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息2013 International Medical Corps
Dr. Paul Robinson
Senior Health Advisor, International Medical Corps
CORE Group GHP Conference  October 14, 2016
From Relief to Self-Reliance
All content in this document is the property of International Medical Corps and should not be reproduced without prior written consent. This material is protected
by copyright. 息2013 International Medical Corps. Materials may not be reproduced without International Medical Corps prior written consent.
息2013 International Medical Corps
 How are UAVs used or can be used to improve
community health?
 Which are the leading companies and what
type of UAV technologies are they developing?
 Questions and Comments
息2013 International Medical Corps
Use of UAVs in
Community Health Programming
 Community mapping
 Imaging after natural
 Delivering medical
息2013 International Medical Corps
Community Mapping
A 3-D map of a Nepali neighborhood produced by a
DJI drone and PIX4D software.
(Image Courtesy: sUAS News 2015)
息2013 International Medical Corps
Imaging and Surveillance
Following the 2014 Earthquake in Yunnan, China, and the
2016 earthquake in central Italy drones were used to
record and survey
the damage
Pescara del Toronto, Italy. (Courtesy: Reuters, 2016)Ludian, Yunnan, China. (Courtesy: sUAS News, 2014)
UAV Imaging
息2013 International Medical Corps
Drugs and Medical Supplies
Flirtey Matternet
 An Australian
company that has
been building drones
since 2013
 Recommended for
Medical, and Courier
 Can carry 5.5 lb. up
to 10 miles
Image Courtesy: Flirtey, 2016
息2013 International Medical Corps
 Has partnered with
M辿decins Sans Fronti竪res
to deliver sputum samples
for TB testing in Papua
New Guinea
 Recommended for
Humanitarian and
Medical uses
 Can carry 2 kg up to 20
km Image Courtesy: Matternet, 2016
息2013 International Medical Corps
Matternet (cont.)
Matternet UAVs
land in pre-
waystations to
swap batteries
Matternets M2 UAVs
are quadcopters that
descend to deliver their
Images Courtesy: Matternet, 2016
息2013 International Medical Corps
 DHLs UAVs have
successfully delivered
medical supplies between
villages in the Swiss Alps
 Recommended for Medical
and Courier Deliveries
 Can carry 2 kg over 8 km
Image Courtesy: DHL, 2016
息2013 International Medical Corps
DHL (cont.)
A Parcelcopter landing at a
ParcelportDHLs Parcelcopter hovering
Images Courtesy: DHL, 2016
息2013 International Medical Corps
 Zipline UAVs have
delivered blood
products to 20
hospitals in Rwanda
 Recommended for
Humanitarian and
Medical deliveries
 Can transport 1.5 kg
over 150 km
Image Courtesy: Zipline, 2016
息2013 International Medical Corps
Zipline (cont.)
Zipline UAVs are catapulted into flight
Zipline UAVs drop their payloads
via parachute
Images Courtesy: Zipline, 2016
息2013 International Medical Corps
Drones in Development Stage
Images Courtesy: Google, Amazon, UPS, 2016
Googles Project WIng Amazon Prime Air
CyPhy Works partnering with UPS
息2013 International Medical Corps
Potential Challenges
 Government regulation and legal
restrictions of airspace and UAV use
 Limited payloads and flight ranges
 Some UAVs require pre-established
landing zones or ports
 Difficulty of maintenance and upkeep
 Negative public perceptions of Drones,
being associated with military use
息2013 International Medical Corps
Diego Bleifuss Prados
Masters in Int. Development Candidate
Univ. of Denver, Colorado
Returned Peace Corps Volunteer in Sierra Leone
Matthew Sweeney
CEO | Co-Founder
息2013 International Medical Corps
 Amazon Prime Air. (n.d.). Retrieved October 1st, 2016 from
 Cyphy Works. (2016). Retrieved October 7th, 2016 from http://cyphyworks.com/
 DHL ParcelCopter 3.0 (7/27/2016). Retrieved October 1st, from
 Flirtey. (n.d.). Retrieved October 1st, 2016, from http://flirtey.com/
 Gilman, D. (2014). Unmanned Vehicles in Humanitarian Response. Retrieved from
United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs website:
 Leetaru, K. (2015, November 19). How Drones are Changing Humanitarian
Disaster Response. Forbes. Retrieved October 3rd, 2016. from
 Matternet. (n.d.). Retrieved October 1st, 2016, from https://mttr.net/
 Project Wing. (n.d.). Retrieved October 2nd, 2016, from
 Zipline (n.d.) Retrieved October 2nd, 2016, from http://flyzipline.com/product/
息2013 International Medical Corps
Thank You!

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Discussion 際際滷s--PR161012--PDF

  • 1. 息2013 International Medical Corps DroneTechnologyfor AdvancingCommunityHealth Dr. Paul Robinson Senior Health Advisor, International Medical Corps CORE Group GHP Conference October 14, 2016 From Relief to Self-Reliance All content in this document is the property of International Medical Corps and should not be reproduced without prior written consent. This material is protected by copyright. 息2013 International Medical Corps. Materials may not be reproduced without International Medical Corps prior written consent.
