DiscoverOrg is proud to introduce our latest free tool for searching and discovering companies and contacts relevant to you. The DiscoverOrg Chrome Extension gives you access to the world's most accurate contact database from anywhere on the web!
Attend this webinar to see live how this free tool will make you more effective and further leverage DiscoverOrg's powerful datasets:
- Direct DiscoverOrg searches in your browser
- Auto-matching of companies and contacts
- Links to Org charts and social networks
- Context search tool
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DiscoverOrg Google Chrome Extension
1. Google Chrome
Extension for
a webinar walkthrough
Ian Seniff
Senior Account
3. The DiscoverOrg Difference
Every DiscoverOrg profile is personally verified every 90 days providing accurate:
Decision maker org charts
Direct dial phone numbers
Verified email addresses
Technology backgrounds
Relevant personnel moves
IT Projects and initiatives
Revenue and IT Budget intelligence
LinkedIn and CRM Integration
Physical and HQ address locations
SLA Guaranteed Accuracy
Our data is guaranteed 95% accurate and is backed by our
Quality Assurance team with a 24 hour turn-around time
for any data verification requests.
#2: DiscoverOrg is proud to introduce our latest tool for searching and discovering companies and contacts relevant to you. The DiscoverOrg Chrome Extension gives you access to the worlds most accurate contact database from anywhere on the web!
Attend this webinar to see live how this free tool will make you more effective and further leverage DiscoverOrg's powerful datasets:
- Direct DiscoverOrg searches in your browser
- Auto-matching of companies and contacts
- Links to Org charts and social networks
- Context search tool
Users are now able to take the power of DiscoverOrg with them everywhere around the web and easily import contacts directly into their CRM or Microsoft Outlook with a click of the button.
Easily specify the types of contacts you want to see when you are on a specific website. If youre a Security Vendor youll want to see Information Security Contacts and the CIO every time you visit a web page we do a URL lookup against that page and return the specific contacts to you.
Also search the DiscoverOrg platform for contacts or companies directly from google chrome no need to be IN the DiscoverOrg platform to pull up the deep intelligence on your target accounts.
Chrome Web Store Link
#3: A quick overview for those unfamiliar with DiscoverOrg or our growth and advancements
- marketing, finance, Europe datasets in the last year
- Marketo, Eloqua and integrations; free Google Chrome extension
- over 18,000 companies and 400,000 decision makers profiled now
- all still updated within the past 90 days or less
- celebrated by users for outstanding customer satisfaction on G2 Crowd
#4: Here is how we stay tops in the hearts of users