individuals, lifetime employment, and company loyalty. For work style, it discusses topics like top management involvement in quality, job rotation, training, and consensus management. For product quality, it discusses policies like zero defects, quality over production, supplier quality, just-in-time inventory, and effective foolproofing. The overall message is that Japanese companies excel at continuous improvement through strong emphasis on people, work processes, product excellence and customer focus.
Lean & Sustainability: van efficient (productie) naar effectief (ontwerp)Rudy Gort
De meeste bedrijven adopteren de lean filosofie pas wanneer het crisis is.
Maar waarom wachten tot het zover is gekomen?
Zijn er geen positieve prikkels om de vruchten van Lean te plukken, zoals duurzaamheid?
Vooral omdat tegenwoordig het milieu en het terugdringen van verspillingen zo belangrijk is, terwijl Lean daar altijd al op focust. Daarbij heeft Lean bewezen zowel kwaliteit als leverbetrouwbaarheid te kunnen verhogen tegen lagere (faal)kosten, ofwel: duurzaamheid hoeft niet duur te zijn!
The document discusses SWOT analysis and provides an example of how it can be used for personal development. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It is a technique that helps identify these internal and external factors. The document provides guidance on how to analyze your own strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It also gives an example of a personal SWOT analysis done by an advertising manager named Ram. By performing a SWOT, Ram was able to identify new opportunities and work with a colleague to maximize their strengths.
Gloria Alexander is applying for a position within the organization. She has over 10 years of experience as a manager and executive director, as well as 20 years working in public relations, organizational skills, and state contracts. She has excellent experience dealing with diverse individuals and adapting to stressful situations. Her problem-solving skills allow her to respond promptly and professionally. She would bring dedication, perseverance, and quality to the organization, and confident she would be an asset.
Robert Schout is an experienced executive coach and consultant who has provided training to over 12,000 professionals from 500 organizations in 5 countries. He has extensive experience developing leadership programs, competencies, and evaluations. Currently, he runs his own training firm and works as an adjunct lecturer, teaching courses on leadership, ethics, and conflict management.
Jon Prashar has extensive experience leading organizational change in the public and private sectors. His career highlights include serving on multiple boards such as the Housing Diversity Network, where he was Chair for 3 years, and the Homes and Communities Agency Equality Advisory Board. He currently works as Head of Diversity Marketing at Places for People Group, utilizing his skills in strategic planning, project management, and influencing others to improve performance and manage risk.
Introduction to Bonner High-Impact Initiative Capacity Building OutcomesBonner Foundation
Introduction to Bonner High-Impact Initiative Capacity Building Outcomes, used at the High-Impact Institute Summer 2013; introduces key community-oriented outcomes, as adapted from metrics for non-profit and community capacity building, in areas like program development, research, evaluation, communications and outreach, resource development, and community impact.
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Danbury - Study and Opportunites for G...infoatuudanbury
This presentations is the result of 10 months of research, study and dialogue on congregational growth, and what it will take to orient the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Danbury to grow. Authored by Susan Shaner, Anne Krieg, Charlie Schott, Shawn Sweeney and Rev. Barbara Fast.
Karen King offers organizational consulting services to mission-driven non-profits through her company OrgConsult. She has over 30 years of experience in nonprofit, healthcare, and public sectors. Her services include strategic planning, executive transitions, systems development, change management, accreditation and regulatory compliance, program development, staff and board training, meeting facilitation, and strategic messaging. Fees are tailored to each organization's needs and budget.
SUNY Charter Schools Institute Active Ingredients Ignite PresentationLeslie Talbot
Leslie Talbot presented on accountability measures for schools serving opportunity youth. She discussed:
1) Her background in education consulting and working with minority-led charter schools and non-profits serving high-risk students.
2) The challenges these schools face in serving populations experiencing emergent conditions and being the sole service provider in their communities.
3) The policy environment these schools operate in and lack of recognition from reform networks, meaning additional support is needed to implement new measures.
4) Potential augmented measures must be mission-aligned, population-aligned, consider return on investment, and allow for phased outcomes given the needs of opportunity youth. Only with clear prerequisites and understanding of schools and students can
This document provides an overview and training for new religious educators (DREs). It discusses the various roles and responsibilities of a DRE, including administrative, programmatic, theological, and relationship-building duties. It emphasizes developing relationships with ministers, staff, volunteers, and parents. It also recommends resources for professional development, such as the Liberal Religious Educators Association, Renaissance training modules, and the Religious Education Credentialing Program. The goal is to help new DREs understand best practices for their work.
