Srikant Sarangi is a professor of Humanities and Medicine at Aalborg University in Denmark and was formerly a professor at Cardiff University in the UK. He directs the Danish Institute of Humanities and Medicine. The workshop focuses on qualitative approaches to analyzing language data from interviews, conversations, documents and websites. It explores language as social action and the assumptions of quantitative and qualitative research. The session aims to understand, apply and evaluate analytical tools for qualitative data analysis.
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professor of Humanities and Medicine
at Aalborg University in Denmark. He is
also Director for the Danish Institute of
Humanities and Medicine / Health
(DIHMH), and was formerly a professor
and director of Health Communication
Research Centre at Cardiff University,
Language/communication-based studies - concerned with talk, text and
other modalities - have been carried out over the past four decades, both
within quantitative and qualitative research paradigms. Within the qualitative
paradigm, informed by their training and exposure, researchers adopt
different methodological and analytical perspectives when engaging with
talk data (e.g. interviews, naturally recorded encounters) and text data (e.g.
questionnaires, documents, websites).
The workshop begins with a conceptualisation of language as action which is
embedded in situated activity systems governed by sociocultural norms. This
is followed by a broad characterisation of assumptions and practices
underpinning quantitative and qualitative approaches to research. It then
goes on to suggest that engaging qualitatively with data should, among
other things, include: the nature of data itself, accountability to data corpus
and participants; and the activity of interpretation, i.e. descriptive adequacy
in terms of coding/categorisation practices as well as evidence-based
claim-making. The session will be primarily devoted to understanding,
applying and critically evaluating a set of key analytical tools that intersects
the boundaries across frameworks and modalities and affords dissemination
at both practical and disciplinary levels. Participants are encouraged to bring
their own data-driven analytic insights as a baseline for an engaging
Workshop on
Action, Activity and Accountability:
Engaging Qualitatively with Text / Talk Data
Date :
24 MAY 2014
Venue :
Razak Tower, Jalan Semarak
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Kuala Lumpur
Time :
8.00am - 8.30am : Registration
8.30am - 4.30pm : Workshop
UTMSPACE is a CLASS A Training Provider under PSMB (Reg. No. 0902)
Organised by: In collaboration with:
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2. For further information, please contact:
SHAHILAH HAMDAN, English Language and Preparatory Programme Unit, School of Professional and Continuing Education (UTMSPACE),
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, No. 34 - 50, Jalan Kebudayaan 1, Taman Universiti, 81300 Skudai, Johor
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(Action, activity and accountability: Engaging qualitatively with text/talk data)
24 May 2014
Razak Tower, Jalan Semarak, UTM Kuala Lumpur
RM 150.00 per pax RM 250.00 per pax
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