This document contains three quotes about attitude and how it can impact oneself and others. The first quote is in Malay and discusses how dishonoring oneself will result in dishonor returning to oneself. The second quote in English notes that a small difference in attitude can make a big impact, and whether the attitude is positive or negative determines the difference. The third quote is attributed to William Shakespeare and states that whether something is good or bad is determined by one's own thoughts.
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Dirimu hendaklah engkau muliakan kerana jika engkau
1. Dirimu hendaklah engkau muliakan kerana jika engkau
menghinakannya, kehinaan itu akan kembali kepadamu, maka tiada kau
dapati orang memuliakannyaHatim al-Thai
There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big
difference, the little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is
positive or negative
Jangka Masa: 2 Hari
"Baik dan buruk disebabkan oleh fikiran kita sendiri." - William Shakespeare