Name of interviewee Brian Stockton Assistant Commissioner, Distri.docxtaitcandie
Name of interviewee: Brian Stockton Assistant Commissioner, District Operations油
Leader Interview Assignment Learning from others successes and challenges is as old as humankind. This course asks you to arrange 1 leader interview of a community leader who is leading a team or an organization remotely. Currently of national emergencies and overall changes in the workplace, the ability to lead remotely is a critical skill set. Questions for that interview are to be developed by you based on your textbook concepts, extra readings I assign, and suggestions from your classmates interview discussion board. Remember this is an interview about leadership. A prepared question bank of at least 20 24 questions is suggested, though you may choose not to use some. It is expected that you will follow-up with good question discussion with your interviewee, just as a journalist might. Dont just stick to the script when an interesting comment might bring additional insight.
Requirements: The written interview assignment will include a cover page, and your preapproved/graded question set listed on the second page. The third page begins the interview write-up. You will describe this persons profession, educational background, and why you selected them. You will then craft their responses into a narrative, closing with at least a paragraph about what you learned about leadership from this person. Please use 12-point font and double space. Such papers usually run about 5 pages.
Brian Stocktons cover letter and resume to complete the assignment:
I am a dedicated Executive Leader and Leadership Facilitator with more than 15 years of experience creating proven positive organizational change and implementing innovative financial and business strategies. I have experience coaching leaders, managing budgets up to $1.5 billion as well as managing multiple large-scale projects for more than 14,000 staff while at the same time increasing organizational morale.
I am adept at developing leadership and organizational change programs for c-suite leaders down to front line management. I am recognized as a leader who creates a continuous improvement culture of change that will be perceived by employees as a valuable opportunity instead of something negative to worry about and resist. I can also affect financial turnaround using my business and financial acumen, which in turn benefits the organization and employees.
As my resume details, my accomplishments include
揃 Developed and facilitated leadership programs on over 28 leadership competencies, proven to increase acumen of organizational leaders
揃 Improved management and operations strategy at Serco by advising and coaching 400 front-line leaders nationwide on best practices including transformational change, business execution, delegation, and trust
揃 Reduced company attrition at Serco from 30% to 12% in one year, leading the company to rank 39th on Forbes list of Best Company to Work for, via my p ...
Name of interviewee Brian Stockton Assistant Commissioner, Distri.docxhallettfaustina
This document provides requirements and background information for an interview assignment with Brian Stockton, Assistant Commissioner of District Operations for the Tennessee Department of Education. Students are asked to interview a community leader about leadership and develop 20-24 questions. The written assignment should include an introduction to Brian Stockton's background, the interview responses in narrative form, and lessons learned. It should be 5 pages double-spaced with a 12-point font.
OL 751 Milestone Three Rubric Proposal ContentOverview Thi.docxmccormicknadine86
OL 751 Milestone Three Rubric: Proposal Content
Overview: This milestone continues your detailed HR proposal, which should include, on the whole, a combination of the concepts that you have learned during your time in the Human Resource Management program. You will receive feedback from your instructor regarding the cover letter. Implement this feedback into your final version of the human resource strategy proposal.
Prompt: For this milestone, submit a draft of your detailed HR proposal, which should highlight how the HR department, under your leadership, will operate as an effective business partner. The following strategies should be considered and incorporated into your proposal:
揃 Methods of advancing the organizations vision and mission through effective leadership and critical evaluation and decision making
揃 A global outlook and cross-cultural approach in the interest of improving cultural responsiveness and capitalizing on diversity
揃 Organizational development efforts to foster collaboration and guide the organization through changes
揃 Application of performance management and total rewards programs to attract, inspire, and retain a highly skilled and effective workforce
揃 A plan of how to effectively build stronger relationships with all stakeholders through trust, teamwork, and direct communication
揃 Evaluation of how the department will continue protecting the integrity of the business, its employees, and its management practices through appropriate risk management and legal and ethical practices
Support your ideas and strategy with outside resources to provide a summary of viewpoints on this matter and explain how your strategy is the best choice.
Guidelines for Submission: The proposal should be of sufficient length to communicate your strategies listed above. Your proposal content draft should be in a professional format to include all necessary elements that one would find in a proposal, such as a title page, table of contents, and professional bibliography using APA format. The document should use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.
Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information, review these instructions.
Critical Elements
Proficient (100%)
Not Proficient (0%)
Submits detailed draft of project proposal by deadline
Does not submit detailed draft of project proposal by deadline
Vision and Mission
Introduces methods of advancing the organizations vision and mission through effective leadership and critical evaluation and decision making
Does not introduce methods of advancing the organizations vision or mission through effective leadership or critical evaluation and decision making
Outlook and Approach
Includes a global outlook and cross-cultural approach in the interest of improving cultural responsiveness and capitalizing on diversity
Does not includ.
Bill dickinson resume' and credentials, october 2015Bill Dickinson
This document provides a summary of Bill Dickinson's qualifications and experience in leadership development and organizational consulting. He has over 30 years of experience strategizing and customizing leadership development programs. Some of his accomplishments include developing 15-20 consulting and leadership development services, facilitating sessions for over 150 organizational units, and managing client project teams for national and international projects. Currently, he leads the establishment of a leadership academy at the University of Georgia and has held several senior consulting roles where he developed comprehensive leadership services. He has a doctorate in leadership and is a certified master trainer in leadership development.
Patricia Ellen Vazquez is seeking a Director of Programs position with over 15 years of management, leadership, and program development experience. She has strong qualifications in leadership, team building, program development, communication, management, budgeting, and community outreach. Vazquez has a M.Div from Virginia Theological Seminary and a BA from Neumann College, and has worked in various roles including program manager, chaplain, rector, and art instructor.
Wendy M. Thomas is seeking an Intake Specialist position with over 7 years of experience facilitating groups and consulting individuals from diverse backgrounds. She has experience assisting clients with applications, housing searches, and referrals to community resources. Thomas has worked in housing nonprofits, military transition programs, and substance abuse treatment, utilizing assessment and case management skills. She is proficient in Microsoft Office and has a BA in Human Service Management and an AA in Social Work Counseling.
Robert Schout is an organizational management and policy expert with over 30 years of experience working with non-profits. He provides consulting, coaching, training, and retreat facilitation services. Some of his areas of expertise include organizational development, leadership training, conflict mediation, and diversity initiatives. He has trained over 12,000 professionals from 500 organizations in areas such as non-profit management, program development, and cross-cultural skills.
A Valor Agregado Consulting 辿 uma empresa de consultoria fundada em 2010 que oferece servi巽os de implementa巽達o de ferramentas de produtividade, qualidade e desenvolvimento organizacional. A empresa possui tr棚s consultores no Brasil e um em Portugal e trabalha com sete empresas parceiras no Brasil e duas em Portugal, atendendo quinze clientes incluindo multinacionais francesas, suecas e americanas, al辿m de empresas brasileiras. A consultoria 辿 liderada por Fl叩via Ferrari Rossi e oferece treinamentos em diversas 叩reas como Lean Manufacturing, Desenvolvimento
This short document consists of a single quote repeated multiple times. The quote from Diderot states that only great passions have the ability to lift the soul to great accomplishments. The repetition of the quote and title suggests that the pursuit of excellence is an endless journey that requires strong passions.
[1] A Netconsulting iniciou suas opera巽探es em 1999 focada em projetos de seguran巽a da informa巽達o e, ao longo dos anos, diversificou suas 叩reas de atua巽達o para incluir infraestrutura, redes, servidores, virtualiza巽達o e solu巽探es de energia. [2] A empresa tem como miss達o desenvolver projetos de TI que agreguem valor aos clientes e como pol鱈tica posicionar-se como aliado dos clientes para otimizar investimentos em TI. [3] A Netconsulting presta servi巽os de consultoria t辿cnica, an叩lise e planejamento de infraestrutura
The document discusses best practices for continuous improvement from Japanese companies. It covers four key areas: people, work style, product quality, and customers. For people, it discusses employee selection based on potential, importance of individuals, lifetime employment, and company loyalty. For work style, it discusses topics like top management involvement in quality, job rotation, training, and consensus management. For product quality, it discusses policies like zero defects, quality over production, supplier quality, just-in-time inventory, and effective foolproofing. The overall message is that Japanese companies excel at continuous improvement through strong emphasis on people, work processes, product excellence and customer focus.