  • 2. 息2013 International Medical Corps Overview Introduction How are UAVs used or can be used to improve community health? Which are the leading companies and what type of UAV technologies are they developing? Questions and Comments
  • 3. 息2013 International Medical Corps Use of UAVs in Community Health Programming Community mapping Surveillance Imaging after natural disasters Delivering medical supplies
  • 4. 息2013 International Medical Corps Community Mapping A 3-D map of a Nepali neighborhood produced by a DJI drone and PIX4D software. (Image Courtesy: sUAS News 2015) https://youtu.be/QXkcvzxBsrY?t=190
  • 5. 息2013 International Medical Corps Imaging and Surveillance Following the 2014 Earthquake in Yunnan, China, and the 2016 earthquake in central Italy drones were used to record and survey the damage Pescara del Toronto, Italy. (Courtesy: Reuters, 2016)Ludian, Yunnan, China. (Courtesy: sUAS News, 2014) UAV Imaging
  • 6. 息2013 International Medical Corps Delivering Drugs and Medical Supplies DHL Flirtey Matternet Zipline
  • 7. Flirtey An Australian company that has been building drones since 2013 Recommended for Humanitarian, Medical, and Courier Deliveries Can carry 5.5 lb. up to 10 miles https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPkN9y_mjPo Image Courtesy: Flirtey, 2016
  • 8. 息2013 International Medical Corps Matternet Has partnered with M辿decins Sans Fronti竪res to deliver sputum samples for TB testing in Papua New Guinea Recommended for Humanitarian and Medical uses Can carry 2 kg up to 20 km Image Courtesy: Matternet, 2016
  • 9. 息2013 International Medical Corps Matternet (cont.) Matternet UAVs land in pre- established waystations to swap batteries Matternets M2 UAVs are quadcopters that descend to deliver their payload Images Courtesy: Matternet, 2016
  • 10. 息2013 International Medical Corps DHL DHLs UAVs have successfully delivered medical supplies between villages in the Swiss Alps Recommended for Medical and Courier Deliveries Can carry 2 kg over 8 km Image Courtesy: DHL, 2016
  • 11. 息2013 International Medical Corps DHL (cont.) A Parcelcopter landing at a ParcelportDHLs Parcelcopter hovering Images Courtesy: DHL, 2016
  • 12. 息2013 International Medical Corps Zipline Zipline UAVs have delivered blood products to 20 hospitals in Rwanda Recommended for Humanitarian and Medical deliveries Can transport 1.5 kg over 150 km Image Courtesy: Zipline, 2016
  • 13. 息2013 International Medical Corps Zipline (cont.) Zipline UAVs are catapulted into flight Zipline UAVs drop their payloads via parachute Images Courtesy: Zipline, 2016 http://flyzipline.com/product/
  • 14. 息2013 International Medical Corps Drones in Development Stage Images Courtesy: Google, Amazon, UPS, 2016 Googles Project WIng Amazon Prime Air CyPhy Works partnering with UPS
  • 15. 息2013 International Medical Corps Potential Challenges Government regulation and legal restrictions of airspace and UAV use Limited payloads and flight ranges Some UAVs require pre-established landing zones or ports Difficulty of maintenance and upkeep Negative public perceptions of Drones, being associated with military use
  • 16. 息2013 International Medical Corps Acknowledgment Diego Bleifuss Prados Masters in Int. Development Candidate Univ. of Denver, Colorado & Returned Peace Corps Volunteer in Sierra Leone Matthew Sweeney CEO | Co-Founder Flirtey
  • 17. 息2013 International Medical Corps Resources Amazon Prime Air. (n.d.). Retrieved October 1st, 2016 from https://www.amazon.com/b?node=8037720011 Cyphy Works. (2016). Retrieved October 7th, 2016 from http://cyphyworks.com/ DHL ParcelCopter 3.0 (7/27/2016). Retrieved October 1st, from http://www.dpdhl.com/en/media_relations/specials/parcelcopter.html Flirtey. (n.d.). Retrieved October 1st, 2016, from http://flirtey.com/ Gilman, D. (2014). Unmanned Vehicles in Humanitarian Response. Retrieved from United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs website: https://docs.unocha.org/sites/dms/Documents/Unmanned%20Aerial%20Vehicle s%20in%20Humanitarian%20Response%20OCHA%20July%202014.pdf Leetaru, K. (2015, November 19). How Drones are Changing Humanitarian Disaster Response. Forbes. Retrieved October 3rd, 2016. from http://www.forbes.com/sites/kalevleetaru/2015/11/09/how-drones-are- changing-humanitarian-disaster-response/#41bea1756cee Matternet. (n.d.). Retrieved October 1st, 2016, from https://mttr.net/ Project Wing. (n.d.). Retrieved October 2nd, 2016, from https://www.solveforx.com/wing/ Zipline (n.d.) Retrieved October 2nd, 2016, from http://flyzipline.com/product/
  • 18. 息2013 International Medical Corps Thank You! Questions? Comments?