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The poor disablesThe poor disables
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Disabled People
Definition of disability
 Disability is a physical or mental
impairment which has real and long-term
adverse effect on the person’s ability to
carry out normal day-to-day activities.
The World Health Organization’s
 Disability is an umbrella term, coveringDisability is an umbrella term, covering
impairments, activity limitations, andimpairments, activity limitations, and
participation restrictions. An impairment isparticipation restrictions. An impairment is
a problem in body function or structure;a problem in body function or structure;
an activity limitation is a difficultyan activity limitation is a difficulty
encountered by an individual in executingencountered by an individual in executing
a task or action; while a participationa task or action; while a participation
restriction is a problem experienced by anrestriction is a problem experienced by an
individual in involvement in life situations.individual in involvement in life situations.
Three main dimensions
 Three dimensions of disability are
1.body structure and function (and
impairment thereof)
2. activity (and activity restrictions) and
3. participation (and participation
Categories of disability
 Autism
 Deaf-Blindness
 Daefness and hearing impairment
 Visual impairment including blindness
 Emotional disturbance
 Mental retardation
 Multiple disabilities
 Orthopedic impairment
 Specific learning diability
 Speech or language impairment
 Traumatic brain injury
Disability facts
 Only 17 % of disabled people were born
with their disabilities
 One in four people will be affected by
mental ill health
 Mental health problems, such as
anxiety and depression, now account
for more incapacity benefit claims than
back pain
 One in four men and one in five women
will suffer a critical illness before they
 Over 1 million disabled people are not
working and are on benefits, but are keen
to work
 Disabled people are denied an opportunity
to enter or remain in work because of fears
and stereotypes about their abilities
Workers with disabilities
 58 % found it difficult to get an interview
 57 % need flexible hours
 35 % have been harassed by a boss
 25 % need adapted equipment or
 15 % need adaptation of building or work
Services for the disabled
 Provided by local social services who have
to identify the number of disabled people
in their area
 Include day services, advice and help,
day centres, adaptations to the home paid
by local authorities
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  • 1. The poor disablesThe poor disables piratepirate pirate pirate
  • 3. Definition of disability  Disability is a physical or mental impairment which has real and long-term adverse effect on the person’s ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.
  • 4. The World Health Organization’s definition  Disability is an umbrella term, coveringDisability is an umbrella term, covering impairments, activity limitations, andimpairments, activity limitations, and participation restrictions. An impairment isparticipation restrictions. An impairment is a problem in body function or structure;a problem in body function or structure; an activity limitation is a difficultyan activity limitation is a difficulty encountered by an individual in executingencountered by an individual in executing a task or action; while a participationa task or action; while a participation restriction is a problem experienced by anrestriction is a problem experienced by an individual in involvement in life situations.individual in involvement in life situations.
  • 5. Three main dimensions  Three dimensions of disability are recognized: 1.body structure and function (and impairment thereof) 2. activity (and activity restrictions) and 3. participation (and participation restrictions).
  • 6. Categories of disability  Autism  Deaf-Blindness  Daefness and hearing impairment  Visual impairment including blindness  Emotional disturbance  Mental retardation  Multiple disabilities  Orthopedic impairment  Specific learning diability  Speech or language impairment  Traumatic brain injury
  • 7. Disability facts  Only 17 % of disabled people were born with their disabilities  One in four people will be affected by mental ill health  Mental health problems, such as anxiety and depression, now account for more incapacity benefit claims than back pain  One in four men and one in five women will suffer a critical illness before they
  • 8. Employment  Over 1 million disabled people are not working and are on benefits, but are keen to work  Disabled people are denied an opportunity to enter or remain in work because of fears and stereotypes about their abilities
  • 9. Workers with disabilities  58 % found it difficult to get an interview  57 % need flexible hours  35 % have been harassed by a boss  25 % need adapted equipment or technology  15 % need adaptation of building or work space
  • 10. Services for the disabled  Provided by local social services who have to identify the number of disabled people in their area  Include day services, advice and help, day centres, adaptations to the home paid by local authorities