Lean & Sustainability: van efficient (productie) naar effectief (ontwerp)Rudy Gort
De meeste bedrijven adopteren de lean filosofie pas wanneer het crisis is.
Maar waarom wachten tot het zover is gekomen?
Zijn er geen positieve prikkels om de vruchten van Lean te plukken, zoals duurzaamheid?
Vooral omdat tegenwoordig het milieu en het terugdringen van verspillingen zo belangrijk is, terwijl Lean daar altijd al op focust. Daarbij heeft Lean bewezen zowel kwaliteit als leverbetrouwbaarheid te kunnen verhogen tegen lagere (faal)kosten, ofwel: duurzaamheid hoeft niet duur te zijn!
The document discusses SWOT analysis and provides an example of how it can be used for personal development. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It is a technique that helps identify these internal and external factors. The document provides guidance on how to analyze your own strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It also gives an example of a personal SWOT analysis done by an advertising manager named Ram. By performing a SWOT, Ram was able to identify new opportunities and work with a colleague to maximize their strengths.
Gloria Alexander is applying for a position within the organization. She has over 10 years of experience as a manager and executive director, as well as 20 years working in public relations, organizational skills, and state contracts. She has excellent experience dealing with diverse individuals and adapting to stressful situations. Her problem-solving skills allow her to respond promptly and professionally. She would bring dedication, perseverance, and quality to the organization, and confident she would be an asset.
Robert Schout is an experienced executive coach and consultant who has provided training to over 12,000 professionals from 500 organizations in 5 countries. He has extensive experience developing leadership programs, competencies, and evaluations. Currently, he runs his own training firm and works as an adjunct lecturer, teaching courses on leadership, ethics, and conflict management.
Jon Prashar has extensive experience leading organizational change in the public and private sectors. His career highlights include serving on multiple boards such as the Housing Diversity Network, where he was Chair for 3 years, and the Homes and Communities Agency Equality Advisory Board. He currently works as Head of Diversity Marketing at Places for People Group, utilizing his skills in strategic planning, project management, and influencing others to improve performance and manage risk.
Introduction to Bonner High-Impact Initiative Capacity Building OutcomesBonner Foundation
Introduction to Bonner High-Impact Initiative Capacity Building Outcomes, used at the High-Impact Institute Summer 2013; introduces key community-oriented outcomes, as adapted from metrics for non-profit and community capacity building, in areas like program development, research, evaluation, communications and outreach, resource development, and community impact.
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Danbury - Study and Opportunites for G...infoatuudanbury
This presentations is the result of 10 months of research, study and dialogue on congregational growth, and what it will take to orient the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Danbury to grow. Authored by Susan Shaner, Anne Krieg, Charlie Schott, Shawn Sweeney and Rev. Barbara Fast.
Karen King offers organizational consulting services to mission-driven non-profits through her company OrgConsult. She has over 30 years of experience in nonprofit, healthcare, and public sectors. Her services include strategic planning, executive transitions, systems development, change management, accreditation and regulatory compliance, program development, staff and board training, meeting facilitation, and strategic messaging. Fees are tailored to each organization's needs and budget.
SUNY Charter Schools Institute Active Ingredients Ignite PresentationLeslie Talbot
Leslie Talbot presented on accountability measures for schools serving opportunity youth. She discussed:
1) Her background in education consulting and working with minority-led charter schools and non-profits serving high-risk students.
2) The challenges these schools face in serving populations experiencing emergent conditions and being the sole service provider in their communities.
3) The policy environment these schools operate in and lack of recognition from reform networks, meaning additional support is needed to implement new measures.
4) Potential augmented measures must be mission-aligned, population-aligned, consider return on investment, and allow for phased outcomes given the needs of opportunity youth. Only with clear prerequisites and understanding of schools and students can
This document provides an overview and training for new religious educators (DREs). It discusses the various roles and responsibilities of a DRE, including administrative, programmatic, theological, and relationship-building duties. It emphasizes developing relationships with ministers, staff, volunteers, and parents. It also recommends resources for professional development, such as the Liberal Religious Educators Association, Renaissance training modules, and the Religious Education Credentialing Program. The goal is to help new DREs understand best practices for their work.
Name of interviewee Brian Stockton Assistant Commissioner, Distri.docxtaitcandie
Name of interviewee: Brian Stockton Assistant Commissioner, District Operations油
Leader Interview Assignment Learning from others successes and challenges is as old as humankind. This course asks you to arrange 1 leader interview of a community leader who is leading a team or an organization remotely. Currently of national emergencies and overall changes in the workplace, the ability to lead remotely is a critical skill set. Questions for that interview are to be developed by you based on your textbook concepts, extra readings I assign, and suggestions from your classmates interview discussion board. Remember this is an interview about leadership. A prepared question bank of at least 20 24 questions is suggested, though you may choose not to use some. It is expected that you will follow-up with good question discussion with your interviewee, just as a journalist might. Dont just stick to the script when an interesting comment might bring additional insight.
Requirements: The written interview assignment will include a cover page, and your preapproved/graded question set listed on the second page. The third page begins the interview write-up. You will describe this persons profession, educational background, and why you selected them. You will then craft their responses into a narrative, closing with at least a paragraph about what you learned about leadership from this person. Please use 12-point font and double space. Such papers usually run about 5 pages.
Brian Stocktons cover letter and resume to complete the assignment:
I am a dedicated Executive Leader and Leadership Facilitator with more than 15 years of experience creating proven positive organizational change and implementing innovative financial and business strategies. I have experience coaching leaders, managing budgets up to $1.5 billion as well as managing multiple large-scale projects for more than 14,000 staff while at the same time increasing organizational morale.
I am adept at developing leadership and organizational change programs for c-suite leaders down to front line management. I am recognized as a leader who creates a continuous improvement culture of change that will be perceived by employees as a valuable opportunity instead of something negative to worry about and resist. I can also affect financial turnaround using my business and financial acumen, which in turn benefits the organization and employees.
As my resume details, my accomplishments include
揃 Developed and facilitated leadership programs on over 28 leadership competencies, proven to increase acumen of organizational leaders
揃 Improved management and operations strategy at Serco by advising and coaching 400 front-line leaders nationwide on best practices including transformational change, business execution, delegation, and trust
揃 Reduced company attrition at Serco from 30% to 12% in one year, leading the company to rank 39th on Forbes list of Best Company to Work for, via my p ...
Name of interviewee Brian Stockton Assistant Commissioner, Distri.docxhallettfaustina
This document provides requirements and background information for an interview assignment with Brian Stockton, Assistant Commissioner of District Operations for the Tennessee Department of Education. Students are asked to interview a community leader about leadership and develop 20-24 questions. The written assignment should include an introduction to Brian Stockton's background, the interview responses in narrative form, and lessons learned. It should be 5 pages double-spaced with a 12-point font.
OL 751 Milestone Three Rubric Proposal ContentOverview Thi.docxmccormicknadine86
OL 751 Milestone Three Rubric: Proposal Content
Overview: This milestone continues your detailed HR proposal, which should include, on the whole, a combination of the concepts that you have learned during your time in the Human Resource Management program. You will receive feedback from your instructor regarding the cover letter. Implement this feedback into your final version of the human resource strategy proposal.
Prompt: For this milestone, submit a draft of your detailed HR proposal, which should highlight how the HR department, under your leadership, will operate as an effective business partner. The following strategies should be considered and incorporated into your proposal:
揃 Methods of advancing the organizations vision and mission through effective leadership and critical evaluation and decision making
揃 A global outlook and cross-cultural approach in the interest of improving cultural responsiveness and capitalizing on diversity
揃 Organizational development efforts to foster collaboration and guide the organization through changes
揃 Application of performance management and total rewards programs to attract, inspire, and retain a highly skilled and effective workforce
揃 A plan of how to effectively build stronger relationships with all stakeholders through trust, teamwork, and direct communication
揃 Evaluation of how the department will continue protecting the integrity of the business, its employees, and its management practices through appropriate risk management and legal and ethical practices
Support your ideas and strategy with outside resources to provide a summary of viewpoints on this matter and explain how your strategy is the best choice.
Guidelines for Submission: The proposal should be of sufficient length to communicate your strategies listed above. Your proposal content draft should be in a professional format to include all necessary elements that one would find in a proposal, such as a title page, table of contents, and professional bibliography using APA format. The document should use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.
Instructor Feedback: This activity uses an integrated rubric in Blackboard. Students can view instructor feedback in the Grade Center. For more information, review these instructions.
Critical Elements
Proficient (100%)
Not Proficient (0%)
Submits detailed draft of project proposal by deadline
Does not submit detailed draft of project proposal by deadline
Vision and Mission
Introduces methods of advancing the organizations vision and mission through effective leadership and critical evaluation and decision making
Does not introduce methods of advancing the organizations vision or mission through effective leadership or critical evaluation and decision making
Outlook and Approach
Includes a global outlook and cross-cultural approach in the interest of improving cultural responsiveness and capitalizing on diversity
Does not includ.
Bill dickinson resume' and credentials, october 2015Bill Dickinson
This document provides a summary of Bill Dickinson's qualifications and experience in leadership development and organizational consulting. He has over 30 years of experience strategizing and customizing leadership development programs. Some of his accomplishments include developing 15-20 consulting and leadership development services, facilitating sessions for over 150 organizational units, and managing client project teams for national and international projects. Currently, he leads the establishment of a leadership academy at the University of Georgia and has held several senior consulting roles where he developed comprehensive leadership services. He has a doctorate in leadership and is a certified master trainer in leadership development.
Patricia Ellen Vazquez is seeking a Director of Programs position with over 15 years of management, leadership, and program development experience. She has strong qualifications in leadership, team building, program development, communication, management, budgeting, and community outreach. Vazquez has a M.Div from Virginia Theological Seminary and a BA from Neumann College, and has worked in various roles including program manager, chaplain, rector, and art instructor.
Wendy M. Thomas is seeking an Intake Specialist position with over 7 years of experience facilitating groups and consulting individuals from diverse backgrounds. She has experience assisting clients with applications, housing searches, and referrals to community resources. Thomas has worked in housing nonprofits, military transition programs, and substance abuse treatment, utilizing assessment and case management skills. She is proficient in Microsoft Office and has a BA in Human Service Management and an AA in Social Work Counseling.
Robert Schout is an organizational management and policy expert with over 30 years of experience working with non-profits. He provides consulting, coaching, training, and retreat facilitation services. Some of his areas of expertise include organizational development, leadership training, conflict mediation, and diversity initiatives. He has trained over 12,000 professionals from 500 organizations in areas such as non-profit management, program development, and cross-cultural skills.
How to spot talent & how to build a Talent Pipeline. Are the rest useless ?
This brief presentation will show you how to apply 09 Box Talent Assessment Grid to analyze the talent pool to provide a snapshot of succession pipeline, leadership bench strength & potential risks and prepare the organization to take action appropriate.
Pastor Bob Griffith evaluated student Cheryl Jensen's performance in the Christian Character mentoring program. He gave her an A+ grade and said she made significant progress in understanding the practical challenges of ministry. Cheryl showed strengths in organization, strategic thinking, listening, and creating solutions. For example, she developed a new form that increased volunteer participation. Pastor Griffith recommended Cheryl pursue counseling, spiritual formation, or evangelism ministry. He suggested she continue learning from trusted Christian leaders to develop her strengths.
Retaining your Best Talent; High Potentials and Succession PlanningGerardo Macias
This document discusses retaining top talent and succession planning. It begins by explaining why retention strategies are important for minimizing costs, building a strong talent pipeline, and increasing productivity and morale. It then discusses succession planning and identifying talent for succession over the career line. The document proposes using tools like the 9 box grid and a 70/20/10 development model to evaluate talent and provide development opportunities. It concludes by listing various leadership consulting services around succession planning, assessment, and organizational development.
揃 Interprofessional Collaboration Overview Draft a proposal .docxodiliagilby
揃 Interprofessional Collaboration
Draft a proposal of 45 pages for the development of an interprofessional team to address a problem in delivering safe, high-quality health care.
Read each portion of the assessment carefully and see if the suggested resources can help you complete it.
Effective interprofessional collaboration is an essential strategy for health care leaders in delivering safe, high-quality health care and reducing costs. The ability to establish effective professional relationships among internal and external resources is the foundation of collaboration (Lawson, 2004).
This assessment provides an opportunity to consider the practical value and implementation of a collaborative strategy in your professional practice or area of interest.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
揃 Competency 1: Explain the concepts, principles, and characteristics of effective health care leadership.
揃 Analyze the factors contributing to a problematic health care issue.
揃 Competency 2: Explain the role of health care leaders in facilitating interprofessional collaboration.
揃 Explain the need for interprofessional collaboration to improve the quality and safety of health care in specific instances.
揃 Assess the effectiveness of a particular leadership approach in building and maintaining interprofessional collaborative relationships.
揃 Develop a collaborative plan for improving the quality and safety of health care in specific instances.
揃 Determine the leader's role in implementing collaborative health care improvement projects.
揃 Competency 4: Determine the influence of the practitioner-scholar role on professional practice and leadership development.
揃 Determine how the practitioner-scholar model might be applied in resolving a particular health care issue.
揃 Competency 5: Communicate effectively with diverse audiences, in an appropriate form and style, consistent with applicable organizational, professional, and scholarly standards.
揃 Develop a strategy for communicating the progress of interprofessional teams to organizational leaders.
揃 Write coherently to support a central idea, using correct grammar, mechanics, and APA formatting.
Lawson, H. (2004). The logic of collaboration in education and the human services. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 18(3), 225237.
Influential leaders such as Martin Luther King Jr., Mahatma Gandhi, and Abraham Lincoln recognized the power of working collaboratively, rather than in isolation, to provide the most effective leadership solutions to the most challenging times in history (Northouse, 2016).
People want to work for individuals who have effective personal and professional leadership qualities, as well as effective communication skills. The ability to communicate with diverse sets of stakeholders about a problem, course of action, or recommendations involves a s ...
揃 Interprofessional Collaboration Overview Draft a proposal .docxodiliagilby
Director qualifications 2014
1. Executive Director
Applicant Assessment Grid Name of Applicant
Assessment Criteria
Scoring Guide for Criteria 1 - 5
0-5 Points - Failed to illustrate and/or demonstrate
6-9 Points Somewhat illustrates and/or
demonstrates requirement
10-15 Points - Strongly illustrates and/or demonstrates
Scoring Guide for Criteria 6
Total of 8 for each of the 3 questions for a total of
24 (See below #5)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
1. Visioning and Strategic Direction
Able to illustrate (by example, experience,
philosophy, commitment, etc.) a strong desire and
demonstrated ability to seek, discern, communicate
and implement Gods vision for the future of the
CRCNA through participation, implementation,
transformation, articulation and an understanding of
cultural and societal change.(Maximum total of 15).
2. Personal Qualifications
Able to illustrate, exhibit and model dynamic skills in
collaboration, participation, cooperation, innovation,
consensus building, understanding regionalism
and bi-nationality, bridging polarities, promoting
institutional values, ethnic and racial diversity and
inspiring love, fellowship and trust. (Maximum total
of 15).
3. Professional Qualifications
Able to illustrate demonstrated ability to provide
visionary and servant leadership within a large
organization, church or denomination through
leadership within an existing ministry or development
of a new one; possesses key leadership
competencies to manage an organization;
embraces risk and welcomes challenges; navigates
and manages change; exhibits written and oral
communication skills; understands servant
leadership (Maximum total of 15).
Page 1 of 7
2. 4. Spiritual
Exhibits a strong, vibrant, personal Christian faith
that exemplifies spiritual humility, integrity; shows
a deep trust in God`s mission and the work of the
Holy Spirit to lead his church through change and
innovation; demonstrates faithfulness in a reformed
faith. (Maximum total of 15).
5. Educational and Ordination
- An ordained Minister of the Word or willing to
become (by transfer) an ordained minister;
graduated from a recognized seminary (Maximum
total of 15)
- A lay person within the CRC, qualifications to
preach and demonstrated experience to manage a
large organization (Maximum of 10)
- A past or current office bearer with classes or
Synodical experience in the CRC and management
experience (Maximum of 7)
- Business education and experience to manage an
organization (Maximum of 2)
6. Responses to the 3 Questions
- grasped the nature of the question; answer was
complete; well written and understood; was
concise (1 page ).(up to a maximum of 4 points
for each question)
- provided a better understanding of the applicant
and their view of the denomination, how they view
the church`s challenges, options and
considerations for cultural and transformative
change; understanding of the applicant`s faith and
the power of God to transform His church (up to
a maximum of 4 points for each question).
(Maximum total of 24 points for all three
Total Score ( / 99)
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3. Note : Completed applications and resumes can be found on the CRCNA website. Please read through entire application and resume
(including the 3 questions and answers) before assessing and ranking the applicant.
Criteria Detail
1 Visioning and Strategic Direction
Is able to illustrate (by example, experience, philosophy, commitment, etc.) a strong desire and demonstrated ability to
seek, discern, communicate and implement Gods vision for the future of the CRCNA through:
the participation of staff, governing bodies of the denomination, its congregations and other stakeholders integral
to the church
the implementation of outcome based strategies
a transformative process
articulating (and able to influence) most within the CRC to a common understanding of the vision and the need for
a good understanding of how North American culture and societal changes and norms are shaping and impacting
congregations and the denomination
Scoring Guide:
0-5 Points The applicant has failed to illustrate a demonstrated desire or
ability as a visionary, to include others in developing and
implementing a vision and to be transformative
6-9 Points The applicant has shown some demonstrated desire or ability in
these areas
10-15 Points The applicant has illustrated strong demonstrated leadership
and experience in these areas
2 Professional Qualifications
Is able to illustrate demonstrated ability to provide visionary and servant leadership within a large organization, church or
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4. through leadership within an existing ministry(ies) or the development of a new and successful ministry(ies)
possessing key leadership competencies to manage an organization including coaching, nurturing, empowering,
modeling, team building, problem solving, decision making, coordinating, collaborating, innovating, developing
staff, objectivity, flexibility and credibility
embracing risk and welcomes challenge(s)
navigating, managing and promoting ongoing change
exhibiting exemplary good oral and written communication
understands and models servant leadership
Scoring Guide:
0-5 Points The applicant has failed to illustrate the demonstrated ability to
provide leadership in these areas
6-9 Points The applicant has shown some demonstrated ability in these areas
10-15 Points The applicant has illustrated strong demonstrated leadership
experience in these areas
3 Personal Qualifications
Is able to illustrate, exhibit and model dynamic skills in:
collaborative relationship building and participatory management
within an organization from senior governing bodies down to the staff
fostering cooperation and innovation at all levels
the ability to bridge diverse perspectives and polarities and inspire
Page 4 of 7
5. encouraging and establishing consensus and common
understanding within local, global, regional and bi-national values,
needs and circumstances
promoting and modeling institutional and workplace values
truly understanding and actively promoting cultural, ethnic and racial
diversity within organizations and this church as an important
cornerstone of building Gods kingdom
inspiring love, friendship, fellowship and trust
Scoring Guide:
0-5 Points The applicant has failed to illustrate or demonstrate skills and
modeling in the development of relationships, collaboration,
consensus, cooperation, diversity, innovation and trust.
6-9 Points The applicant has shown some demonstrated skills and ability in
these areas.
10-15 Points The applicant has illustrated strong skills and abilities in these
4 Spiritual Qualifications
Exhibits a strong, vibrant, personal Christian faith that:
exemplifies spiritual humility and moral integrity
shows a deep trust that Gods mission and the work of the Spirit will
lead His church, congregations, its agencies and institutions through
adaptive change and innovation to provide for the unfolding
of His kingdom
Page 5 of 7
6. demonstrates faithfulness to a reformed Christian faith
Scoring Guide:
0-5 Points The applicant did not adequately demonstrate a strong vibrant faith
in their personal life and that expected of this position.
6-9 Points The applicant has demonstrated some level of personal faith and
that expected of the position.
10-15 Points The applicant exemplifies a strong and vibrant personal faith and
that expected of this position
5 Education and Ordination Qualifications
- An ordained Minister of the Word or willing to become (by transfer) an ordained minister;
graduated from a recognized seminary (Maximum total of 15)
- A lay person within the CRC, qualifications to preach and demonstrated experience to manage a
large organization (Maximum of 10)
- A past or current office bearer with classes or Synodical experience in the CRC and management experience
(Maximum of 7)
- Business education and experience to manage an organization (Maximum of 2)
6 Responses to the 3 Questions (Score of 8 per question for a total of 24)
Provided answers to the questions that:
a grasped the nature of each question
b provided a complete and thorough answer
c was well written and clearly understood was articulate
d concise - kept the answer within the 500 word limit (about a page each)
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7. Score for a d = 0 4 / per question
e. provided the reader with:
a better understanding of the applicant and their view of the denomination
how they view the challenges and issues within the church
what considerations, options and direction the denomination should explore to deal with cultural and
transformational change
a better understanding of the applicants faith, commitment to our Lord Jesus Christ and the power of
God to transform and direct the Church
Score for e = 0 4 / question
Scoring: The entire package should be read prior to scoring. Scoring should be based on the totality of the application package.
Maximum Score for Section 2 (Criteria 2 5) = 75
Maximum Score for Section 3 = 24
Total Score = 99
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